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Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the big historical lie

Why India and all ?

Do you want troll in this thread or what?

Any way Taliban are controlling Pakistan and now the BD border.

Read the entire article by @Enemy. Then tell me who is trying to troll.
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what is the point of fighting on and killing civilians when you know other side is going to surrender. Unless of course you are driven by revenge.

5,000 kamikaze attacks had convinced the Americans that the Japanese would fight tot he death if the main islands were invaded. Hence the A-bomb use.
The nation who currently boasts Human Rights is uS of A (A does not stand for America) ...... Its history is the bloodiest one itself.... they have been the butchers always ... even war of independence in USA itself, Acquisition of Land from actual owners (The Red Indian Tribes), Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Iraq, Libya, Africa, Congo...... list goes on and on .....

I think if there was any real Law in this world against suck brutalities ... none of the presidents or Government member in US of A would be left ... they would be all be prosecuted..... Comments please.... :)
People need to read more. Japan WAS given an ultimatum to surrender or face destruction. They simply did not respond, 7 days later the nukes dropped. Their folly, they saw their only real ally surrender who was much stronger then them. They had no chance, and it was probably the Bushido code which lead to their decision not to surrender.

Potsdam Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Just as I predicted...Another sympathy thread for the Japanese.
People need to read more. Japan WAS given an ultimatum to surrender or face destruction. They simply did not respond, 7 days later the nukes dropped. Their folly, they saw their only real ally surrender who was much stronger then them. They had no chance, and it was probably the Bushido code which lead to their decision not to surrender.

Potsdam Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So the Japanese decided to not surrender and face destruction. Which led to a surrender. After the destruction. Not smart. But then again they were stupid enough to attack Pearl Harbor first.
what is the point of fighting on and killing civilians when you know other side is going to surrender. Unless of course you are driven by revenge.

Well, atomic bombs could have been revenge for Pearl Harbor and other defeats of the USA by the Japanese. However, US was really in a hurry to end the war. There were many reasons for dropping the bombs. But, one pressing reason was to stop the Russians from entering the Japanese mainland. Russia had already overran the Manchukuo State created by the Japanese military imperialists, and they were moving towards Japan.

USA was simply against another USSR satellite in Japan. Russia wanted half north of Japan under its control. So, USA did not want to give Russia time that it needed to break Japan into two. Atomic bombings, brutal it was, and the consequent end of war thus helped the USA to achieve that goal.  
So the Japanese decided to not surrender and face destruction. Which led to a surrender. After the destruction. Not smart. But then again they were stupid enough to attack Pearl Harbor first.

Pearl Harbor attack was a prelude for attacking the Philippines. Only 10 hours after PH the Japanese military attacked that country on Dec. 8, 1941 and expelled the Americans. With no destruction of the US naval bases in PH Japan could not have dared to attack the Philippines because help would have reached there from PH within a few days. Indonesia was the main source of Japanese oil which USA blocked for the former's attack on China.
Pearl Harbor attack was a prelude for attacking the Philippines. Only 10 hours after PH the Japanese military attacked that country on Dec. 8, 1941 and expelled the Americans. With no destruction of the US naval bases in PH Japan could not have dared to attack the Philippines because help would have reached there from PH within a few days. Indonesia was the main source of Japanese oil which USA blocked for the former's attack on China.

Prelude or not, it was a strategic mistake to poke a sleeping giant in the eye.
Prelude or not, it was a strategic mistake to poke a sleeping giant in the eye.

Without attacking and neutralizing the US bases in PH, pray tell me how Japan could have attacked US bases in the Philippines only 8 hours after PH and expel the Americans.

This is how its main source of oil in Indonesia came under its grips. It invaded Indonesia and expelled also the Dutch colonialists from there.

So, attacks on the PH bases opened many other opportunities for the Japanese military in the SE Asia. It expelled France from Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. It also expelled the British from Malay, Singapore and Burma.

It was Japan all alone fighting the USA, British, Holland, France and British in the Asian front. More to that, it was also fighting a heavy war against China.

So, it is easy to say that attack on PH had woken up the US population. Many things depend upon the situation. The same could have happened without even a PH attack, such as the US troops expelled by the Japanese from the Philippines.

So, we cannot just say for sure that USA would have remained un-involved in that war if there was no PH attack by the Japanese.
Without attacking and neutralizing the US bases in PH, pray tell me how Japan could have attacked US bases in the Philippines only 8 hours after PH and expel the Americans. ..............

So, we cannot say for sure that USA would have remained un-involved in that war if there was no PH attack by the Japanese.

So Japan was the clear aggressor by starting military hostilities in Pearl Harbor, or would have been the aggressor if it had attacked Philippines. Either way, it started on its terms what USA finished on its terms.
Current Japan is not world war era Imperial Japan.

Does people thinks what happens if Japan develop nuclear weapon first ?
The real scary thought is "What if, it was Germany that had Nuclear Weapons instead of the US"?? Would we all be speaking German today???

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