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Hallyu rising in Indonesia, but Indian pop culture still loved after decades

With all of these rampant IP piracy it definitely kill the incentives to be creatives hence the lacks of appeal and option . At the end of the day people create more to earn more .
Jusk look at Bondan prakoso and the gank . I'll bet for my pack of djisamsoe's today allocation that the lack of steady income is what was kill their musical camaraderie ...
And yess... I'll take Bondan P's sound over any asian hard core music any day especially such wimpy *** K waves . Then again it comes over each person' taste and preferences isn't it ?

Even i found Malaysian music is More appealing
Even i found Malaysian music is More appealing
Now you mentioned malaysia i found their newfound enthusiasme on ska's music quite amusing . And i heard that Tipe-x was find their second wind by riding the waves there ...

Namewee is the only Malaysian singer I know
Don't know what is wrong with the current generation in which why we must look up India and US for movie and K-Pop for movie and song, but in the past we had a very active Movie industries, our literature is thriving with the likes of Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Chairil Anwar, Taufiq Ismail, Toha Iskandar, N,H Dini and so on our local music is surely more "cadas" comparable even to the World standard much better compared to Korean type Music in which quite vulgar and mostly without any meaningful meaning.

Nothing is wrong with present generation. Its just a fade, because its cool to look stylish. Even here in India we have huge K-POP and Japnese anime follower, but after a while we all came back to appreciate our own native cultural heritage. and by native i mean native not bollywood.

Look at this Indian anime and Kpop festivals

but what we all returned to and have learned to appreciate is this
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