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HAL LCH| Updates and Discussions

Hey my Chinese friend.
You're right, we've taken a long time over all these projects- the LCA, the Arjun and a few more . I hope the defence establishment has learnt some lessons- I'm quite confident that it has.

Our roads aren't as fancy as Chinese roads, I agree. There is a lot of poverty, and you can see pictures of it everywhere. We're not perfect by any means, as the world can see.

Here's the difference between us and you Chinese.

>We are FREE.
>We can give birth to one, two, three, four, five kids.
>We don't shoot pickpockets and Buddhist Monks for protesting.
>We can criticize the government, the system, the people who rule us. They come from among us and we get our chance to kick them out every five years. We do.
>We can travel within our country and buy land or settle anywhere.
>Our people aren't so frustrated and desperate to have their say that they snap and run around stabbing schoolkids. I'm sure that is still happening, but guess what-nobody will ever know.

We're doing it the slow way. Ever cooked on a slow flame? Takes way longer, but tastes awesome.

Get over Nanking, dude. It was a long time ago.
The whole world isn't out to get the Chinese any more. We actually like you guys and your cheap phones and pedestal fans.
Your food is awesome, too. Love crispy lamb.

Keep posting, man. Peace.:cheers:
And Hey Chinese Dude!
I noticed you are in Australia and not in The Great Communist Paradise Motherland.
What happened? Liked freedom and free speech too much, eh?
It happens.
Network Centric, Light Combat Helicopter with all weather operability impresses IAF and Army Aviation

8ak/PIB/HAL: HAL got compliments from all quarters today with the successful, official maiden flight of the Light Combat Helicopter (LCH) in Bangalore today. With some good engineering and commonalities with the Advanced Light Helicopter platform, it took HAL just 40 months to develop the LCH project which started in 2006.

The 5.8 tonne LCH inherits many technical features of the ALH Dhruv which includes the hingless-rotor system, transmission, Shakti engines, hydraulics, IADS, weapons system and avionics. The features that are unique to LCH are sleek & narrow fuselage, tri-cycle crashworthy landing gear, tandem cockpits, crash-worthy & self sealing fuel tanks, aero foil shaped stub wings for weapons, armour protection, NBC protection and low visibility features.

LCH is fitted with a 20mm turret gun which will be controlled by a helmet-mounted sighting system. Besides Air-to-Air missiles, it is believed that DRDO's Helina (NAG) anti-tank guided missile will also be integrated with this platform giving it significant air-to-ground attack capability.

The helicopter would have day/night targeting systems for the crew including the Helmet pointed sight and Electro-optical pod consisting of CCD camera/FLIR/laser range finder/laser designator. The LRF & LD facilitate measurement of range to the target & guidance to the Laser guided Missiles respectively. A Digital Video Recorder would enable recording of the vital mission for debriefing purposes.

The LCH is fitted with Self Protection Suite consisting of Radar/Laser Missile warning systems and Countermeasures dispensing system. It is also planned to integrate IR/Laser missile jammer on the helicopter.

The helicopter would be fitted with a Data Link for Network-centric operations facilitating transfer of the mission data to the other airborne platforms and ground stations operating in the network, thus facilitating force multiplication. It has a sophisticated mission system called the Target Acquistion and Designing System (TADS).

The machine is designed for low detection (visual, aural, radar & infra-red) and includes armour protection of critical areas. A 30 minute dry running capability of the gear box is a built in feature to survive after a ballistic hit to the transmission system. Crash-worthiness features are built into the wheel landing gear & structure. Dual redundant systems also enhance the effectiveness of the helicopter in the battlefield environment.

HAL claims that the performance features of the LCH i.e. rate of climb, cruise speed, service ceiling are on par, if not better than other helicopter in its class like A129/Tiger and with bigger dedicated combat helicopters like Apache, Kamov 30 or Mi-35.

The development team included members of HAL, Indian Air Force, the certification authorities CEMILAC, DGAQA and the various suppliers of the onboard systems. LCH prototype development was based on the concept of design, ground testing and fabrication concurrently. The design & manufacturing was carried-out using the state-of-art C.A.D/C.A.M facilities which obviated the requirement of an interface check rig. The ground testing included wind-tunnel testing, landing gear drop tests, and shake test. A mock up was also built for evaluation by the Indian Air Force.

Besides the Indian Air Force, the helicopter has also impressed the Army Aviation Corp who could use it in a surveillance role as they await the Light Observation Helicopter which will be a single engine version for high altitudes. Operational clearance is expected in 2012 with EcoTimes reporting that induction will begin in 2014.

Meanwhile, DNA reported on May 12 that the procurement of 197 reconnaissance & surveillance helicopters meant for Army Aviation may be cancelled.

Separately, speaking to ANI, HAL Chairman Ashok Nayak said that HAL is also working on the Lakshya Mark II UAV.

