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Hindu Priest beaten by Sikhs in india

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I have read a very strange eye witness account about Nagas. It was a traveler's account (an eminent Vedic sholar of Bengal) who learnt a specific type of hatha Yoga from a group of Nagas who kept themselves in seclusion on the bank of Narmada. They are not only fierce militant band but highly spiritual yogis too.
. .
If sickular means opposing those naked roaming good for nothing people then I am a sickular.
Funny, not many people call me western wannabe. Does it mean being rational is being western wannabe???

Ofcourse India is a democracy and you can worship whatever fancy thing you like :lol: but Indian democracy does not allow you to roam naked in the name of religion.
These nanga baba can roam naked inside there house and there followers like you can visit them in there house to see them roam naked :lol:
Okay you have already shown your mentality.Listen,i don't have any problem about what religion you follow(most probably one of the abrahamic ones) but if you try to undemine my Dharma then i won't tolerate that.India is a democracy and everyone here has got the right to practice his/her own religious belief.So please refrain yourself from criticizing someone's else religious belief.....
Ma'am are you a Bengali by origin?I mean your name sound like a Bengali one that's why i am asking.

God save me. I am not of Bengali origin. Indrani was just a random name I picked. It is common in South too.
Sorry to say,it`s just nonsense.. Therse is no such religion in this world that permits its followers to spread vulgarity expect Hindu religion....
Such shameful acts made Pakistan and now the same one shall make Khalistan.. In sha Allah.
I Love My Punjabi Sikh Brothers.. I`m proud of being Punjabi...Punjabi Qoum Ae Garat Di..
Do you understand the meaning of Hypocrisy? What do you mean what will be my reaction? Have you seen me justify beating up of people who have not troubled or harmed anyone or intend to harm anyone? Leave alone for being Muslims? You use common sense. Punjab is not a Sikh theocratic state, understand. It is still India.
you are mixing religion and culture.....Punjab is not exclusively for sikhs or a sikh state...but it has its own culture/tradition,more than religious....i don't think a Punjabi hindu will accept these sadus there??i doubt...
If you think stopping grown men from roaming around naked is undermining dharmic ideology, then you obviously need a reality check.

Punjab is for Punjabis. It isn't our culture to walk around indecently or worship men as gods. We have long since evolved past that point. Our gurus spoke very poorly about these cheap tricks and scammers.
First of all they are not some random men,they are a religious sect and they are only following their religious belief.Plus the sadhu was not doing anything illegal,neither was he drunk,he was just going somewhere.So from next time onward don't raise your voice and protest if someone assaults a sikh in Australia or in the U.S. because of his turban.

God save me. I am not of Bengali origin. Indrani was just a random name I picked. It is common in South too.
Sorry my mistake ma'am.As as ethnic Bengali myself i thought that you were a Bengali:-)
I have read a very strange eye witness account about Nagas. It was a traveler's account (an eminent Vedic sholar of Bengal) who learnt a specific type of hatha Yoga from a group of Nagas who kept themselves in seclusion on the bank of Narmada. They are not only fierce militant band but highly spiritual yogis too.

They are highly spiritual. Most of them live near glaciers in their spartan clothing or naked without the cold or heat (at high altitudes) affecting them. The kind of austerities they go through are not for the common people.
Sorry to say,it`s just nonsense.. Therse is no such religion in this world that permits its followers to spread vulgarity expect Hindu religion....
Such shameful acts made Pakistan and now the same one shall make Khalistan.. In sha Allah.
I Love My Punjabi Sikh Brothers.. I`m proud of being Punjabi...Punjabi Qoum Ae Garat Di..
These same Punjabi Sikh brethren of yours butchered more than half a million of your fellow muslims at the time of partition but then again whatever floats your boat:lol:
you are mixing religion and culture.....Punjab is not exclusively for sikhs or a sikh state...but it has its own culture/tradition,more than religious....i don't think a Punjabi hindu will accept these sadus there??i doubt...

Then you do not know anything about Hinduism. You are an urbanite who is unaware of his own country and its traditions. All Hindus of all regions who are spiritual do know of these babas and have never anything bad to say about them. Everyone who has been to Haridwar or Benares has seen and encountered these babas and acknowledge them. They are also the star attraction of Kumbh Mela, the greatest gathering of humanity on this planet.

A really good video about these sadhus

If you think stopping grown men from roaming around naked is undermining dharmic ideology, then you obviously need a reality check.

Punjab is for Punjabis. It isn't our culture to walk around indecently or worship men as gods. We have long since evolved past that point. Our gurus spoke very poorly about these cheap tricks and scammers.

Why is moral policing,ethical cleansing only for religious men????? . If looking at these naked sadhus made them so uncomfortable and made them to beat him up , have they ever thought that garbage around their city is filth,disgusting and cleaned it up ??? Why the double standards. This act will polarize hypocrites in the veil of modernity but not the society.
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These modernists will support boozing, whoring, pornography, wife swapping and every vice on earth in the name of modernity and revenue but will recoil in horror at the sight of a spiritual man without his clothes. A lot of these same assholes also support nude beaches in Goa and other places.

The same meditation and spiritual practices which the modern day Hindus scoff at is practiced by the Buddhists too. Here is one example of what it can do.

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@Arya Desa
i hope u have had enuff lessons,,,, now behave:mad:,,otherwise prepare to be teached more:agree:
Then you do not know anything about Hinduism. You are an urbanite who is unaware of his own country and its traditions. All Hindus of all regions who are spiritual do know of these babas and have never anything bad to say about them. Everyone who has been to Haridwar or Benares has seen and encountered these babas and acknowledge them. They are also the star attraction of Kumbh Mela, the greatest gathering of humanity on this planet.

A really good video about these sadhus

yeah...they are free to roam around naked and can continue their life styles in haridwaram,because its their own land..nobody have the rights to challenge it.but you should main a dress code if you are in totally different environment...each and every state in India has its own unique culural setup...
eg..marrying uncles is acceptable among Tamil hindus,but its considering as an awful in neighboring kerala...
Keep your stink think to yourself. There are Punjabis all over India and not just in Punjab. Likewise Hindu sadhus will roam all over India if they want to. Your gurus basically lifted all stuff from Hinduism, so much so that you have nothing original in your religion.

Our gurus lifted nothing from grass munchers mooth drinkers. Our religion tells us that women are equal, something yours lacks. We don't burn women nor we we think they are impure then they have periods. Our is a religion that doesn't make gods of monkeys, rats, and a whole host of other creatures. We are neither animists nor pagans. We are much more advanced in our thoughts than you hindus who are stuck in a 6000 BCE mindset. If sandoos enter Punjab they will get beat again and again.
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