First of all such actions are primitive, uncivilized and completely despicable. Any person involved in such kind of behavior must be brought to justice irrespective of race, sex or religion.
I usually do not post in these kind of threads. I try to avoid threads with hate or religious angle to it. I am not a very religious person myself and do not favor or oppose any religion specially when i do not know much about it.
Actually my high regard for the forum is going down slowly with people from most participating countries ( Pakistan, India, China, Bangladesh mostly) seem to jump at any opportunity to highlight bad practices, weakness, drawbacks, social evils, poverty, lack of development and each kind of failures of other countries, societies, religions etc, and either represent it in a wrong way themselves or aid passing a wrong message by bringing in a misrepresented source.
By posting here i am not pointing anything specific for you Black blood, it is just my generic observation.
I have observed -
1. Many Hindu guys do not have much idea about Islam or Muslims and tend to participate in discussion, highlight and point fingers at evils in Islam and generalize things about MUSLIMS.
2. Many Muslim guys do not have much idea about Hinduism or Hindus and tend to participate in discussion, highlight and point fingers at evils in Hinduism and generalize things about Hindus ( Many time Interchangeably using Hindus and India too).
The first two were simple as non practicing people don't tend to have idea about intricacies of other religions. But the following is more alarming
3. Many Hindus seem have no idea about what Hinduism is.
4. I cant vouch for this but it appears that Many of Muslim friends may not have idea about deep meanings of Islam either. ( No Offense meant). Or even they have idea, they may not be practicing it as they must.
The point is many of us on the board like me are not utterly religious when it comes to respective religions. So why play around it. Why the finger pointing, blaming, flaming etc etc.. None of us are perfect by any stretch but seem to be taking joy in presenting loop-holes on counterparts.
Sometimes the level of tolerance are so pathetic from discussions that it seems are we really any better than many other uneducated, misinformed, resource deprived masses in our respective countries and communities ?
Now on topic - I just want to put something in a concise manner. The Practicing people who are known by world as Hindus do not really know What is Hinduism, what it means and what is its essence. As per my little knowledge 95% of the practices followed by majority of Indians addressed as Hindus are just cultural practices and not Hinduism. So in Essence burning of brides or practice of SATI is not Hinduism. Its a Social EVIL which though has reduced considerably might be still practiced by some uncivilized masses.
Hinduism is Gr8 in its own sense and so is ISLAM and every other religion. I would urge people to refrain from degrading any Religion. Because it just reflects bad on ourselves nothing else. Please show some tolerance, respect and Humanity.