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Hinduism and Talibanism:Did hindus destroyed Buddhist& jain temples?

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Since the Buddhists were non-violent, the Muslim invaders killed them mercilessly......
It's the Hindu kings who protected and patronned them.....

Your historian Sita Ram Goyal don't agree with you and you forget to read the bold part in my next post. Here again for you :P

Historian S. R. Goyal has attributed the decline and disappearance of Buddhism from India to the hostility of the Brahmanas. An incident oft cited is the destruction of the Bo Tree and Buddhist images by Saivite King, Shashanka, persecution by Pusyamitra Sunga (185 BC to 151 BC) who detested the Law of the Buddha had set fire to the Sutras, destroyed Stupas, razed Samgharamas and massacred Bhikkus and even killed the deity of the Bodhi tree. There is also mention of the Huna onslaught on Taxila (in Pakistan), the persecution of Buddhist monks by Mihirkula.

Incidentally, though Moghuls are accused of destroying Hindu temples, most of these temples were actually built on Buddhist shrine sites. Results of Moghul invasions were many too - Somapura Mahavihara (now in Bangladesh) was set ablaze. Odantapuri Mahavihara close to Nalanda was razed to the ground in 1199 CE after killing all the monks and Bodhgaya was attacked as well. Though there is evidence that even a century beyond the Muslim conquest Buddhism remained in places like Gaya till the end of the 14th century which disproves the notion that Muslim conquest was not singularly responsible for the decline of Buddhism in India.

Thus the inability to gage a particular time period for the process of decline until Buddhism collapsed towards the end of the 12th century. Yet, the question remains if Jainism survived why Buddhism didn’t? The Bengal Puranas depict the Buddhists as being mocked and subject to verbal chiding.

Yet persecutions may suppress but it does not kill a religion! So what really happened to Buddhism in India?
‘The Hindu ruler Pushyamitra Sunga had destroyed 84,000 Buddhist stupas which were built by Emperor Ashoka"

This line explains it all...about what modern India teaches its children.

Asoka : A hindu king who converted to Buddhism, and spread Buddhism to all corners of the known world. Regarded by Indians as one of the greatest Emperors to ever rule India. His chakra is in Indian national emblem.

Pushyamitra Sunga : A hindu king, a religious fanatic, who supposedly destroyed many Buddhist stupas...first question that comes to mind " who the Fcuk was this guy..has anyone even heard of his name before this?..I am sure majority wouldn't have."

Indian nation despite being a hindu majority takes utmost pride in deeds of Emperor Asok..despite him being hindu convert but doesnot even remember Pushyamitra Sunga( a Hindu emperor who furthered the Hindu cause in his own twisted way.)

Finest post on this thread. Clearly shows how beautifully history has been preserved in India.
The OP has some serious issues here She is too obsessed with Hinduism, I see a lot of hate for the religion in her for which I see a few reasons.
1. She has a lot of regret About her Conversion from Hinduism to Islam that she is spewing hate to convince herself that she has done the right thing.
2. Insecurity/jealousy
3. Encountered with the wrong set of people from the religion.
4. Madrasa's changed her mind.

What ever it is she requires therapy.
In 6000 yrs old recorded History....there cannot be all good guys....

You can show me one Hindu king Pushpamitra who hated Buddhists.....but I can show you several other Hindu kings who endorsed Buddhism....

Therefore what we need to consider here is that, is the general attitude of the Hindus towards Buddhists hostile??
The answer is NO....because, several Hindu kings and Princes took active role in protecting and spreading Buddhism throughout the world...

Bodhidharma, who spread Buddhism in China, was the son of a Hindu Brahmin king from South India....
Mahinda, the son of Hindu king Ashoka, spread Buddhism in Srilanka....
In 6000 yrs old recorded History....there cannot be all good guys....

well same could be said for Muslim rulers in India..not all of them were totally saint or totally evil but you guys put every one in these two categories ..there is also third one which is between these two

The OP has some serious issues here She is too obsessed with Hinduism, I see a lot of hate for the religion in her for which I see a few reasons.
1. She has a lot of regret About her Conversion from Hinduism to Islam that she is spewing hate to convince herself that she has done the right thing.
2. Insecurity/jealousy
3. Encountered with the wrong set of people from the religion.
4. Madrasa's changed her mind.

What ever it is she requires therapy.

again when you guys cannot bring counter argument then you start discussing her beliefs :no:
Utter bull. Are the Muslims trying to argue that Hindus are iconoclast...and destroyed the Bhuddas in Afghan?
we can understand frustrated people like you cant find any thing better :tdown:

She just showed you guys the mirror!! Now tell me, what is your perspective of hindu Talibanism??

The moral of the story is..

Our books have an affect on our identities and same goes in our neighboring country where these islamic invaders are considered as heroes.

Few days back,Zakki posted a video of pakistani show which shown the brainwashing among the nations.

The article isn't about "Islamic invaders".

