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Hatf-IX - Tactical Multi-Tube Ballistic Missile

what is the meaning of a 60km range missile with nuclear capability. u know what i mean. if you detonate a nuclear bomb 60km away, you will also be a victim of that nuke because u r just 60km away form that blast :)
Buddy, only USA has the tech to produce such a sophisticated weapon...called "lance"............ Also it is a miniature nuke thts why it has a range of 60 kms..........not 600 or 6000 km.

Learn to read n comprehend.

There is no such terminology like miniature nuke. There is no such relationship between SRBM and ~miniature nuke. One can tip any BM or cruise missile with tactical nuke. The only question would be why you will tip tactical nuke when your opponent has drafted a doctrine to go for punitive retaliation with nuclear weapons to inflict damage unacceptable to the aggressor after any nuclear attack on its forces or nation?
People here are talking about a gravity bomb with sub kiloton yield if i am not wrong and it qualifies to be a tactical nuke which Pakistan has never tested it. Rest of the news is to celebrate a Hatf series BM with 60 KM range (less than 70 km hatf I) with a flight time of 1.3~ mins, gaining altitude less then 30 km with unknown accuracy, given a armoured column is moving with situational awareness about everything taking off from Pakistani side.
my two cents
There is no such terminology like miniature nuke. There is no such relationship between SRBM and ~miniature nuke. One can tip any BM or cruise missile with tactical nuke. The only question would be why you will tip tactical nuke when your opponent has drafted a doctrine to go for punitive retaliation with nuclear weapons to inflict damage unacceptable to the aggressor after any nuclear attack on its forces or nation?
People here are talking about a gravity bomb with sub kiloton yield if i am not wrong and it qualifies to be a tactical nuke which Pakistan has never tested it. Rest of the news is to celebrate a Hatf series BM with 60 KM range (less than 70 km hatf I) with a flight time of 1.3~ mins, gaining altitude less then 30 km with unknown accuracy, given a armoured column is moving with situational awareness about everything taking off from Pakistani side.
my two cents

Your two cents are worth crap..
Whats the average speed of an armored column?.. 500kph??
Or does it use star trek transporters to move here and there.
Somebody is high on wikipedia.
what is the meaning of a 60km range missile with nuclear capability. u know what i mean. if you detonate a nuclear bomb 60km away, you will also be a victim of that nuke because u r just 60km away form that blast :)

Yr please go to wikipedia or something else....
we have repeatedly said that a sub-kiloton WH cannot harm anything 60km away instantaneously...one can also fire it from 15km and scoot away...the Davy Crockett could take out a target 4 km away without harming the user...only the radiation in the atmosphere will be a threat but after 3-4 hours...
this is a suicide missile- must be used as a last resort only-
this is a suicide missile- must be used as a last resort only-

Tactical nukes come under a completely different doctrine compared to strategic weapons.

---------- Post added at 10:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 PM ----------

this is a suicide missile- must be used as a last resort only-

Tactical nukes come under a completely different doctrine compared to strategic weapons.
Your two cents are worth crap..
Whats the average speed of an armored column?.. 500kph??
Or does it use star trek transporters to move here and there.
Somebody is high on wikipedia.

With Range 60 km are you going to hit it when the column is on your territory? If not then column will be moving at 35-40km/hr.
1.3 mins =0.6 km. oops you missed by 600 meters and now wait for punitive nuclear retaliation. I hope you know how an armored column is arrayed

There are many conventional bombs which can melt armoured column BTW.
With Range 60 km are you going to hit it when the column is on your territory? If not then column will be moving at 35-40km/hr.
1.3 mins =0.6 km. oops you missed by 600 meters and now wait for punitive nuclear retaliation. I hope you know how an armored column is arrayed

There are many conventional bombs which can melt armoured column BTW.

That is what Intelligence is for.
With Range 60 km are you going to hit it when the column is on your territory? If not then column will be moving at 35-40km/hr.
1.3 mins =0.6 km. oops you missed by 600 meters and now wait for punitive nuclear retaliation. I hope you know how an armored column is arrayed

There are many conventional bombs which can melt armoured column BTW.

