Happy Canada Day, eh!
It was on this day in 1867 that the British North America Act now called the Constitution Act, 1867 uniting the three colonies of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and the Province of Canada (southern parts of modern Ontario and Quebec) under the British Empire into Canada.
The federal statutory holiday was originally known as Dominion Day until it was renamed Canada Day in 1982 the same year the Canada Act was established and two years after O Canada was designated as the country's national anthem.
Where did the name come from? The word "Canada" is derived from the St. Lawrence Iroquoian word "kanata" which means "village" or "settlement."
And, just so you can impress all your friends with your extensive Canadian knowledge, our national flag was the United Kingdom Union Flag until 1965 when our current Maple Leaf flag came on the scene, and is still flying high.