As the gentlemen in the article rightfully points out :

"Adds Dr. Jayaprakash in conclusion: ‘This is what really happened in India, the land of Buddha. But our so-called eminent historians, except a few, are bent upon eclipsing the cruelty done to Buddhists in India. These pseudo historians have succeeded in creating an impression that India is a land of righteousness and toleration. The entire world has been duped by them. The deed on the part of Taliban can be justified on the ground that Islam does not permit idols. But one has to note that Islam does not allow the demolition of other people's religious centres and images. Whatever may be the argument for and against Taliban action, the Hindu atrocities on Buddhism in India has no parallel in the entire world history of religious struggle. Let the world know the cruel and crooked face of the ‘Indian vulture without culture’!"
Utter bull. Are the Muslims trying to argue that Hindus are iconoclast...and destroyed the Bhuddas in Afghan?

well read post no 31. we are talking about Bhuddism and not just one Buddhas of Bamiyan statues in Afganistan. This is another statues in swat valley

She just showed you guys the mirror!! Now tell me, what is your perspective of hindu Talibanism??

The article isn't about "Islamic invaders".

As the gentlemen in the article rightfully points out :

"Adds Dr. Jayaprakash in conclusion: ‘This is what really happened in India, the land of Buddha. But our so-called eminent historians, except a few, are bent upon eclipsing the cruelty done to Buddhists in India. These pseudo historians have succeeded in creating an impression that India is a land of righteousness and toleration. The entire world has been duped by them. The deed on the part of Taliban can be justified on the ground that Islam does not permit idols. But one has to note that Islam does not allow the demolition of other people's religious centres and images. Whatever may be the argument for and against Taliban action, the Hindu atrocities on Buddhism in India has no parallel in the entire world history of religious struggle. Let the world know the cruel and crooked face of the ‘Indian vulture without culture’!"

Ohh cut out the self righteous Bull..IF an account of the atrocities committed by Islamic invaders through the history just in the subcontinent itself is presented, you will find difficult to show your face.

People living in glass houses, should not throw stones at others!!
Ohh cut out the self righteous Bull..IF an account of the atrocities committed by Islamic invaders through the history just in the subcontinent itself is presented, you will find difficult to show your face.

People living in glass houses, should not throw stones at others!!

Its not a competition between who committed the most atrocities or who destroyed the most temples, statues, and shrines of Buddhism, rather what's interesting is the fact that hindus too destroyed and desecrated Buddhist places of worship and statues is a less known fact, why is it purposely brushed under the carpet? Islamic invaders have a reputation of plunderers as it is, but the hindu angels and the atrocities they committed, why are they ignored and more emphasis given to Islamic invaders?

The fact that hindus did destroy religious sites of other religions makes them no different from the Islamic invaders regardless who did the most destruction.
Its not a competition between who committed the most atrocities or who destroyed the most temples, statues, and shrines of Buddhism, rather what's interesting that the fact that hindus too destroyed and desecrated Buddhist places of worship and statues is a less known fact, why is it purposely brushed under the carpet? Islamis invaders have a reputation of plunderers as it is, but the hindu angels and the atrocities they committed, why are they ignored and more emphasis given to Islamic invaders?

Perhaps the difference b/w us and you is that you hero worship those Islamic plunderers and murders and are proud of them infact so much that you name your weapon systems after them.

Where as we do not even want to be linked to intolerant Hindus, those who might have carried out such acts, that is why we do not advertise them.
We are neither proud what they might/might not have done, nor do we look up to them.
Its not a competition between who committed the most atrocities or who destroyed the most temples, statues, and shrines of Buddhism, rather what's interesting is the fact that hindus too destroyed and desecrated Buddhist places of worship and statues is a less known fact, why is it purposely brushed under the carpet? Islamic invaders have a reputation of plunderers as it is, but the hindu angels and the atrocities they committed, why are they ignored and more emphasis given to Islamic invaders?

The fact that hindus did destroy religious sites of other religions makes them no different from the Islamic invaders regardless who did the most destruction.
The whole "they used to do it, so it's ok" argument is a little flawed. The "Billy did it first" defense holds very little water these days. It is not that no one did these things in the past...in ancient days after a good military victory....you burned and looted...killed or enslaved the survivors. Everyone did these type of things. The main problem with what the Talibs did....is most civilisations have moved on....no more stone tools...you aren't sick because evil spirits live in your head...etc. (and ps...I know Hindus can be intolerant...read about it years before 9/11 or any of the current mess....things like not sitting in a seat after a muslim did....but I assume it was backwards villagers....and that it is dying out)
The whole "they used to do it, so it's ok" argument is a little flawed. The "Billy did it first" defense holds very little water these days. It is not that no one did these things in the past...in ancient days after a good military victory....you burned and looted...killed or enslaved the survivors. Everyone did these type of things. The main problem with what the Talibs did....is most civilisations have moved on....no more stone tools...you aren't sick because evil spirits live in your head...etc. (and ps...I know Hindus can be intolerant...read about it years before 9/11 or any of the current mess....things like not sitting in a seat after a muslim did....but I assume it was backwards villagers....and that it is dying out)

I do not know where you read. If that had happened, then most buses and trains would have gone empty.
I do not know where you read. If that had happened, then most buses and trains would have gone empty.

I think he is talking about dalits/untouchable :D

...in ancient days after a good military victory....you burned and looted...killed or enslaved the survivors. ...

well that's true(in most cases)
This is just one point of view, doesn't make it the truth. These leftist historians are known for manipulating the history to peddle their bs.
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