URL :- http://www.8ak.in/8ak_india_defence_news/2010/05/light-combat-helicopter-with-network-centric-warfare-capabilities.html


Is it because the LCH has so impressed that the AAC are going for this instead..?

Way to go HAL.......:yahoo:
Now... Unlike your LCA TEJAS and ARJUN tank.

Care to explain it...? IOC for LCA is due in 6 months and already Army has given order for abt 250 Arjun tanks.

The reason LCH got developed so fast is due to the hardships and experiences while developing the Dhruv helicopter on which its is based.Dhruv took abt 5 years to develop while the LCH only abt 2 years.

So the experience we gained in developing the LCA Tejas will definitely show in our next project the MCA which will be developed more quickly.
IAF plaudits for LCH on its maiden flight
Bangalore, May 23, DHNS:

The indigenously produced Light Combat Helicopter (LCH) manufactured by the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has got the nod of the end user - the Indian Air Force.

Inaugurating the maiden flight launch of the chopper at the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) airport hereon Sunday, the Vice-Chief of Air staff, Air Marshal P K Barbora was unsparing with his admiration for the copter which is now likely to be inducted into the Armed forces by 2014.

The LCH, the military version of the Advanced Light Helicopter (Dhruv) is a dedicated attack helicopter featuring a narrow fuselage and a tandem seating for the pilot and co-pilot. The machine is designed for low detection (reduced visual, aural, radar and infra red signatures) and has crashworthy landing gear for better survivability. With a host of features, the LCH is expected to play a major role in air defence aspect of the Indian Air

Force (IAF) against slow moving aerial targets, destruction of enemy air defence operations, escort to special heliborne operations, support of combat search and rescue operations, anti-tank role and scout duties.

“It is a red letter day for not only HAL, but the whole nation. I am quite positive, the aircraft will meet all requirements of the Indian Air Force (IAF) in this class of helicopters. The first display has been superb, though the chopper appears bulky and heavy,” Barbora said. The capability to indigenise a chopper of the class of LCH is possible only by a few nations globally, he added.

Past mistakes

“At the same time, HAL must learn from its past mistakes and not repeat them,” he said in a pointed reference to the past differences between the IAF and HAL. Ashok Nayak, HAL chairman who also spoke said, IAF had booked 65 LCHs. “The army has also shown keen interest in buying a large number of these for the army aviation wing,” he said. R K Singh, Secretary, Defence Production was also present.

The event was, however overshadowed by the crash of Air India Express IX-812 in Mangalore on Saturday, with Defence Minister A K Antony and Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal P V Naik staying away from the ceremony as a mark of respect to lives lost in the air disaster. Chief test pilots Unni Pillai and Hari Nair who flew the 5.8-tonne LCH, put up a 10-minute spectacular air display.

IAF plaudits for LCH on its maiden flight

simply positive right.
Now... Unlike your LCA TEJAS and ARJUN tank. this seems to be quite an achievement. Beautiful attack heli this. Congrats to all my indian friends..

one thing i could help noticing is that is has a very small RCS because of which its gonna give the anti air units a very hard time.

Lessons , the key important word ,

You see sir, India has learned her lessons building Helicopters from the ALH(Dhurv) .A heli that was also critiqued alongside the tejas and the Arjun . but what did that prove ,nothing . Today we have the LCH as result of the good work we did on the Dhurv.

Now while you may say

Unlike your LCA TEJAS and ARJUN tank.

you forget , that both those projects are also undergoing a Mk-II project.

While we may all agree the MK-I's have had their shortcomings , they are still very mature and capable platforms.

you see , sir if you actually have been following the latest news with regards to these projects.

you would be aware , that The tejas is less than 6 months away from IOC . With the first squadron already under construction. and another squadron the following year.

Arjun has showed superiority in the trials against the T-90 , and another 124 tanks have been ordered. Bringing the total to 248 tanks.

More orders will probably follow for the Mk-I's of both machines.

On top of that Funding and approval for MK-II of the projects has already been given.

Both expected to be rolled out in the next 5 years.


the one lesson people have not leaned is that none of these projects are a failure
It would be better it would also used for spying and information gathering . . Think about it it save billion dollars for us. . As army want 197 of those
Besides the Indian Air Force, the helicopter has also impressed the Army Aviation Corp who could use it in a surveillance role as they await the Light Observation Helicopter which will be a single engine version for high altitudes. Operational clearance is expected in 2012 with EcoTimes reporting that induction will begin in 2014.

Meanwhile, DNA reported on May 12 that the procurement of 197 reconnaissance & surveillance helicopters meant for Army Aviation may be cancelled.

Am i reading this right ?

Our armed forces have actually opted out of foreign purchase in favour of a domestic alternative.

Successful Roll out and the first “Official Test flight” of India’s Light combat Aircraft (LCH) happened on a Sunday morning of 23rd May, Indian Air force which already operates Mi-35 “Hind “for over two decade now will also be inducting some new Attack Helicopter to replace them soon for which Tender to leading manufactures have already been send, IAF has already ordered 65 of LCH, but big orders are expected from Indian Army.

