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HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

You're assuming the Tejas will get within 15km of JF-17. In WVR turn fight, it's anyone's game.

My original point stands, Block I/II JF-17 have MAWS capability, Tejas does not.

Actually it can fire the Python V at near BVR ranges, which is ~20-25 km.

15 km would be the bubble of NEZ where any target is extremely vulnerable.

The Bison flown by Wing Cmdr Abhinandan got within visual range of the F-16 at which he fired the R-73E. So, never assume that WVR combat won't happen. If that were the case, Air Forces wouldn't expend so much money and effort into getting top of the line WVRAAMs integrated.

Tejas Mk1A is going to get the MAWS. Which will be ported over to the 40 Tejas Mk1s once development for the Mk1A is complete.

Importantly, even WITHOUT a MAWS, a pilot can be made aware of a missile launched at him..AEW&C and AWACS both have the capability to detect a missile launch and warn their fighters.

The JF-17 Block 1 and 2 don't have HMDS or PL-10. You guys don't even know WHICH HMDS will be used. And there is no roadmap for when these will be integrated, tested and then retrofitted on over 100 JF-17 Block 1 and 2s.

So in a visual range fight, the Tejas Mk1 is far more dangerous than the JF-17 Blk 1 and 2 since it can use the DASH HMDS and R-73E or Python V. JF-17 will use the older PL-5EII WVRAAM which is NOT a HOBS missile. It's off-bore capability is rather poor compared to the R-73E and not comparable to the ASRAAM or Python V.
Actually it can fire the Python V at near BVR ranges, which is ~20-25 km.

15 km would be the bubble of NEZ where any target is extremely vulnerable.

The Bison flown by Wing Cmdr Abhinandan got within visual range of the F-16 at which he fired the R-73E. So, never assume that WVR combat won't happen. If that were the case, Air Forces wouldn't expend so much money and effort into getting top of the line WVRAAMs integrated.

Tejas Mk1A is going to get the MAWS. Which will be ported over to the 40 Tejas Mk1s once development for the Mk1A is complete.

Importantly, even WITHOUT a MAWS, a pilot can be made aware of a missile launched at him..AEW&C and AWACS both have the capability to detect a missile launch and warn their fighters.

The JF-17 Block 1 and 2 don't have HMDS or PL-10. You guys don't even know WHICH HMDS will be used. And there is no roadmap for when these will be integrated, tested and then retrofitted on over 100 JF-17 Block 1 and 2s.

So in a visual range fight, the Tejas Mk1 is far more dangerous than the JF-17 Blk 1 and 2 since it can use the DASH HMDS and R-73E or Python V. JF-17 will use the older PL-5EII WVRAAM which is NOT a HOBS missile. It's off-bore capability is rather poor compared to the R-73E and not comparable to the ASRAAM or Python V.

Right thanks for confirming, the first 40 Tejas will have no MAWS, like I said.

Unfortunately, the rest of your comment is BS, Abhi never got within visual of the Viper, it was a BVR kill by the Viper, and Abhi is on record of stating "he was looking" for the Viper. His drop tanks were still attached to his Mig. We can start a flame war about Feb 2019 in the Tejas thread if you like :devil:

The rest of your assumptions also applies to the PAF, including AWAC and datalink support, or did you forget how the IAF was blindsided on Feb 2019 :devil:

We can continue and discuss Operation Swift Retort here if you like :omghaha::devil::devil:
I-Derby ER was also test fired along with python 5

BTW python5 is one of the best WVRAAM in the world with 360° engagement capability. By the end of this year Tejas will be capable of firing R73 Archer, i-derby, Astra mk1, ASRAAM, Python5, i-derby ER.
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Bring it on! This is a major step up in capability which wasn't even reported till all the missile firings were completed.

This was not 1 Python V firing..it was a series of Python Vs that were fired to test it in very challenging scenarios. And it was a 100% success in all firings for both Python V and Derby.

This Python V and Derby enhanced capability is ready to go on the Tejas Mk1 fleet!

Official Press Release

Tejas, India's indigenous Light Combat Aircraft, added the 5th generation Python-5 Air-to-Air Missile (AAM) in its air-to-air weapons capability on April 27, 2021. Trials were also aimed to validate enhanced capability of already integrated Derby Beyond Visual Range (BVR) AAM on Tejas.

The test firing at Goa completed a series of missile trials to validate its performance under extremely challenging scenarios. Derby missile achieved direct hit on a high-speed maneuvering aerial target and the Python missiles also achieved 100% hits, thereby validating their complete capability. The trials met all their planned objectives.

Prior to these trials, extensive missile carriage flight tests were conducted at Bengaluru to assess integration of the missile with aircraft systems on board the Tejas, like Avionics, Fire-control radar, Missile Weapon Delivery System and the Flight Control System.

At Goa, after successful separation trials, live launch of the missile on a Banshee target was carried out. Python-5 missile live firing was conducted to validate target engagement from all aspects as well as beyond visual ranges. In all the live firings, missile hit the aerial target.

