Seconding Abingdon! The delta wing is an elegant solution for fighters,
It is part of most wings nowadays save the straight and trapezoidal ones.
Even in the latter the leading edge is delta type.
Some designers prefer the added control surfaces by cultural habituation.
Russia and America don't favour it but the latter counts nice deltas as the Dagger.
In Europe, SAAB and Dassault made it trademarks of their production while still able to do otherwise.
But deltas vary, sometimes they become fluid as in the Concorde's
( thinking a modern Concorde with shape memory wings
and some blend into double deltas with nearly no curves looking flat as paper plane.
You know of the adaptations by Israel and you know that Pakistan is the last user of the Mirage III series.
Deltas it seems appeal to all even opposites? Talking about which, if we were to suppose that Jerusalem
gave China the Lavi plans or that the evil Celestials just took them, the wing on that fighter was a Mirage III
derivative, once removed if not twice because the Israeli engineers did not stay idle or repeat and neither
did the Chinese ones.
Meanwhile, at best, the wing of the Tejas could be seen as an adaptation of that of the Mirage 2000 even
though the pronounced updown sweep with inclusion of the intakes make it a totally different beast.
Are then the III's & 2000's wings the same? The answer is no. The construction techniques were invented
between the two and if it looks like that of its older brother, the wing of an M2K is a step to that of the 4000
and then Rafale. Sometimes, a generational gap does not show much but changes things nonetheless.
You could say their great-grand parents were cousins at best. Not much of a familial link!
Good evening, Tay.