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Heart touching words of Musharraf in Special court

This sort of media

This sort of media stents won't go any longer. Very soon the media will be matured and we won't see these sort of media saints any more.
or we will shut up, this media forever!
or we will shut up, this media forever!

There is no need to do anything, look at the American or British media, you won't see these sort of media saints. The reason is they have travelled a long way in their media maturity. The same thing Pakistani media will achieve down the road in the coming years. This is all matter of times. So no worries.
There is no need to do anything, look at the American or British media, you won't see these sort of media saints. The reason is they have travelled a long way in their media maturity. The same thing Pakistani media will achieve down the road in the coming years. This is all matter of times. So no worries.
sorry dear,
examples of american & british medias cant be achived in pakistan?
cause the audiance is uneducated , they belive what they see but not in truth, they dont hve the ability to judge the whole zigzags of the paid media by croupt political elites?
its simple, dont go against the intersts of the state , in any way , anyone crossing the limits , should be punished brutly, like china?
in 3rd world countries , thats the best we can do?
all of them can say anything in media to get 2 minute of fake fame , but they cant go to any court in pakistan to prove themselves right?
cause logical question would be asked that, if musharaf was the devil, why they were supporting or serving under him?

If you are happy with your jawans getting killed for no reason and for no gain, I don't have a problem. I consider Musharaff to be directly responsible for the needless loss of lives in Kargil on both sides and also for pushing the goodwill that Vajpayee managed to create back to zero.
If you are happy with your jawans getting killed for no reason and for no gain, I don't have a problem. I consider Musharaff to be directly responsible for the needless loss of lives in Kargil on both sides and also for pushing the goodwill that Vajpayee managed to create back to zero.
i blame, coward INDIAN ARMY by capturing siachen , & indian involvment in east pakistan loss of lives which will going to result in, 1000 kargills even in the future?
PM of pakistan, had the full knowledge of the plan & execution of kargill, so why not then hang him?
PM of pakistan, had the full knowledge of the plan & execution of kargill, so why not then hang him?

Your own Army generals have come out and said that it was Musharaff who acted along with a handful of his buddies. That's what I said in the beginning. There should be a probe to find out the truth.

i blame, coward INDIAN ARMY by capturing siachen , & indian involvment in east pakistan loss of lives which will going to result in, 1000 kargills even in the future?

We all know what happened in Siachen. Indian Army just outsmarted PA. They were not cowards, they were smart and were able to achieve the objective, which Musharaff failed to do in Kargil.
Your own Army generals have come out and said that it was Musharaff who acted along with a handful of his buddies. That's what I said in the beginning. There should be a probe to find out the truth.

We all know what happened in Siachen. Indian Army just outsmarted PA. They were not cowards, they were smart and were able to achieve the objective, which Musharaff failed to do in Kargil.
irony is that, these genrls were serving under him, they didnt opted or rejected his actions , which means they were part of it?

& if they were part of it, then he had the full support within pakarmy?
if he has full support , thats why he went 12 kilometters inside india?
greatest of achivments of kargill is, pakistan has proven that it can take on india any time, it want?
which you can see, till now no indian politicians & IA genrl , can even think about to cross borders, ever?

Thanks to posting clips of his interviews. i listened both videos in which he said that Kargil operation was the flopped episode but he didn't say that nawaz sharif was not aware about the operation. on contrary nawaz sharif always tells that he was not aware about the operation.
Again question raises if he differed strongly to policies of Musharraf then why did he had been serving under him and got promotions and lucrative benefits. eventually he was awakened while he was sacked by shaukat aziz and he become against of musharraf in whole. isnt this irony?
Thanks to posting clips of his interviews. i listened both videos in which he said that Kargil operation was the flopped episode but he didn't say that nawaz sharif was not aware about the operation. on contrary nawaz sharif always tells that he was not aware about the operation.
Again question raises if he differed strongly to policies of Musharraf then why did he had been serving under him and got promotions and lucrative benefits. eventually he was awakened while he was sacked by shaukat aziz and he become against of musharraf in whole. isnt this irony?

Simply he is selling his convenient story. This type of stories has no importance.
Whoever on his team adviced him to go back and run an election campaign is a fukin idiot.
and musharaf can be accused of being a bit megalomaniac for believing he was relevant in this election and somehow people will run towards him to save pakistan after 5 years of PPP misrule.
Although talks of hanging him is plain stupid, who hangs their own army chief? Most likely he will get option of few years in jail and a safe passage.
and musharaf can be accused of being a bit megalomaniac for believing he was relevant in this election and somehow people will run towards him to save pakistan after 5 years of PPP misrule.
Although talks of hanging him is plain stupid, who hangs their own army chief? Most likely he will get option of few years in jail and a safe passage.

I don't think he will get any jail time. The question at this time is not, Musharaff will get the jail time or not. The question is how Nawz Sharif will come out of this crisis without hurting the army. Nawaz Sharif has been already bad at dealing with the army and annoyed the army in the past. Somehow the other he does not know the real mechanism of civil and military relations.
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