The missiles were fired from Tejas aircraft of Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) flown by Indian Air Force (IAF) Test pilots belonging to National Flight Test Centre (NFTC). The successful conduct was made possible with years of hard work by the team of scientists, engineers and technicians from ADA and HAL-ARDC along with admirable support from CEMILAC, DG-AQA, IAF PMT, NPO (LCA Navy) and INS HANSA.
Tejas equiped with DRDO's Uttam AESA Radar.
Video of one of the tests of Python V fired from Tejas Mk1. Superb high speed video that clearly shows it flying off the rail.

BTW, the video confirms that the Tejas MK1 prototype LSP7 was carrying just 1 wing mounted drop tank, which is no problem for the pilot because of the superb FCS on the Tejas Mk1 that is designed to handle asymmetric loads.

Another amazing thing is how smokeless the Python V is..there was no smoke trail from it's launch thanks to Smokeless propellant...That means visually an enemy pilot would not be able to easily spot it being fired just based on the smoke trail.

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Tejas armed with 2x Archer and Python 5
View attachment 738142

By the end of this year, it'll also be integrated with the ASRAAM CCM.

Python V works out well because the IA and IAF have large stocks of this missile from their SpyDer SAM batteries. ASRAAM is to be the NG-CCM for the IAF, having already equipped the Jaguar DARIN III. ASRAAM will also be employed on the Su-30MKI replacing the R-73E.
?? what are you blabbering about? Can you provide a pic showing location of MAWS on the first 40 aircraft?

read the post again
Right thanks for confirming, the first 40 Tejas will have no MAWS, like I said.

Unfortunately, the rest of your comment is BS, Abhi never got within visual of the Viper, it was a BVR kill by the Viper, and Abhi is on record of stating "he was looking" for the Viper. His drop tanks were still attached to his Mig. We can start a flame war about Feb 2019 in the Tejas thread if you like :devil:

The rest of your assumptions also applies to the PAF, including AWAC and datalink support, or did you forget how the IAF was blindsided on Feb 2019 :devil:

We can continue and discuss Operation Swift Retort here if you like :omghaha::devil::devil:

First 40 jets are awaiting testing...what will you do in 2 years time when we start adding them to MAWS. PAF doesn't have any good system like the Phalcon. Your AWACS is very limited.
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This will fry JF17 since that has no equal defences @Windjammer
As expected, as soon as you people manage to put a nut on bolt, it's either a feat of engineering or breaking news....however, let me jog your memory.....pre-27.2.2019....all we would read and hear is that the SU-30 is an over kill of the PAF and it's meant for China....where as the MiG-29s are sufficient to take care of entire PAF.....well, when the test came, maybe the fanboys forgot their habitual banter but we saw there was no MiG-29 in sight and the less said about the SU-30s the better as this thread is about Tejas.
And since you use the term 'Fry' liberally, well you most probably know that we are going through our month of Fasting.....even then we love to fry Samosas. :D
Tejas equiped with DRDO's Uttam AESA Radar.


As expected, as soon as you people manage to put a nut on bolt, it's either a feat of engineering or breaking news....however, let me jog your memory.....pre-27.2.2019....all we would read and hear is that the SU-30 is an over kill of the PAF and it's meant for China....where as the MiG-29s are sufficient to take care of entire PAF.....well, when the test came, maybe the fanboys forgot their habitual banter but we saw there was no MiG-29 in sight and the less said about the SU-30s the better as this thread is about Tejas.
And since you use the term 'Fry' liberally, well you most probably know that we are going through our month of Fasting.....even then we love to fry Samosas. :D

You know windy, in WVR combat you need really strong wind- braking to execute tight maneuvres to fight the Pythons...hope you are full of them :laugh:
read the post again

First 40 jets are awaiting testing...what will you do in 2 years time when we start adding them to MAWS. PAF doesn't have any good system like the Phalcon. Your AWACS is very limited.

You've proved my point. JF-17 had MAWS now, Tejas doesn't. Good luck with the 2 year timeline, we all know how Tejas schedules go lol. Your Phalcons were nowhere to be seen when needed lol
You know windy, in WVR combat you need really strong wind- braking to execute tight maneuvres to fight the Pythons...hope you are full of them :laugh:
In this day and age, when sitting on the ground, man can tell the temperature of the Sun, still your Agni Pankh Patils couldn't distinguish the difference between a fast jet and a slow moving Chopper in their own back yards....that too during a minute skirmish....but then again you are executing so many tight turns that now your chudi is in a twist trapping the wind in your upper crust......which obviously is just an echo chamber.
As expected, as soon as you people manage to put a nut on bolt, it's either a feat of engineering or breaking news....however, let me jog your memory.....pre-27.2.2019....all we would read and hear is that the SU-30 is an over kill of the PAF and it's meant for China....where as the MiG-29s are sufficient to take care of entire PAF.....well, when the test came, maybe the fanboys forgot their habitual banter but we saw there was no MiG-29 in sight and the less said about the SU-30s the better as this thread is about Tejas.
And since you use the term 'Fry' liberally, well you most probably know that we are going through our month of Fasting.....even then we love to fry Samosas. :D

more gas troubles for this guy..
more gas troubles for this guy..
Stray has come for his free daily dose. :lol:
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