Pakistani scientist and engineers are grateful to you. they couldn't perform these calculations themselves
With Range 60 km are you going to hit it when the column is on your territory? If not then column will be moving at 35-40km/hr.
1.3 mins =0.6 km. oops you missed by 600 meters and now wait for punitive nuclear retaliation. I hope you know how an armored column is arrayed

There are many conventional bombs which can melt armoured column BTW.

Why are we just focusing on one point that Nasr will always be fired with with nuclear deterrence.. guys.. Nasr is nuclear capable.. understood but it could be fired without it... so rule of thumb; if enemy is in your terretory.. fire but dont nuke.. if enemy is in their own territory adancing towards yours, you have both the options.. and thirdly if you manage to davance into the enemy's area.. nuke and run but dont forget to blast the launcher prior to running.. :coffee:
With Range 60 km are you going to hit it when the column is on your territory? If not then column will be moving at 35-40km/hr.
1.3 mins =0.6 km. oops you missed by 600 meters and now wait for punitive nuclear retaliation. I hope you know how an armored column is arrayed

There are many conventional bombs which can melt armoured column BTW.

Ever wondered how Aziz Bhatti called successful strikes on ADVANCING tanks....surely he did some calculation before calling a barrage. And the ROCKET (for Indians) and Missile ( For rest of the world) is guided so possibly able to change direction and target.
while reading this thread, i dont know but i remembered one great post by sir muradk-- although its of militery aviation thread, but it gave a new meaning to the phrase, waiving the ''white flag'' in frustration of the failure of cold start

i dont want to derail the thread even further than before-- but just enjoy the origin of the white flag here..

The First answer to the Thread, Every Fighter Sqd In PAF has planes ready for ADA, we call them Hot planes. They can be 2, 3, or even 4 on standby.
Depends on the area and situation.
Second the Indian Minister.

If I am not wrong he was the interior Minister of Punjab and he decided to see the war first hand so he takes a ride in a chopper with 3 of his advisers in it. During the flight they see 3 sabers, we were comming back from a mission and salim was the only one with a few rounds in him So we circled around and told the ATC that we see a private chopper and we immidiatly got a reply do not shoot a civilian Helicopter and we all start talking should we shoot it down or not, while we are discussing it and constantly telling the ATC that we cant here you, we see white Dhoties comming out of the chopper :lol::lol: telling us that they are friendly, now we all are laughing are gutts out looking at the white Dhoties, while all this fun is going on we get a call Gnats in the area and we start looking around , Salim Gahur says Gnats at 9 o-clock climb and return to base. To our Horror the Gnat pilot shot the chopper head on and the chopper blew up like a gernade. There were Indian Soilders on the ground at that time who witnessed it .

The very Next day Our Sqd Cmd calls us and tells us that the foreign office logged a complaint that it was a cowardly act by PAF for shooting down a Unarmed Chopper.
Just a small event I wanted to share.

if indians think our first use policy is cowardly, well i guess the indians are no less aswell...
Here is how I see this being utilized - if the system is meant to prevent implementation of "Cold Start' or anything similar to it, the tactical nuclear warhead would come into play in case of Indian IBG's breaking through and capturing Pakistani territory (as the common understanding of Cold Start implies). In such a situation, the invading Indian IBG's, and their supply lines into Pakistan, would be targeted with artillery, mortars, MBRL's, A2G, and, finally, the 'tactical nuke'. The point of the 'tactical nuke', IMO, will not be 'radiation' (which is why the NBC protection aspect is not significant), but the actual kinetic impact of the explosions of perhaps several of these warheads on Indian troops and equipment that have been 'softened up' already by conventional munitions.

The only way to avoid this, for the Indian forces invading Pakistan, would be if the IAF had complete air dominance and was carrying out A2G attacks against the mobile launchers. But since the whole idea behind Cold Start is 'rapid action and surprise', and given the fact that the PAF is getting to the point where it will in fact be able to hold back the IAF for weeks even (if not go on the offensive), Indian formations (and their supply lines) inside Pakistan will be largely without any air cover, and hence exposed to the whole range of Pakistani munitions mentioned earlier.
It is basically an option to stop a sneak attack which is unlikely given the level of intelligence employed to monitor major formations.
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