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Hinduism and Talibanism:Did hindus destroyed Buddhist& jain temples?

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I can't comment on the projection of Brahmins and the manipulation there of as i have heard different theories, and i don't like to base my comments or arguments on such few number. However it is known that the manipulation of varna system wasn't the work of just the brahmins only. I am not saying they were pious and righteous but they were supported by other groups in power as of that time, like kings or zamindars or whoever in the seat of power. I don't think a book reading brahmin can bring such change just by power of word, even if the people listen at first because of religious fear the following problems would make them revolt. It is this part where the people with physical power come in as they are treated on par with the brahmin and their rule over people is supported by him.

Laying the responsibility on just the brahmins is a noble act now a days as they never standup for themselves nor do they take out processions about how their caste is being down trodden etc etc.

Until, unless you will not read it in time frame, you cant understand what is done by Brahmin. It is always misquoted and mis understood as bad thing for Caste system.

All Vedas says Varna (caste) system is based on the work done by some one and not by birth. We have few Brahmins and Gurus from Satyuga and Treta Yuga like Valmiki and Vishwamitra who were born in Different caste but always got reputation of Brahmin.

In Dwapar and Kaliyuga when social system started getting deteriorated, Brahimns thought of running it in a way that it will keep the balance of work as well. There were less Low caste (By Birth) started joining Gurukul and started working early. Then it became case by who born as what will be considered as it is. So it was mere perception by the people That Brahmins dictated the terms that time. Though on later stages, it started becoming bad to worse.

But I think the concept of the underworld is very similar in China and India, because our underworld was inspired by the concept of "Naraka". We have a belief in reincarnation too, another idea that originated from the Vedas.

Diyu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Though I think the Chinese concept of Heaven (Tian) is entirely different from that of the Vedas.

I see what you mean - the good parts were different, the bad parts were identical.
The article was intended to offend, and it succeeded very well.

That apart, what do you think of the basic proposition?
Can you elaborate what basic proposition you are asking....sorry for my inability..

But I think the concept of the underworld is very similar in China and India, because our underworld was inspired by the concept of "Naraka". We have a belief in reincarnation too, another idea that originated from the Vedas.

Diyu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Though I think the Chinese concept of Heaven (Tian) is entirely different from that of the Vedas.

I am not sure about Heaven concept in Buddhism. You may explain please. But it is surely mis-understood in Hinduism. It is normally represented as "Indrasabha" and Apsara's dance with Somarasa but that's not true.

There are Puranas which describe actually the concept of Heaven and hell in details. I dont remember exactly but I think it is Garuna Purana (and other books as well) which is read after Death in Hinduism.

It is like there are seven stages of Soul where 1-3 stag is considered as hell while 4-5 is for living in Earth to build your Karma and finally 7-8 stage is considered as Heaven. There are sub stages as well. Initially, A soul gets born in 4th stage and send on earth to perform its duty. Once you do good deeds, your soul get promoted. Once you reach at seventh level You get "Moksha" and then you don't need to come back to earth to build your Karma.
I see what you mean - the good parts were different, the bad parts were identical.

Actually I didn't mean that at all.

Though now that you mention it, it's strange that I never saw that connection.

Though the underworld and reincarnation are not really seen as bad things. Not at all.

It is like the Greek underworld, everyone goes there regardless of whether they are good or bad. It's more like purgatory.
It is a fact that there was battle between sanatan dharma,Budhism,Jainism in ancient India...
Pusyamitra Sunga destroyed many budhists sites which had harbored greek invaders...Ashoka killed more than 18000 Ajivikas(followers of Nirgrantha religion)....The religion which evolved from this battle is Hinduism which has influence from Sanatan Dharma,Budhism and Jainism....Do not consider Hinduism to be ancient than Budhism and Jainism...

I wish I had more time to discuss this as it is my favorite topic :P
but have to leave :P :wave:
can you elaborate what basic proposition you are asking....sorry for my inability..

