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Heart touching words of Musharraf in Special court

What I have seen problems with Nawaz Shairif is, he is very scared of the military. Secondly, he is very obsessed with power. These sorts of personalities work very well without power. As far as his fears with the military are concerned, you cannot remove someone's fear.
What I am expecting is that he is gonna end up very badly this time too. He doesn't know how to work with other institutions. Actually, this is also not his fault. He is always given power due to his these qualities (ignorance, power obsession, Tom & Jarry style). You never see any shinning figure in his cabinet. He is so scared of shinning and bright people. If he would be given a chance, he will close all the Ivy League institutions of the country (LUMS, GC, etc.). His these qualities, that he is still alive. Bright politicians in the third world countries end up very badly ( Bhutto, Benazir etc.)
You should be hanged for stating the sentence highlighted in red.

Basically, everyone is in a very bad situation.

Military knows that musharaf did some pretty stupid shit in his term so they can't openly defend him
PMLN wants a trial, as it believes that musharaf is responsible for the terrorism, worst economy and other problems
Courts are stuck as they are being mocked every day by the musharaf defence backed by the military

I think someone from the outside needs to come in and sort things out. The army needs to admit that musharaf did more damage than good to the army. Today, military generals can't go out with their families in Pakistan. It wasn't like that before musharaf took over. So in my opinion, I think the generals need to understand and make wise decisions for the sake of the country rather than an individual.

and you are.........what you are, not even worthy of a reply.

All those speaking against Musharraf are pieces of shit.

Jab roti bijli mil ri thi, pir koi shikwa ney tah.

You opportunistic pieces of horse shit don't deserve Pakistan.

Baray agay democracy ke bittu.

You liberals are all haram khors and change your positions when it suits you. It is natural and instinctive for you parasites.

You Pakistani liberals/yendus bring down your own heroes, so what will be the result of the nation?

@VCheng you are a pathetic asylum seeking dirtbag. You would probably sell your own mother for money. We don't need your input Changezi, because If you were a dual national, your *** would already be kicked in Pakistan.

Jin logon nay 2008 kay baad khazanay lootay, un kay 2008 say pahlay kay khazanay lootnay kay jaraim teray baap nay maaf kiay thay?

The Biggest Crime Musharaf made was realeasing these Khabbees Haramis. He should have hanged them by the balls when he had the opportunity. That single action came to haunt and bite him.

Im not sure why Army is not taking step against these so called "saints" sitting in a bullshit place called Parliament where everyday decision are made to release khabees khawarij

lol @ hang by balls. 1000% agree. Hope next time another General do that
It is in Pakistan's interest that such irresponsibility doesn't go unpunished.
nopes .. our awaam love army .. musharraf is not getting much support as he dnt have a party structure .. media is so anti him that they portray his supporters like some kinda satan ... already this narative has been established that the trial is biased .. which have made the situation more worse .. so giving him capital punishment would destabilize the nation .. things are going well ..army have no intentions to intervene .. democracy is going well .. no need to get into unnecessary confrontation with the army which is facing internal and external challenges
My comment was related to Kargil. Many Pakistani commentators including a lot of top Pakistan Army officers who served under Musharaff have termed Kargil as an irresponsible act conspired by a team of 4 men led by Musharaff. He did not even take other services into confidence. He is directly responsible for it and should have been held accountable.
Can you name 1 of top army officers?
Anyhow musharraf had informed to PM but all knows our politicians are pathetic liars so nawaz had denied firstly in front of clinton then told a lie to nation as well. In fact all pakistanis appreciate musharraf's adventure except leaders and workers of n-league.
lol @ hang by balls. 1000% agree. Hope next time another General do that
Lt Gen (retd) Shahid Aziz, Lt Gen (retd) Jamshed Gulzar Kiani, Lt. Gen (retd) Ziauddin Butt etc.

Pakistan has been always a center of international politics. There will be no chance, even in the future there won't be any army adventures. This is a part of a grand chess game.
Lt Gen (retd) Shahid Aziz, Lt Gen (retd) Jamshed Gulzar Kiani, Lt. Gen (retd) Ziauddin Butt etc.
First of all gen. ziauddin butt was the direct victim of musharraf. this bechara was go to be COAS but musharraf's coup was taken place. and he had caught by army and retired forcibly :lol:
yes I listened gen. shahid aziz who had been served under musharraf even after coup but how the man could be reliable who had been unconscionably working against country interest and then eventually his conscience be awakened. and he come into public that I am very honest person i tell the truth :lol: if he would open his mouth right after kargil conflict then he must have considered reliable.
Anyhow thanks to giving reply i must appreciate to you if you will give a link about gen. jamshed gulzar kiyani. bcoz i dont know about him.

Pakistan has been always a center of international politics. There will be no chance, even in the future there won't be any army adventures. This is a part of a grand chess game.

First of all gen. ziauddin butt was the direct victim of musharraf. this bechara was go to be COAS but musharraf's coup was taken place. and he had caught by army and retired forcibly :lol:
yes I listened gen. shahid aziz who had been served under musharraf even after coup but how the man could be reliable who had been unconscionably working against country interest and then eventually his conscience be awakened. and he come into public that I am very honest person i tell the truth :lol: if he would open his mouth right after kargil conflict then he must have considered reliable.
Anyhow thanks to giving reply i must appreciate to you if you will give a link about gen. jamshed gulzar kiyani. bcoz i dont know about him.

I don't think we have to go into so much detail. This is all about power game. This power game will not stop in this region.
all of them can say anything in media to get 2 minute of fake fame , but they cant go to any court in pakistan to prove themselves right?
cause logical question would be asked that, if musharaf was the devil, why they were supporting or serving under him?
all of them can say anything in media to get 2 minutoew of fake fame , but they cant go to any court in pakistan to prove themselves right?
cause logical question would be asked that, if musharaf was the devil, why they were supporting or serving under him?

They are all selling their convenient stories. This sort of truth has no value rather labelled as cheap publicity. In the west, people don't come on media (or media do not invite them) to sell their convenient stories.

In actual practice, all the people are considered involved, who were enjoying any sort of leverage or benefits at that particular time. These all people are equally criminal or shameless criminals that they have balls to show up on the media and act like saints.
They are all selling their convenient stories. This sort of truth has no value rather labelled as cheap publicity. In the west, people don't come on media (or media do not invite them) to sell their convenient stories.

In actual practice, all the people are considered involved, who were enjoying any sort of leverage or benefits at that particular time. These all people are equally criminal or shameless criminals that they have balls to show up on the media and act like saints.
we are different sides of the same coin!
fully agreed!
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