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HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

One country (country 1) needed an aircraft badly but had hardly any options. Another country (country 2) with adequate know how offered them assistance. Country one sent its team to country 2 to lay down the QRs. That is where it’s contribution ended. It just laid down the QRs. Not one bit more since it didn’t have any technical capability whatsoever. Country 2 developed the aircraft and country 1 started assembling the same from the kits supplied by country 2.

Country 2 in its magnanimity allowed the usage of word “JOINT”. Country 1 became a tiger on that day and decided to call itself equal to any other country with a capability to develop an aircraft,.

By this criteria India should call SU-30 a joint aircraft since its role is much bigger than that of country 1 in developing this joint aircraft. 😀😀
One country throwed a billion dollars around to develop jet with assitance of many countries but FORGOt to set the requirements

Resulting in nothing after 30 years
The thing I find ironic is how is it that they don't see it?
Seeing something and registering it are two different things. A lot of things right in front eyes are not registered by mind if the person is preoccupied with something.

What are these trolls preoccupied with?
It’s hate that affects objective and clear thinking.

Coming to their assessment about Tejas. In their heart they know that it is at the cusp of breakthrough and finally about to make big. Their multiple negative comments are nothing but a hope that it might still fail. As they they say when a lie is repeated thousand times it can sound and feel like a truth. So hope it is, in the minds of all adversaries.

LCA MK I even with multiple concessions as quoted by CAG was as capable as JF MKI but a little better. But not one of them would accept it. They don’t have a CAG to point these out. So it boils down to you said vs I said.

JF was inducted in large numbers and is operational. So one thumbs up to them in believing in something and going steadfastly with it. I wouldn’t want to go into the aspect of options available etc. That is a different argument altogether.

At this juncture it has become a troll fest since there were implementation issues with LCA project. That is what gives ammunition to nay sayers.
If HAL, DRDO, IAF and other players have really learnt the lesson and worked to overcome it then by end of 2021 a lot of them would go silent.

If HAL fails to deliver on what it promised then sentiments and national pride aside I wouldn’t mind accepting a shortfall.

Till then good luck to trolls for troll fest and HAL to make good it’s promises.
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all TEDBF stuff here:
The link doesn’t seem to be working.
The link doesn’t seem to be working.

Yes I noticed too, that someone deleted this thread? But I don't know why since this was the only thread for this type, whereas we have multiple threads for other types.

Maybe @The Eagle can help?
But I don't know why since
A separate thread sounds right since it is a different aircraft amd not just a different version. I hope thread gets created soon.
Yes I noticed too, that someone deleted this thread? But I don't know why since this was the only thread for this type, whereas we have multiple threads for other types.

Maybe @The Eagle can help?

Findings were based upon an opinion, redirecting the user to another forum. . . a propaganda .org to be precisely. WE don't allow such links, hence, deleted.
Findings were based upon an opinion, redirecting the user to another forum. . . a propaganda .org to be precisely. WE don't allow such links, hence, deleted.

But this is based on the first post ... and now all other posts are gone too???

But that does not mean the topic itself is forbidden? :unsure:
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But this is based on the first post ... and now all other posts are gone too.

But that does not mean the topic itself is forbidden? :unsure:
Here is the video link along with screen grab from you post on the same thread. We cannot allow such a link. The subject may continue here. That thread had only 6 posts including following discussion.

