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Hari Singh Nalwa:one of the best commanders ever

Yet ,we kept looting Abdali conveys that were carrying loot and slaves lol.

Early victories of Durrani Ahmad Shah... - The Great Durrani Empire | Facebook

His Durrani empire was one of the largest Islamic empires in the world at that time. However, even prior to his death, the empire began to unravel. In 1762, Ahmad Shah crossed the passes from Afghanistan for the sixth time to subdue the Sikhs. He assaulted Lahore and, after taking their holy city of Amritsar, massacred thousands of Sikh inhabitants, destroying their revered Golden Temple. Within two years, the Sikhs rebelled again and rebuilt their holy city of Amritsar. Ahmad Shah tried several more times to subjugate the Sikhs permanently, but failed.

The SIkhs took to cover and didn't fight the Ahmad Shah's army. There were small attacks but nothing large or disruptive. The Afghans came through Punjab again to fight at Panipat.

Sikhs invaded Afghanistan under the British Flag and were slaughtered by Pashtun Tribes in three Anglo-Afghan wars.

Sikhs became good canon fodder for the British.

Today there is a Afghanistan, but there is no such thing as a country for Sikhs.

Sikh Soldiers serving their British Conquerors:


Afghans Slaughtering British and their Sikh slaves:





Look at the size of the forces.

No big deal .Sikhs have always fought overwhelming odds ,whether we win or lose and inflict huge casualties.

The SIkhs took to cover and didn't fight the Ahmad Shah's army. There were small attacks but nothing large or disruptive. The Afghans came through Punjab again to fight at Panipat.

Actually they were pretty disruptive,thats why abdali invaded to subdue the sikh threat so many times.
Lol,the only reason that pakistan has kyber paktunwata,core pasthun land of durrani empire,thanks to hari singh nalwa

@Jaanbaz , on the afghan men wearing salwar kameez thing its from the wali of swat.

Repeated defeats at the hands of the Sikhs unnerved the Afghans who feared capture at the hands of the Sikhs and Nalwa in particular. Nalwa had a ruthless reputation, but him as per Sikh tenets never attacked or killed women and old people. It was then that it dawned on the Pushtoons that the Sikh women wore the Shalwar kameez. This was the standard dress of the Sikh women and remains so even today. The Pathan thought that the best way to escape the wrath of Nalwa was to don the Punjabi dress i.e. Shalwar kameez and escape from the clutches of the Sikhs and Nalwa. Thus Pathans would escape from the stranglehold of the Sikhs by wearing the Shalwar kameez. The dress over the decades was adopted by the Pathan and is also now known as the ‘Pathani suite’.

The veracity of the above is confirmed by Miangul Aurangzeb, Wali of Swat in a letter to the Taliban as late as the start of the 21st century. The above facts are recounted by Vanit Nalwa in her book Hari Singh Nalwa-champion of the Khalsa (2009).

How the Shalwar Kameez Became the Dress of the Pathans or Pushtoons
Hari Singh Nalwa Foundation Trust

Lol, proud British slave. I think you meant sikh incompetence.

Is that why the British lost all three Anglo-Afghan wars??


British won the second and third anglo-afghan wars ,check sources lol.enjoy that salwar khameez that hari singh nalwa told you to wear lol
British won the second and third anglo-afghan wars ,check sources lol.enjoy that salwar khameez that hari singh nalwa told you to wear lol
What "sources"? You mean the ones you haven't provided.

Anyway, a sikh being proud of British enslavement?? Wow, is that what you call sikh "pride"?? :rofl:
There never was a "sikh empire". Otherwise today sikhs would have their own country.

There was but it was lost due to infighting and treachery ,when some of our own on british bribes led the khalsa into a trap.

Wikipedia... can do anything.. including changing a man into a woman and a woman into a man- Edward Coke..:lol:

Actually there are a number of other peer verified secondary sources on each topic on wikipedia.Its still 100 times better than pakistani school education and 1000 times better than madrassa education.
There was but it was lost due to infighting and treachery ,when some of our own on british bribes led the khalsa into a trap.
You don't have your own country, you are just a minority in Hindu majority india.

Keep dreaming about your imaginary "empire" that never existed and never will exist.
What "sources"? You mean the ones you haven't provided.