Indian Army till date has not operated any Combat Helicopters in its long history but have worked with Air forces Mi-35 “Hind “in operations in Srilanka and in UN missions, Retired Army officer Prasad chawan told idrw.org “We were impressed by the Hind in various operations it was involved and we all ways wanted some in our fleet”, he also added “Army had asked for induction or purchases of this attack choppers for Army aviation but Air force could object to our proposal”.

But local development of LCH will mean that Army aviation will also have them, Army is excited about the recent development and Army orders for LCH will be more than double of what air force has put, Chawan explained “Mostly Attack helicopters are operated by Army aviation to provide cover fire for troops landing over enemy territory, air support and also has a Tank buster for moving field regiments” he also pointed out that Cobra Gunship in Pakistan is operated by Pakistani Army.

---------- Post added at 08:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:06 AM ----------

LCH marks a new era in Indian combat avionics


The successful test flight of the Light Combat Helicopter (LCH) on Sunday will would go down in the history of Indian combat avionics as a new era in indigenous development of dedicated fighter helicopters in the country.
The Light Combat Helicopter (LCH) has been developed by the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL).

The inaugural test flight of the LCH, which is yet to be christened, has made India enter the elite club of countries in the world which have the capability of designing, developing and manufacturing state of the art advanced combat helicopters.

The successful test flight was conducted at the HAL’s airport here, which was witnessed by a number of distinguished guests, and a huge number of people.

Defence Minister A K Antony, his deputy Pallam Raju and Air Force Chief Air Chief Marshal P V Naik were to attend the function, but they cancelled their visit after Saturday’s air disaster at Mangalore.

Secretary Defence Production R K Singh, Vice Chief of Air Staff Air Marshall P K Barbora, Chairman HAL Ashok Nayak besides many other dignitaries were present on the historic public flight of the LCH.

Describing the LCH as the “Tiger Bird”, Vice Chief of Air Staff Air Marshall P K Barbora said: ” It’s a red letter day not only for the HAL but the whole nation. In avionics, the circus must go on,” he said while referring about Saturday’s tragic incident in Mangalore.”

“It is an unveiling of an asset for which the Indian Air Force was desperately looking for. The display was superb. I congratulate the whole HAL team, especially the rotary wing design team,” Air Marshall Barbora said.

He said the LCH has some unmatched combat and stealth features. “This is no mean achievement. There are very few countries that have the capability to build this (LCH) kind of aircraft. I am quite hopeful that the LCH would be ready for induction in the Indian Air Force in coming two to three years,” Air Marshall Barbora added.

The LCH, which weighs 5.8 tonnes, has strike the enemy target moving at a maximum speed of 268 kilometers per hour.

The “Tiger Bird” has been fitted with a 20 mm Turret gun right in the nose, which not only gives it a stunning “fighter” look but also enhances the capability to destroy target with utmost precision.

Due to its narrow fuselage with flat panels and tandem seating arrangement, in which the pilot and the co-pilot sit behind one another, the LCH is one of most compact fighter helicopter at present.

The glass cockpit, night operation capabilities, along with highly sophisticated mission systems such as the Target Acquistion and Designing System (TADS), Helmet Mounted Sight (HMS) and the Infrared (IR) Supressor are only a few out of numerous advance systems fitted in the LCH.

Apart from basic combat roles, the LCH qualifies for several other tasks as well such as the offensive employment in Urban Warfare, Counter Surface Operations (CSFO) and Counter Insurgency operations. By Shashank Shantanu
Am i reading this right ?

Our armed forces have actually opted out of foreign purchase in favour of a domestic alternative.

Its just a grapevine bro.
Lets see if it turns out to be true....
BTW gr8 news if it indeed turns out to be true.
Care to explain it...? IOC for LCA is due in 6 months and already Army has given order for abt 250 Arjun tanks.

The reason LCH got developed so fast is due to the hardships and experiences while developing the Dhruv helicopter on which its is based.Dhruv took abt 5 years to develop while the LCH only abt 2 years.

So the experience we gained in developing the LCA Tejas will definitely show in our next project the MCA which will be developed more quickly.

LCH Sanctioned on 2006, In 40 Months the First Prototype Fly is a Record in Indian Aviation
LCH Sanctioned on 2006, In 40 Months the First Prototype Fly is a Record in Indian Aviation

Obviously we are Experts in Manufacturing helicopters now, After LCA, the future combat aircrafts would be a lot easier for us.... We have also Got Ourselves into Civil aviation RTA-70..... After MRTA , HAL will also look to produce Airliner, just like Boing 737 or 747

So Just wait for it, India has Long term plans which we are working upon.... Settle for non other Than the best...
Would this be great when these would be remodelled and converted into passenger Jets by Non Other than HAL?



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