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Happy birthday to CCP

Using nukes against its own citizens? Nobody is dumber than that. :rofl:

The Pan-Blue folks can never cease to amaze me. :rofl:

No wonder they can only struggle with the Pan-Green folks in Taiwan. :rofl:

Sadly, we are forced to cooperate with Pan Blue because the alternative is Pan Green on Taiwan. But in the process, KMT is being influenced by CPC ideology.
Sadly, we are forced to cooperate with Pan Blue because the alternative is Pan Green on Taiwan. But in the process, KMT is being influenced by CPC ideology.

I believe that one day CCP will learn from their big brother-KMT again-to return the rights to their people and make China a democracy.
Sadly, we are forced to cooperate with Pan Blue because the alternative is Pan Green on Taiwan. But in the process, KMT is being influenced by CPC ideology.

The Reddish Pan-Blue folks are our patriotic countrymen, sadly these people are still minorities among the Pan-Blue people, and mostly of them also got persecuted by the family of Chiang because they were believed to be the communist spies.

The socialisit Pan-Blues are the true heirs of the Republic of China, since during the late years of our national father Sun Yat Sen, he believed that China should follow the path of the socialist, not the greedy capitalist.

But it was the Mafia Chiang family who had hijacked the ROC and they are the one who have destroyed ROC. :tdown:
I believe that one day CCP will learn from their big brother-KMT again-to return the rights to their people and make China a democracy.

China is already a democracy. Its only a dictatorship towards low IQ losers that love American GI * up their *.
China is already a democracy. Its only a dictatorship towards low IQ losers that love American GI * up their *.

When you key in these words, what do you think at this moment? Dont kid, it's not funny.
Chiang family is the Mafia criminals who have robbed China, just check how much golds they have taken from the Mainland to Taiwan.

They not only destroyed ROC, and also put a bad name to it.
When you key in these words, what do you think at this moment? Dont kid, it's not funny.

What do I think? I would say but I'd be "represented" by you.

Chiang family is the Mafia criminals who have robbed China, just check how much golds they have taken from the Mainland to Taiwan.

They not only destroyed ROC, and also put a bad name to it.

This is true. Song Qing Ling, the sister of the whitewashed sellout hoe Song Mei Ling who was wife of the US daddy Japanese mommy puppet Chiang Kai Shek, was so ashamed and disappointed in their corruption she joined the CPC and became President of China. Even their family hated them.
What do I think? I would say but I'd be "represented" by you.

This is true. Song Qing Ling, the sister of the whitewashed sellout hoe Song Mei Ling who was wife of the US daddy Japanese mommy puppet Chiang Kai Shek, was so ashamed and disappointed in their corruption she joined the CPC and became President of China. Even their family hated them.

True, i respect the true ROC which was a great republic who made its first successful revolution and overthrown the corrupt feudalism in China's history.

But f@ck those Mafias like Chiang Kai Shek and T.V Soong. :tdown:
Comparing with Mao, Chiang family is just a little case. Check how many people mao killed and if all these treasures were not delivered to Taiwan, they must be destoryed by commies in Culture revolution. TG is skilled at destroying but not construction.

Mao killed less than 10% the people Chiang family killed. Look over my statistics and calculations. TG not skilled at construction? Hahahahahahahahahahah tell me what Chiang regime constructed?

You are just a brainwashed Blue Guard. Same as Red Guards in 1964 but just different slogans. All you know how to do is shout slogans, insult people and act like a stupid gorilla. Hey, there's a great place for people like you, its called Iraq.
Mao killed less than 10% the people Chiang family killed. Look over my statistics and calculations. TG not skilled at construction? Hahahahahahahahahahah tell me what Chiang regime constructed?

Those European settlements all over in Shanghai, and let the Chinese girls become the soulless hookers and f@cked by the those white horny d@cks.

I just heard that Chiang's wife also had an affair with an American guy, hahahahaha.

Chiang must love to get a green hat from this white daddy. :rofl:
Those European settlements all over in Shanghai, and let the Chinese girls become the soulless hookers and f@cked by the those white d@ck.

I always wonder, when Song Mei Ling was in USA did she have 3P with whites and blacks? She loved 3P so much she was crying "oh~ nothing about me is Oriental but my face~" maybe including that special area? Is that why Chiang Kai Shek's son loved white women so much, because he has white genes? Wonder what Chiang would say when he knew his wife was playing 3P with whites and blacks.
I always wonder, when Song Mei Ling was in USA did she have 3P with whites and blacks? She loved 3P so much she was crying "oh~ nothing about me is Oriental but my face~" maybe including that special area? Is that why Chiang Kai Shek's son loved white women so much, because he has white genes? Wonder what Chiang would say when he knew his wife was playing 3P with whites and blacks.

Song Mei Ling had an affair with an American guy, there is the proof.
I am so sad when seeing these posts from you. You are highly educated and you stated that you have been in US for 8 years. You can go to West Point, there are plenty of statues of the General of Army from the South in their civil. They respect them even if they lost the war.

China will not be as powerful as US. The main reason is that we have people like u. F@CK...................

So what about KMT? Having people like 汪精卫, right?
Your statements exactly describ the situation in shanghai now.

I used to think the same until I actually read some statistics. Only 25000 Americans in Shanghai today. Probably half are Chinese-Americans. I'd estimate there are no more than 50,000 whites in Shanghai.

I also ran some numbers. Any individual Chinese woman is very unlikely to marry a foreigner. Even in the publicized case of Korea where the rate is 10000 Chinese women marry to Korean men, 1000 Chinese men marry to Korean women, normalized for population the probability of any individual Chinese woman marrying a Korean is 0.0015% while the probability of any individual Korean woman marrying a Chinese man is 0.005%.

Easy 6th grade calculations: 10000 Chinese women marrying Koreans / 665 million Chinese women vs. 1000 Korean women marrying Chinese men / 20 million Korean women.
I dont want to humble myself to elaborate.

You can keep worshipping 蒋光头 as you want, but the matter fact is that he still sucks in the eyes of the Chinese people.
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