Are Hindus unaware of what happened to Buddhism? Or are they aware and just being hypocritical about the damage caused?
Actually I didn't mean that at all.

Though now that you mention it, it's strange that I never saw that connection.

Though the underworld and reincarnation are not really seen as bad things. Not at all.

It is like the Greek underworld, everyone goes there regardless of whether they are good or bad. It's more like purgatory.

Would request you to read my comments above for Heaven concept and shed some lights of Understanding from Buddhism's perspective.
In China it's not like the West, where good = go to heaven, and bad = go to hell.

Tian (Heaven) is where the Gods/Devas live, and is on a higher plane of existence.

Diyu (Underworld) is where EVERYBODY goes after they die. So it's not like Hell, it's more like purgatory.

This purgatory is where souls are prepared for reincarnation into a higher or lower plane of existence.

Since the Chinese concept of the underworld came from the Vedas (Naraka) I thought it would be similar to India's, but I guess not.
There is hardly any Buddhism on the plains of the subcontinent, ironically. Most Buddhists are followers of Tibetan Buddhists, in the hills of the Himalayas.

So even Avalokiteswara is hardly worshipped except i n the hills.

The article was intended to offend, and it succeeded very well.

That apart, what do you think of the basic proposition?

By the basic proposition do u mean that Buddhism was destroyed by Hindu Kings or is it about blood thirstiness in Hinduism.

I am assuming it is the first and i think it is possible to certain extent but not the whole truth Joe is there any other explanation for the gradual decline of Buddhism?
In China it's not like the West, where good = go to heaven, and bad = go to hell.

Tian (Heaven) is where the Gods/Devas live, and is on a higher plane of existence.

Diyu (Underworld) is where EVERYBODY goes after they die. So it's not like Hell, it's more like purgatory.

This purgatory is where souls are prepared for reincarnation into a higher or lower plane of existence.

Since the Chinese concept of the underworld came from the Vedas (Naraka) I thought it would be similar to India's, but I guess not.

OK, I think then it is moreover aligned with Spiritual concept of Heaven and Hell as per Vedas.
Are Hindus unaware of what happened to Buddhism? Or are they aware and just being hypocritical about the damage caused?

It is not my thinking but someone on this thread said that lack of proper ritualistic practices as the religion itself being new and the age old one having all that is needed, caused people to go to and fro between and the older one prevailed. I think this could be one of the reasons.
Actually I didn't mean that at all.

Though now that you mention it, it's strange that I never saw that connection.

Though the underworld and reincarnation are not really seen as bad things. Not at all.

It is like the Greek underworld, everyone goes there regardless of whether they are good or bad. It's more like purgatory.

Well, I could agree partially.

The underworld, Naraka, was a feared ordeal, even knowing that it was not permanent. There was pain and suffering to be undergone. The Greek underworld, the domain of Hades, was a shadowy, misty land of melancholy, with no rescue.

The whole philosophical thrust of the Buddha's teachings, as distinct from the social aspects, was the question of rebirth, which he saw as an imprisonment. He taught that it was possible to break out of this and enter into a different state, and that was the aim of all human spiritual effort.

In a sense, the Buddha sought anxiously for a way to release souls from repeated rebirth.
In China it's not like the West, where good = go to heaven, and bad = go to hell.

Tian (Heaven) is where the Gods/Devas live, and is on a higher plane of existence.

Diyu (Underworld) is where EVERYBODY goes after they die. So it's not like Hell, it's more like purgatory.

This purgatory is where souls are prepared for reincarnation into a higher or lower plane of existence.

Since the Chinese concept of the underworld came from the Vedas (Naraka) I thought it would be similar to India's, but I guess not.

There is concept in Jainism a world with different levels. For them there are around 21 levels in universe and if are deeds are bad we go to the lower level (where there is more chaos) if they are good we go to the higher level (order and higher level of consciousness).

Previously I thought it would have some similarity to what you said but the concept is very different
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