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Hinduism and Talibanism:Did hindus destroyed Buddhist& jain temples?

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The idiot doesn't even know what comes before and after those holy verses.. Typical guy who just read one part and neglect another part. Bhai, Qu'ran goes in a sequences.

Please avoid bringing in the religions..
Yup....religious texts should be avoided.....Talk on behavior of those Hindus and Muslims....not on their holy books...
I have no quarrel with this account. However, it simplifies a very complex process, it uses an inaccurate time line, and it gives an impression of a transient phase. A good start anyway, but it has to be approached without preconceived notions, or any conviction that members of any religion are better than any other.

Dont judge me by the Thread postings here. Now, I am least tolerant by "One" user to diktat for anyone's religion though even I dont follow Hinduism with Purest Faith.

Even I think Time lines are different as I never heard maximum about Buddhism in India in bloomed way till 600 AD after that there are no major existence is found for Buddhists in India.
Right, But there was still a movement. It had holy places, it had rituals, it has a physical presence.
We can clearly see it's physical presence diminish in India while it flourished in other parts of Asia.
Now it could be simply that Indians thought it was a fad or something and gave it up completely , tho I find this hard to believe.
More likely, they were coerced into abandoning it.
However, I am fully willing to change my mind on this subject if provided with convincing evidence.
But Sir, didn't Jainism, Islam and other religion grew stronger and stronger in India.....the course of time changed the situation which made the society more tolerant than it was....which is still debatable as we are more violent than ever.....but religious tolerance increased....Crusaders stopped and so did other religious movements....We just replaced religion as a reason of war to other things....
I am highly interested in religion. Especially Buddhism.

However, nobody took up my previous posts (they chose to argue about some Hinduism/Islam issue), and now I don't have time to carry on a full discussion.

Maybe some other time.

Briefly, Guan Yin in one manifestation, Avalokisteswara, is one of the Isvaras, a form of Shiva, and is one sense still worshipped as Shiva. But he/she was originally Avalokiteswara, the One who hears the sounds of the world, and was worshipped as a female or a male Bodhisattva.

If the other deity you refer to is Yan Luo Wang, that is Yama, the God of Death, never worshipped, though always dreaded.
Actually I had talk with a hard core Bhrahmin, very learned guy, the way bhrahmins are projected in Vedas were not actually in the original work, but as only bhrahmin knew those vedas, they made changes....do you remember Varna system, where all varna have different jobs...but soon the distinction was made to consider who is better who is not...

I can't comment on the projection of Brahmins and the manipulation there of as i have heard different theories, and i don't like to base my comments or arguments on such few number. However it is known that the manipulation of varna system wasn't the work of just the brahmins only. I am not saying they were pious and righteous but they were supported by other groups in power as of that time, like kings or zamindars or whoever in the seat of power. I don't think a book reading brahmin can bring such change just by power of word, even if the people listen at first because of religious fear the following problems would make them revolt. It is this part where the people with physical power come in as they are treated on par with the brahmin and their rule over people is supported by him.

Laying the responsibility on just the brahmins is a noble act now a days as they never standup for themselves nor do they take out processions about how their caste is being down trodden etc etc.
lol@ silly Hindus thinking they can use the Quran.

"It's okay for us to murder and pillage because the Quran says that Muslims are allowed to kill solders in a battle"

Pathetic really.

Who are you kidding it even glorifies the killing by Moses of those who worhip cow

Surat Al-Baqarah 2:51
And [recall] when We made an appointment with Moses for forty nights. Then you took [for worship] the calf after him, while you were wrongdoers.

This was written in context of the massacre of People in Moses hometown. Can anyone throw light on what was the people fault?
Dont judge me by the Thread postings here. Now, I am least tolerant by "One" user to diktat for anyone's religion though even I dont follow Hinduism with Purest Faith.

Even I think Time lines are different as I never heard maximum about Buddhism in India in bloomed way till 600 AD after that there are no major existence is found for Buddhists in India.

We can talk about it, but not here. I hope Chinese Dragon will start a new thread.
Briefly, Guan Yin in one manifestation, Avalokisteswara, is one of the Isvaras, a form of Shiva, and is one sense still worshipped as Shiva. But he/she was originally Avalokiteswara, the One who hears the sounds of the world, and was worshipped as a female or a male Bodhisattva.

If the other deity you refer to is Yan Luo Wang, that is Yama, the God of Death, never worshipped, though always dreaded.
Bodhisattva, purely Buddhist.

Guan Yin (Avalokisteswara) is extremely popular in East Asian Buddhism.

But apparently not in South Asia?