Tejas Mk2 program updates

Tejas Mk2 updates

- Feb 2020 was when Tejas Mk2 was nearing the PDR just before lockdown.
- During lockdown, the team of Tejas Mk2 worked on the outcome of PDR.
- After the PDR was crossed, they started working on Detailed Design activities.
- Configuration is frozen and Inboards finalized.
- Also, lot of effort put towards maintanability assessment of various systems.
- Today at CDR stage, initiated some of the sub systems CDR.
- And now progressing towards drawing release.
- Some of the specific parts, metal cutting has already started
- Final stage of finalizing the cockpit configuration.
- Sensors and antennae locations finalized, masking studies have been completed for various antennae.
- Drawing release process has been finalized.
- The procurement of raw materials and availability assessment has been completed.
- Various systems design reviews have been completed and detailed design has been initiated and moving towards Critical Design Review.
- Also started the finalization of ESOP (Equipment Standard of Preparation) for the first flight.
- Right now the team is focusing on the completion of the Detailed Design and taking up the aircraft level CDR and going ahead with metal cutting and moving towards assembling the aircraft and next year August to have a rollout of the first Tejas Mk2.
- Features of the Tejas Mk2 include reduced drag which has reduced the transonic acceleration time, IRST, MAWS, Advanced EW suite with internal jammer and RWR, CMDS.
- Weapons will include western weapons, Russian and Indian weapons.
- Feasibility studies have been completed on various weapons integration with the Tejas Mk2. Scalp, Crystal Maze, Spice 1000, Astra, Rudram 1, 2, 3, indigenous bombs, Nirbhay ALCM and Brahmos NG.
- Standoff weaponry to allow targeting from more than 570 km range.
- There will he hardpoints that are designed to be able to carry 1800 kgs of weapons


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From Twitter link

Aero India'21 update R Madhavan HAL: “AESA radar config finalised on LCA Mk.1A is different from AESA radar on Jaguar Darin III. Both radars will be manufactured at Avionics Div HYD under Transfer of Tech. However, Uttam radar dev by LRDE is also under trial with the LCA”

Elta 2052 to be manufactured in India, but the configuration is different. Likely refers to the power output and the number of Transmit/Receive modules on the Tejas Mk1A being much higher than that of the Jaguar which has a much smaller diameter nose and radome.

Nice shot of an IAF Jaguar..could be a Jaguar IM Maritime Strike variant with the older Elta 2032 radar or a newer Jaguar IS DARIN 3 with the Elta 2052 radar. Can't say for sure without the serial number


From Twitter, link

Stay-tuned to the #unsung heroes building our #Tejas. From the hangars of #HAL's Aircraft Division, the 2nd production line. And, on Feb 2, Def Min will inaugurate the much-awaited 3rd line boosting the production, finally.

Third assembly line for the manufacture of Tejas fighters and trainers to be inaugurated by the Defence Minister on Feb 2. Initially will be dedicated to building the 18 Tejas trainers on order. Then will transition to the Tejas Mk1A.
Times of India is reporting that the third and new assembly line to be inaugurated by the Defence Minister tomorrow will eventually have the capacity to build 16 Tejas fighters/trainers per year.

Currently there are 2 assembly lines for the Tejas in operation:

1- LCA Division - which can produce 5 Tejas fighters per year
2- HAL Aircraft Division - which can produce 3 Tejas fighters per year

They will continue building the remaining SP fighters for the No.18 Squadron. SP-25 is going to have it's first flight in 2-3 weeks as per Anantha Krishnans' report.

Now, with the third one at Doddanekundi, the plan is to build the 18 Tejas trainers first and then transition to building Tejas Mk1A fighters there. At full capacity, it'll be able to build 16 Tejas jets per year, so theoretically upto 24 Tejas Mk1A fighters can be built if an export order materializes.

Overall, 50,000 jobs have been estimated to have been created by the LCA program to date. And 5000 new jobs will be created at the over 560 suppliers to the Tejas Mk1A program.

WOW!! The Indian Navy's TEDBF is finally unveiled! Or at least 1 of the 2 configurations being studied

DSI intakes, which have been developed for the AMCA (and yes development is complete) are to be used on the TEDBF too. Strangely, no IRST as yet, which is now confirmed for the Tejas Mk2. Probably will be specified by the IN a later date.




TEDBF with close coupled canards and delta wings from the front

TEDBF with close coupled canards and delta wings from the front


There si now a dedicated thread for the TEDBF and since it is no-Tejas anymore anyway I suggest to stop posting TEDBF stuff in the Tejas-thread.

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