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Happy birthday to CCP

China will not be as powerful as US. The main reason is that we have people like u. F@CK...................

I don't need to talk facts with people like you. You don't care about facts, or arguing statistics. You only care about promoting your ideology. So I'm not going to talk with facts. I'm going to use a language you understand and communicate at your level.
Dont hate. Love is much more stronger than hate.

I gave you some facts. Love is indeed stronger than hate, that's why even poorer Chinese men are more likely to attract any individual Korean girl than Korean men can for any individual Chinese girls, even factoring in the higher income.
I used to think the same until I actually read some statistics. Only 25000 Americans in Shanghai today. Probably half are Chinese-Americans. I'd estimate there are no more than 50,000 whites in Shanghai.

I also ran some numbers. Any individual Chinese woman is very unlikely to marry a foreigner. Even in the publicized case of Korea where the rate is 10000 Chinese women marry to Korean men, 1000 Chinese men marry to Korean women, normalized for population the probability of any individual Chinese woman marrying a Korean is 0.0015% while the probability of any individual Korean woman marrying a Chinese man is 0.005%.

Easy 6th grade calculations: 10000 Chinese women marrying Koreans / 665 million Chinese women vs. 1000 Korean women marrying Chinese men / 20 million Korean women.

Yep, now over 95% of the girls in Shanghai either married with a Chinese guy from Shanghai or a Chinese guy from the outside of Shanghai. It is only a handful of the trashes who went for the white guys. Now it is even much fewer compared to the 1990s, when China was much poorer back then and some Chinese girls wanted to marry with the Western men for a better life.
When we talked about the massacre, I think no body in the world can defeat CCP. That's sure, CCP is the number one. Yeah, you dont want to japanese to kill our people, so you prefer CCP's massacre. Dont forget about this, for 1966 to 1976, nearly 0.1 billion people here died in china. who did this? YOu and I know.

Yep, now over 95% of the girls in Shanghai either married with a Chinese guy in Shanghai or a Chinese guy from the outside of Shanghai. It is only a handful of the trashes who went for the white guys. Now it is even fewer compared to the 1990s, when China was much poorer back then and many Chinese girls wanted to marry with the Western men for a better life.

I'm surprised so many Korean women want to marry Chinese guys even though they are economically poorer. That either means, Korean men are savage animals, or Chinese men are quite attractive.
Martian, now that you mention the atomic bomb, do you think the KMT could have pulled off an atom bomb+delivery vehicle in the 80's? Or what if the Chiang family defied the US and went on with the project?

No. There is no place to test it.

Also, when the Taiwanese public finds out about it, they would demand the reversal of the Taiwanese atomic bomb program. An atom bomb does not make Taiwan safer. It guarantees Taiwan's destruction. For the same reason of self-preservation on a tiny island, Britain has dismantled all of its land-based nuclear missiles. By the way, the French have done the same.

The rationale is that in a major war, the major powers (e.g. United States, China, and Russia) will bypass harmless little countries with no nuclear weapons on their soil. See? We pose no threat to you. Please do not nuke our little island nation or cheese-loving France.
I'm surprised so many Korean women want to marry Chinese guys even though they are economically poorer. That either means, Korean men are savage animals, or Chinese men are quite attractive.

The Korean males are perhaps the worst chauvinist creatures in the World, yet they are still incompetent and weak, and need the protection from their American big daddy.
Your level is so low. dont reply me again. it will damage my IQ when communicating with guys like u. U can just communicate with your beloved masters.
I know it's your job and your life is not easy. if you dont accomplish the quantity of posts everyday assigned by your masters, u will be punished. you should thank me for creating job for u. But I am not glad to offer more help from now on. you can turn to others.

No. There is no place to test it.

Also, when the Taiwanese public finds out about it, they would demand the reversal of the Taiwanese atomic bomb program. An atom bomb does not make Taiwan safer. It guarantees Taiwan's destruction. For the same reason of self-preservation on a tiny island, Britain has dismantled all of its land-based nuclear missiles. By the way, the French have done the same.

The rationale is that in a major war, the major powers (e.g. United States, China, and Russia) will bypass harmless little countries with no nuclear weapons on their soil. See? We pose no threat to you. Please do not nuke our little island nation or cheese-loving France.

Taiwan doesn't need any nukes, it cannot afford to maintain a reasonable nuclear arsenal. Meanwhile, it also costs to develop the lauching devices like the ballistic missiles.

---------- Post added at 10:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 AM ----------


lol, i don't have any personal affiliation with CCP. Ironically, my grandfather grew up in the rich family of a KMT officer.

However, i support CCP over KMT because it is the only hope for China, and KMT remains the spineless cowards just like they were 60 years ago.

The KMT has become a semi-U.S. puppet. The psychology is completely different from the truly independent CCP. It would be a disaster if the KMT assumes control over all of China. The U.S. has merely to remind the KMT, "you owe us for your existence..." and it's all downhill from there for Chinese national interests.

叫我们中国人“支那”??呵呵 ,很好,不愧为台湾省的人
The Korean males are perhaps the worst chauvinist creatures in the World, yet they are still incompetent and weak, and need the protection from their American big daddy.

Sigh, such is the problem with enslaved nations. But I disagree. Koreans are not the absolute worst. They are tied with white Americans. Read this article.

Healing Matrix: Unlearning Stereotypes of Asians - A Personal Journey

I once worked in an office with many women from China. I had previously assumed that East Asian women, including Chinese women, were less likely to work outside the home compared to American women, so I was very surprised when one of my co-workers told me how surprised she was to see 'so many housewives' in the US.

Many of the Chinese women I worked with were very loud and outspoken, which led me to doubt my previous assumptions about the "downtrodden Oriental woman" as contrasted to the "liberated Western woman".

Getting to know my Asian male coworkers more closely and seeing in person how they interacted with their families really drove home for me the irony of how the average American man lets his wife take a disproportionate share of responsibility for child care and housework, and yet we love pointing fingers at men from non-Western countries, calling them 'oppressors of women'.

Most of my Korean coworkers, unfortunately, would not have changed my stereotypes of Asian male sexism if I had not have exposure to other Asian men. I have no intention of generalizing the attitudes of all Korean men, but those I've observed seemed to be honorable people who usually adhere to a system of debt and obligation (more familiar to us Westerners as 'give-and-take') with their friends, that is, their *male* friends. When it comes to female associates (who are not even girlfriends or wives), the men do not seem to abide by the same code of honor.
The KMT has become a semi-U.S. puppet. The psychology is completely different from the truly independent CCP. It would be a disaster if the KMT assumes control over all of China. The U.S. has merely to remind the KMT, "you owe us for your existence..." and it's all downhill from there for Chinese national interests.

Thank you for your sincere support Martian. :tup:

Hopefully there could have more Taiwanese like you who can realize that CCP is China's true backbone.

Some KMT members also complained how CCP cheated during the civil war because KMT's army was all nearly exhausted after fighting against the Japanese invasion. So it doesn't matter as when CCP solves all the internal issues and the external threats, they will accept KMT's rematch by the election.


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