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Have a look! World most powerful Militaries.

Please have a look on the worlds most powerful Military.

World Military Strength Ranking

The thing I found from here is that China & India together can easily finish the domination of America. China is at 3rd place and India as at 4th place. Russia is on 2nd and I am sure it will never join hands with America. So America will be all alone.


Why the heck would anybody want to fight US? Both India and China need a strong US for trade. India further needs US, if for nothing, as an example of the "free world". If you take out US, what ideals of freedom do we aspire to ? Half the Scandinavians are ruled by kings/queens and so is Canada - they have good standard of living though. Not much of a democratic ideal to work towards. Maybe we can start copying South Africa or something!

No one can hope to win against US on its home ground. When they are off their continent on excursions, they always go with at least a coalition of willing in tag.
Can we come up with Gutts ranking means who has the gutts to go to a war and win it? France does not have a gutts neither Saudi does. India will ever go eye to eye against USA or Russaia? No matter how much more UK spend over Russia, their soldiers will piss infront of Russian tanks...

lol yah and that would put the Talibans on top.
That ranking is very strange..
the quantity of infantry is almost irrelevant in modern warfare.

and in addition to that
The US Military expenditure (607 Billion US Dollars) is more than that of Rank 2-22 combined..
41,5% of the Worlds Total military expenditure!

So yeah, not really@Peace Maker

Conventional Ranking by Military Budget (by Stockholm Institute of peace studies, 2008):

In billion US-Dollars

1. USA 607
2. China 84,9
3. France 65,7
4. Great Britain 65,3
5. Russia 58,6
6. Germany 46,8
7. Japan 46,3
8. Italy 40,6
9. Saudi-Arabia 38,2
10. India 30
23. Pakistan 7,8

The combined military spending of all NATO members constitutes over 70% of the world's defence spending

And isn't India a US ally? Why do you want to oppose them?

Americans just use other countries and push them into trouble.Example for this is their friendship with Pakistan.They created Taliban for there own benefit and now tell me who is suffering?Our neighborers Pakistan.I dont want to repeat same with India.Its always good if we Asian countries stay away from America and collectively work for goodness of Asia.You know Why America is supporting India..Dude the reason is China is the only country who can raise voice against America in near future.So in that case if Military war happens between US and China,they can take help of India as it has larger border with China.
I will pray that our Indian leader stay away from America.
Jai ho...
This rating system has ADMITTED to being INACCURATE:

"Enjoy the numbers! It is hardly a super-accurate scientific measurement of military strengths but still entertaining to consider at the very least."

This site is NOT trustworthy!
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Coolyo, this rating indicates the cost of the army. Not whose army is better. Per example french have 3-rd place, but they are completly toy-soldiers in reality. Simple thing about italians.
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One major factor that is left out of the calculations is defense industry capability. Once that is added quite a few countries will trade places.
US only created Talibaan for there advantage and now Pakistan is paying price for it. And now when US thinks Taaliban can create problem for them in future they are using Pakistan against it.Finally pakistan is killing its own people.Pakistan should have stopped creation of Talibaan long back.

This is such totally erroneous BS. I am surprised at your ignorance. The Taliban were first supported by Benazir Bhutto's Pakistan, well after the US had disengaged from Afghanistan and during the period that the US was sanctioning Pakistan for its nuclear bomb tests. The Taliban is the creation of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan via their madrassas and via Saudi Arabia's and Pakistan's financial and material support to counteract Ahmed Massoud's strength in Kabul. The US is not and never has been responsible for the creation or the development of the Taliban in Afghanistan or in Pakistan.
Maybe US did not create the Taliban directly, but they have created all conditions for its emergence, when supporting the afghani clans in war against the USSR.

Now eat the results.
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Maybe US did not create the Taliban directly, but they have created all conditions for its emergence, when supporting the afghani clans in war against the USSR.
Now eat the results.

By your twisted logic it is obvious that the Soviet Union "created all conditions for its [the Taliban] emergence" when they interfered in Afghani affairs, invaded and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Afghans.
By your twisted logic it is obvious that the Soviet Union "created all conditions for its [the Taliban] emergence" when they interfered in Afghani affairs, invaded and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Afghans.

That woudl be accurate actually - the Taliban, and Pakistan's support for them, emerged out of the cocktail of chaos and civil war that resulted after the Soviets left Afghanistan a ruined country. But the Taliban also found their ideological moorings and manpower in the Madrassa's and training camps set up under CIA, GID and ISI supervision and funding.

Pakistan's support for them was also necessitated by the significant cost of an Afghanistan in civil war, and the desire to see a friendly government in Afghanistan, which had typically sided with India and supported separatist groups in both Baluchistan and the NWFP.

Plenty of blame to spread around I say - but the Soviets really started the rot (though some woudl argue they were 'invited' in by the then GoA).
...invaded and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Afghans.

Looks like US know how to fight differently? If you count how many people have died from american bombs (for democracy indeed) all over the world, the Holocaust would be exceeded.

Yes, Afghanistan was stupidity on the part of the Soviet Union. If not in idea, in execution. I never say that was good part of history. But the very system of training camps, infiltration of foreign mercenaries, support-bases for terrorists in Pakistan - all offspring of the US-CIA and other yankee-affairs.

Now you must fight your own "childs".
These lists cannot be believable when the real military strength assets are hidden and not available for scrutiny for all :P .
Nevertheless, Indonesia being stronger than Pakistan is the next joke, the author got no sense of humour.
Can we come up with Gutts ranking means who has the gutts to go to a war and win it? France does not have a gutts neither Saudi does. India will ever go eye to eye against USA or Russaia? No matter how much more UK spend over Russia, their soldiers will piss infront of Russian tanks...

"France does not have a gutts neither Saudi does"

what nonsense...
Have u heard about an French General named "Napoleon Bonaparte"??

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