Anyway, a sikh being proud of British enslavement?? Wow, is that what you call sikh "pride"?? :rofl:

LocationEmirate of Afghanistan
Result British victory[1]
  • British withdraw after achieving the desired political goals through theTreaty of Gandamak[2][3][4][5]
  • Afghans maintain internal sovereignty but cede various frontier areas and the control of their nation's foreign relationsto the British

British victory in second afghan war.
Second Anglo-Afghan War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Third anglo-afghan war:

he Third Anglo-Afghan War (also referred to as the Third Afghan War) began on 6 May 1919 and ended with an armistice on 8 August 1919. It was a minor tactical victory for the British. For the British, the Durand Line was reaffirmed as the political boundary between the Emirate of Afghanistan andBritish India and the Afghans agreed not to foment trouble on the British side. In the aftermath, the Afghans were able to resume the right to conduct their own foreign affairs as a fully independent state
Third Anglo-Afghan War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yep,afghan rear kicking by British by sikh foot soldiers twice.

Enough said.

You don't have your own country, you are just a minority in Hindu majority india.

Keep dreaming about your imaginary "empire" that never existed and never will exist.

yep ,but still Hari singh nalwa got you mullahs to wear salwar khameez lolololol....
Lol,the only reason that pakistan has kyber paktunwata,core pasthun land of durrani empire,thanks to hari singh nalwa

@Jaanbaz , on the afghan men wearing salwar kameez thing its from the wali of swat.

Repeated defeats at the hands of the Sikhs unnerved the Afghans who feared capture at the hands of the Sikhs and Nalwa in particular. Nalwa had a ruthless reputation, but him as per Sikh tenets never attacked or killed women and old people. It was then that it dawned on the Pushtoons that the Sikh women wore the Shalwar kameez. This was the standard dress of the Sikh women and remains so even today. The Pathan thought that the best way to escape the wrath of Nalwa was to don the Punjabi dress i.e. Shalwar kameez and escape from the clutches of the Sikhs and Nalwa. Thus Pathans would escape from the stranglehold of the Sikhs by wearing the Shalwar kameez. The dress over the decades was adopted by the Pathan and is also now known as the ‘Pathani suite’.

The veracity of the above is confirmed by Miangul Aurangzeb, Wali of Swat in a letter to the Taliban as late as the start of the 21st century. The above facts are recounted by Vanit Nalwa in her book Hari Singh Nalwa-champion of the Khalsa (2009).

How the Shalwar Kameez Became the Dress of the Pathans or Pushtoons
Hari Singh Nalwa Foundation Trust

British won the second and third anglo-afghan wars ,check sources lol.enjoy that salwar khameez that hari singh nalwa told you to wear lol

See ... this is what we call the proof of douchebaggery...

Written by this douchebag:


Pashtun soldiers of Durrani empire same one who beat the crap outta these people long before this BS:
Actually they were pretty disruptive,thats why abdali invaded to subdue the sikh threat so many times.

Their losses were minute and every time they routed the Sikhs. This was mainly due to the fact they were outnumbered and the Sikhs resorted to warfare from afar. It still didn't trouble Abdali.
I'm confused after reading the OP's first paragraph about Hari Singh. He once killed a lion with a shield and dagger and he was known as Tiger-Killer after that?

LocationEmirate of Afghanistan
Result British victory[1]
  • British withdraw after achieving the desired political goals through theTreaty of Gandamak[2][3][4][5]
  • Afghans maintain internal sovereignty but cede various frontier areas and the control of their nation's foreign relationsto the British

British victory in second afghan war.
Second Anglo-Afghan War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Third anglo-afghan war:

he Third Anglo-Afghan War (also referred to as the Third Afghan War) began on 6 May 1919 and ended with an armistice on 8 August 1919. It was a minor tactical victory for the British. For the British, the Durand Line was reaffirmed as the political boundary between the Emirate of Afghanistan andBritish India and the Afghans agreed not to foment trouble on the British side. In the aftermath, the Afghans were able to resume the right to conduct their own foreign affairs as a fully independent state
Third Anglo-Afghan War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yep,afghan rear kicking by British by sikh foot soldiers twice.

Enough said.

yep ,but still Hari singh nalwa got you mullahs to wear salwar khameez lolololol....

guess who these....... are:


There was but it was lost due to infighting and treachery ,when some of our own on british bribes led the khalsa into a trap.

Actually there are a number of other peer verified secondary sources on each topic on wikipedia.Its still 100 times better than pakistani school education and 1000 times better than madrassa education.

Damn stop munching those muli parathas ..gyani sb... or the Pashtuns,Baluch,Rajputs,Mughals etc will come back..and make you...:lol:
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