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Here's everything Pakistan has done so far to fight the coronavirus pandemic

All gimmicks, Pakistan has done nothing. They closed universities saying students should not attend but all faculty, staff and pjd students should attend, so whats the use of only not allowing regular classes? Either close it all off or dont.
We couldnt stop any zaireen going n coming from iran. I am not even mentioning the zenabiyun and fatmiyun brigade returnees that often return via hidden routes. Our PM is an idiot and its only going to spread.

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11 days ago Iran had 126 cases, not too different from Pakistan today. In just 11 days, Iran has now 13,650 cases! This is our crystal ball, our warning shot! Pakistan cannot afford to get this wrong!

What is needed:
- Aggressive testing using RTK
- Hygiene control
- Social isolation

11 new cases in Sindh bring the total from 94 to 104 in less than 4 hours. These are confirmed cases of COVID 2019 in Pakistan now. Please review my graph above!

All of the govt's efforts are utterly and totally meaningless unless they BAN all incoming flights.

You all do realize that most infected people have NO symptoms, at least for the first 1-2 weeks. We are letting in hundreds/thousands of potential carriers EVERY SINGLE DAY at our three major airports. We are ONLY scanning for a high temperature, which is largely meaningless because fever is a late symptom of the disease!

Singapore, on the other hand, uses RTKs on every single international arriving passenger --- they must wait in a special area of the airport which is quarantined/isolated for a few hours. If the test is negative, they are allowed into the country. Are we doing this? Obviously not!

What good are ANY of our domestic measures when we aren't controlling the main factor --- blocking infected people from entering our borders.

The Taftan mess --- dozens of people supposedly in quarantine at Taftan are now testing positive after making their way into the country's various corners (especially Sindh.) Who is responsible?
Any chances of full scope quarantine in Twin cities or LHR/KHI?
Sec 144 in place. If the spike increases today or overnight, it may just be the trigger! Results are still coming in, I will update this thread when I have info on the latest results!

The Taftan mess --- dozens of people supposedly in quarantine at Taftan are now testing positive after making their way into the country's various corners (especially Sindh.) Who is responsible?
Sec 144 in place. If the spike increases today or overnight, it may just be the trigger! Results are still coming in, I will update this thread when I have info on the latest results!

120 confirmed cases! More results incoming.
Just blame the spike on people who crossed over from Iran. Pakistan is at the forefront of the medical community and has probably developed a vaccine for covid-19 already
Sec 144 in place. If the spike increases today or overnight, it may just be the trigger! Results are still coming in, I will update this thread when I have info on the latest results!

120 confirmed cases! More results incoming.

Thank You!

If possible please also give us data for the number of people tested or point us towards the link we can see the data for No. of people tested.
Just blame the spike on people who crossed over from Iran. Pakistan is at the forefront of the medical community and has probably developed a vaccine for covid-19 already

No man we dont have advance Vedic C.Dung-19 formula . And our Agent Adnan has refused to take part in Vedic C.Urine-19, so we are definitely are not at forefront infact we are no where to be seen.

Supa dupa powa india hold all answers and all antiviral cocktails
Thank You!

If possible please also give us data for the number of people tested or point us towards the link we can see the data for No. of people tested.

Sukkur: 291 people at TAFTAN, 150 tested, 60 positive.
DG Khan: 900 people isolated, no data on results
Islamabad: 4 Positive
GB: 5 Positive
KP: 15
Karachi: 26
Hyderabad: 1
Taftan: 7
Quetta: 1
Sukkur: 61
Lahore: 01
Sec 144 in place. If the spike increases today or overnight, it may just be the trigger! Results are still coming in, I will update this thread when I have info on the latest results!

120 confirmed cases! More results incoming.

No other measures matter when pilgrims coming from Iran aren't kept in quarantine in Taftan for at least three weeks (make a tent city or whatever is needed) properly and dozens of daily intl flights are landing at our three major airports. This stupidity is beyond me.
No other measures matter when pilgrims coming from Iran aren't kept in quarantine in Taftan for at least three weeks (make a tent city or whatever is needed) properly and dozens of daily intl flights are landing at our three major airports. This stupidity is beyond me.

Well many here live by the motto: "Look busy, do nothing".
No man we dont have advance Vedic C.Dung-19 formula . And our Agent Adnan has refused to take part in Vedic C.Urine-19, so we are definitely are not at forefront infact we are no where to be seen.

Supa dupa powa india hold all answers and all antiviral cocktails
There goes another thread
Well many here live by the motto: "Look busy, do nothing".

I can't believe this. Their negligence may cost my parents --- and those of many others --- their lives.

Why did the NSC not ban incoming flights for the next 1-2 weeks?
I can't believe this. Their negligence may cost my parents --- and those of many others --- their lives.

Why did the NSC not ban incoming flights for the next 1-2 weeks?
135 confirmed cases, still waiting on results from DG Khan!

China has provided emergency assistance to Pakistan for Corona virus prevention and control, including 12,000 test kits, 300,000 masks, 10,000 protective suits and 4 million U.S. dollars to build hospitals, according to ambassador Yao Jing

Coronavirus Risk, Proposal To Close OPD At PIMS Hospital

Karachi police begin sealing restaurants to curb coronavirus spread:

We must expand our testing capacity or develop guidelines to put any locals concerns possible infections at ease.

Zafar Mirza has said Pakistan only has 25,000 testing kits with about 400 people so far tested. If 105 of those people have tested positive so far... that’s 1 in 4 people tested coming up positive for the virus!

Community Spread is now in Pakistan:

Known cases: March 13
COVID 2019 Pakistan.jpg

Known Cases: March 16 1300 Hrs PST
Known COVID 19 cases 16 march 2020.jpg

Known Cases: 16 March 1800 Hrs

Comparative analysis and forecast Iran vs Pakistan over 11 days from initial peak!
Iran v Pakistan important.png

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