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Heavy attrition, suicides bleed paramilitary forces


May 25, 2010
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Heavy attrition, suicides bleed paramilitary forces

NEW DELHI: A high attrition rate in paramilitary forces forced the government to commission a study by IIM-Ahmedabad on the reasons for such high churn.

What the study found comes as no surprise to those familiar with working conditions in the paramilitary forces. It said continuous posting in difficult areas, long working hours, sleep deprivation, denial of leave, lack of healthcare facilities and delay in promotions and pay parity were all leading to unbearable stress among personnel.

The situation, say insiders, is grimmer than what the statistics reveal. Personnel often say it is easier to fight a war on the border than be in a continuous battle inside one's own country. "In a war you know where the bullet is going to come from. Fighting Naxals in the jungle, you do not even know where you are," said a CRPF man who has served in Chhattisgarh.

Add to it the challenge of fighting two enemies at a time - the 'double M', Maoists and malaria. "You are either going to die of a bullet or of a mosquito bite. The healthcare facilities are poor and at times we have to spend out of our own pocket for treatment that too after traveling great distances in treacherous terrains," said another CRPF man.

Living in a jungle, they say, is far worse than serving in any other terrain. "In areas such as tiger reserves, nothing is allowed to be built, not even toilets. So jawans are forced to defecate in the open. We once lost a jawan to a wild animal while he was relieving himself," said an officer engaged in anti-naxal operations in Bihar.

In the Army, difficult postings are generally followed by periods in peace positions. That does not happen quite so frequently in the paramilitary. Denial or delay in grant of leave adds to the gloom. The IIM study has recorded that many jawans are granted leave after their leave requirement is over. "This leads to alienation from family, the only stress buster for our personnel. In such deprivation many jawans take to alcohol further wrecking their condition," said a CRPF officer.

The force, rightly or wrongly, has also been accused of numerous human rights violations which have hardly helped in keeping morale high. "The prime example is the Baseguda encounter where civilians got caught in the crossfire. The jawans thought they had conducted a successful operation. But despite suffering critical injuries, they were castigated. The situation they were in, they could not have operated in any other way," said a senior CRPF officer.

Likewise, ever since India has committed to decreasing casualties on the Indo-Bangla border forcing BSF men to use non-lethal weapons against smugglers, the personnel have suffered unprecedented attacks. "Cattle smugglers now operate with impunity. Government should legalize the trade if it does not want us to use force to stop them," said a BSF officer.

Add delay in promotions and pay parity (at officer level), and the disillusionment is complete. "While people in the Army get three promotions in 13 years, it takes us 24 years to reach the same position. Also, no matter how illustrious our career, we will never reach the top in the force. It will always go to an IPS officer. So you can't have aspirations," said a BSF cadre officer.

The force believes the government only listens to its grievances without setting any remedial action. Not surprisingly, only a couple of months ago, a clutch of senior BSF officials have approached the high court on promotions and pay parity.
This article was in first page of TOIlet which many Pakistanis and chinese posters dont believe. So the above news is probably false or highly exagerrated.

Secondly, When I saw news in morning, I thought only two desperate posters will post it in PDF, one is ajtr and another is windjammer. So you proved me right.
I had said last time that the "bleeding dry" term is ridiculously inaccurate because the attrition level is <0.5% which is an enviable figure for any agency or corporation the world over.
This article was in first page of TOIlet which many Pakistanis and chinese posters dont believe. So the above news is probably false or highly exagerrated.

Secondly, When I saw news in morning, I thought only two desperate posters will post it in PDF, one is ajtr and another is windjammer. So you proved me right.

It would be better that before you accuse other or hurl personal attacks, you should see your own behavior. If in your view these two are desperate posters, that from the forums members POV you are the desperate of all since you 99% post in just one thread and that is the incidents of terrorists happening in Pakistan. The two members you just accused are much much better compared to you and their desperation level is much lower then yours.

So, next time be careful before you attack someone personally and don't reply to my this post or anyone else should also not try to be over smart arse, or you will get a straight ban.
It would be better that before you accuse other or hurl personal attacks, you should see your own behavior. If in your view these two are desperate posters, that from the forums members POV you are the desperate of all since you 99% post in just one thread and that is the incidents of terrorists happening in Pakistan. The two members you just accused are much much better compared to you and their desperation level is much lower then yours.

So, next time be careful before you attack someone personally and don't reply to my this post or anyone else should also not try to be over smart arse, or you will get a straight ban.

Please check the incident he posted today in the highlighted thread. !!
The biggest problem in our country is that we remember our soilders during war only other wise most of the time Babu's,Politicians and to some extent common People takes them for granted....
The Indian government has historically SUCKED. We dont really care about our armed forces. We talk about them a lot, but how many retired army men live comfortable lives? Atleast with basic necessities? Most of them are just forgotten, and it wont be surprising if a lot of them feel let down and cheated. The Indian govt needs to take a second look at how they treat these men. They put their lives on the line in treacherous terrains while we sleep peacefully in our homes. Only because they suffer. And in return they are not paid properly, not given proper healthcare or promotions etc.,

This is what the Indian bureaucracy does. You extend this indifferent and irresponsible attitude of the government to other institutions like HAL, DRDO etc, no wonder there is a brain drain and no wonder these organizations are on a permanent "In progress" status with regards to building ANYTHING.
This article was in first page of TOIlet which many Pakistanis and chinese posters dont believe. So the above news is probably false or highly exagerrated.

Secondly, When I saw news in morning, I thought only two desperate posters will post it in PDF, one is ajtr and another is windjammer. So you proved me right.

The problem with you Indians is that you guys tend to lose temper when some ills of your country are mentioned by your own sources even.

You must take it in positive way because the paper had published the study looking into reasons of frustration in Indian forces so you must use it for solving the problem and not try to brush it under the carpet because someone posted it on PDF.
The biggest problem in our country is that we remember our soilders during war only other wise most of the time Babu's,Politicians and to some extent common People takes them for granted....

your complaint is proven by the plight of a young Indian soldier at the hands i mean at the mouth of rats at Dehli Hospitals

Now I'm no expert but it seems to me that a rate of 11,000 (44,000/4) personal leaving a 1,000,000+ sector is not as alarming as is being made out. In fact that equates to only 0.00011%/annum. Let me tell you an HR department would love to have anything like this figure.

It is totally absurd, the numbers are so relatively small they are irrelevant and yet his news keeps getting dragged up over and over again.
Suicde rate in paramiltary and armed forces of India is lower than all NATO countries(US,UK,Turkey,France,Canada etc) & non nato countries like Israel,Russia,Japan,South Korea.
Suicde rate in paramiltary and armed forces of India is lower than all NATO countries(US,UK,Turkey,France,Canada etc) & non nato countries like Israel,Russia,Japan,South Korea.

You may be right.

But even one is one too many and must be set right.

Thats what is needed. The PMF function under the Home Ministry where greater sensitization is needed.

The PMF also lack regimentation like the IA. That helps as well.
You may be right.

But even one is one too many and must be set right.

Thats what is needed. The PMF function under the Home Ministry where greater sensitization is needed.

The PMF also lack regimentation like the IA. That helps as well.
Not may' be I am right,Google is your friend.
But I agree with the rest of your post.
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