And you're right, technically she is a Bodhisattva, but both her and Buddha are often worshiped as deities in Chinese Buddhism.
I can't comment on the projection of Brahmins and the manipulation there of as i have heard different theories, and i don't like to base my comments or arguments on such few number. However it is known that the manipulation of varna system wasn't the work of just the brahmins only. I am not saying they were pious and righteous but they were supported by other groups in power as of that time, like kings or zamindars or whoever in the seat of power. I don't think a book reading brahmin can bring such change just by power of word, even if the people listen at first because of religious fear the following problems would make them revolt. It is this part where the people with physical power come in as they are treated on par with the brahmin and their rule over people is supported by him.

Laying the responsibility on just the brahmins is a noble act now a days as they never standup for themselves nor do they take out processions about how their caste is being down trodden etc etc.
Actually you are approaching it fast....it was a gradual process.....you are right Khastriya had their role too....So we need entire thread for this to discuss.....the evolution of Caste system is a vast topic , can't be summed up in few posts...
Right, But there was still a movement. It had holy places, it had rituals, it has a physical presence.
We can clearly see it's physical presence diminish in India while it flourished in other parts of Asia.
Now it could be simply that Indians thought it was a fad or something and gave it up completely , tho I find this hard to believe.
More likely, they were coerced into abandoning it.
However, I am fully willing to change my mind on this subject if provided with convincing evidence.

Buddhism did not got diminished in India but it got submerged into Hinduism when Lord Buddha was considered as 9th incarnation of Hindus. Hence there was a mid-way approach which may be considered as Shia-Sunni sect going well along under Islam.

Another big reason for Diminishing Buddhism is that it was spread more on Current Pakistan and part of Afghanistan because of King Kanishka but then this area has seen invasion initially by Mongols like Gengiz Khan and then Muhammad bin Qasim onwards.
Buddhism was initially least violent religion as they dont have arm education and hence they were easily go eradicated. Hindus were that time having Armed education which got diminished later on.
And what was that cruel joke?
Hypocrisy of Hindus.....which seems funny and equally disturbing too...from the article posted......the perception of the author changes many things....and those who know less, can't take a firm stance...just some basic points based on prejudice.
Guan Yin (Avalokisteswara) is extremely popular in East Asian Buddhism.

But apparently not in South Asia?

And you're right, technically she is a Bodhisattva, but both her and Buddha are often worshiped as deities in Chinese Buddhism.

There is hardly any Buddhism on the plains of the subcontinent, ironically. Most Buddhists are followers of Tibetan Buddhists, in the hills of the Himalayas.

So even Avalokiteswara is hardly worshipped except i n the hills.

Hypocrisy of Hindus.....which seems funny and equally disturbing too...from the article posted......the perception of the author changes many things....and those who know less, can't take a firm stance...just some basic points based on prejudice.

The article was intended to offend, and it succeeded very well.

That apart, what do you think of the basic proposition?
Right, But there was still a movement. It had holy places, it had rituals, it has a physical presence.
We can clearly see it's physical presence diminish in India while it flourished in other parts of Asia.
Now it could be simply that Indians thought it was a fad or something and gave it up completely , tho I find this hard to believe.
More likely, they were coerced into abandoning it.
However, I am fully willing to change my mind on this subject if provided with convincing evidence

No it did not. Thats the thing, there were no religious rituals, so people would still come to Hindu priests for wedding ceremony and other such things. Hinduism is not just a religion its a way of life, so you can only replace it with another way of life. Even today if you look at Tibetan Buddist Wedding ceremony and Sri Lankan Buddhist wedding ceremony, they have nothing in common.

I wouldn't say Buddhism diminished in the sub continent, its more like it never spread. Just like Christianity never flourished in the middle east. If it wasn't for the Roman Emperors who took it to Europe, Christianity would have perhaps disappeared completely.

The teachings of Buddhism was such that it was never forced onto people. Just because the King started to adhere to Buddhist principles didn't mean that his subjects will have to as well. So people never "converted" to Buddhism en masse, even though they did belive in Buddha's teachings. Hindus even today do, and Gautam Buddha is considered as a re incarnation of Lord Vishnu. And this is not some recent addition, he has been mentioned in Hindu scriptures as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu as early as 320 CE.

I don't think Buddha ever wanted to form a "religion" or wanted people to worship him. If anything its against the very ideals that he preached.
There is hardly any Buddhism on the plains of the subcontinent, ironically. Most Buddhists are followers of Tibetan Buddhists, in the hills of the Himalayas.

So even Avalokiteswara is hardly worshipped except i n the hills.


But I think the concept of the underworld is very similar in China and India, because our underworld was inspired by the concept of "Naraka". We have a belief in reincarnation too, another idea that originated from the Vedas.

Diyu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Though I think the Chinese concept of Heaven (Tian) is entirely different from that of the Vedas.
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