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Hakimullah Mehsud killed in armed clash: sources

Dear Patriot,

My answer is "Aswa Hasanah" .

Are our rulers are fair?
Are we muslim not fighting with each other?
Are we take care of our servents?
Are we performing namaz? Are our shop are closing during Salah?
Are our courts are providing justice?
Are we regularly giving zakat?
Are we our bank are free from Riba?
Is Music is haram in our country?

Can you give answer Yes for above questions?

Untill unless we as nation dont follow "Aswah hasanah" our soil will continue producing terrorists(BM,SUFI,FAZULLAH) and Mr 10% and Gen Niazi,Gen Yahya,Gen Musharaf etc.

What the hell?

1. Firstly, we are fighting the taliban scum because they are a bunch of murderers terrorizing the pakistani population. Being muslim has nothing to do with it! The fascist taliban scumbags killing the people of Swat were not interested in providing justice - their intent to carve out a salafi fiefdom was revealed during the immediate aftermath of the Nizam-Adl deal.

2. While taking care of our servants should be encouraged, doing so is not going to stop extremists from promoting their agenda - that is pretty funny. :)

3. Last time I checked most pakistanis are muslim. However, it is none of your business whether some particular individual is performing his prayer or not. Keep your nose out of people's private lives. Moreover, closing the shops during prayer has nothing to do with solving the extemist problem. Besides, praying does not automatically qualify one as a good person - there are a lot of politicians who pray five times a day while looting public funds.

4. Music is not haram in our religion or country.

Most pakistanis don't susbcribe to such Saudi Salafi nonsense you seem to be influenced by. Unfortunately the Saudi Salafis have been exporting a regressive cultural ideology spawned in Nejd under the guise of religion. It is unfortunate that the Salafis are presiding over the two holiest sites in the muslim world while their intolerant antics directly conflict with the actual teachings of Islam.

The root of the extremist problem is not 'listening to music' - for the love of god! It is the Wahhabi/ Salafi supremacist ideology that encourages its followers to walk around with a stick in your neighborhood and mine, brutalizing women, blowing up shrines, music shops and schools, and murdering anyone who disgrees with their horribly distorted worldview.

Until we Pakistanis unequivocally renounce the regressive cultural ideology exported by the saudi salafis and promoted by their local taliban minions, our fight against extremism will not be won. And that is the path we should follow.
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All limitation of islam is to develop leading nation and better human beings, when level of authority rise the the level of responsible will also rise.

Muslims should also provide protection for non muslims but at present we are at so lowest level that muslim is fighting and killing muslim.

Role of muslim is traffic controller , if he will not perform his duty what is will happen ?

But that's the problem, don't you see?
If we look at the history of the world, whenever you create a "us v/s them" mentality where one group defines the character of a country and the rest are tolerated, it leads to trouble.

Even within Islam, where do we draw the line? Which version of Islam will be the official Islam of Pakistan? The Sunni version? Which interpretation of Sunni ideology? When did the government get into the business of deciding who is a true muslim?

As much as I respect ZAB, the whole Qadiani debate was ridiculous. Among other things, we managed to disown the only Pakistani to get a Nobel prize.
What the hell?

1. Firstly, we are fighting the taliban scum because they are a bunch of murderers terrorizing the pakistani population. Being muslim has nothing to do with it! The fascist taliban scumbags killing the people of Swat were not interested in providing justice - their intent to carve out a salafi fiefdom was revealed during the immediate aftermath of the Nizam-Adl deal.

Untill we dont kill the root cause who is generating these evils ,we can not clean our society from terrorists.

Snub the evil in the bud:woot:

2. While taking care of our servants should be encouraged, doing so is not going to stop extremists from promoting their agenda - that is pretty funny. :)

Ask any government servent is he happy with his salary? , as result corruption will increase in society and it will effect justice and end product is terrorism?:woot:

3. Last time I checked most pakistanis are muslim. However, it is none of your business whether some particular individual is performing his prayer or not. Keep your nose out people's private lives. Moreover, closing the shops during prayer has nothing to do with solving the extemist problem. Besides, praying does not automatically qualify one as a good person - there are a lot of politicians who pray five times a day while looting public funds.

What is benefit of prayer in jamat ?it will creat brotherhood and love among muslim which leads to peace and protect society from fasad or internal differences.

4. Music is not haram in our religion or country.

Most pakistanis don't susbcribe to such Saudi Salafi nonsense you seem to be influenced by. Unfortunately the Saudi Salafis have been exporting a regressive cultural ideology spawned in Nejd under the guise of religion. It is unfortunate that the Salafis are presiding over the two holiest sites in the muslim world while their intolerant antics are in direct conflict with the actual teachings of Islam.

The root of the extremist problem is not 'listening to music' - for the love of god! It is the Wahhabi/ Salafi supremacist ideology that encourages its followers to walk around with a stick in your neighborhood and mine, brutalizing women, blowing up shrines, music shops and schools, and murdering anyone who disgrees with their horribly distorted worldview.

Until we Pakistanis unequivocally renounce the regressive cultural ideology exported by the saudi salafis and promoted by their local taliban minions, our fight against extremism will not be won. And that is the path we should follow.

Can you provide any reference of hadees for your claim about music ,please? half mullah katra iman:lol:

Why in each discussion you bring saudi or wahabism, your hatred may lead to mentle disorder.:hitwall:
But that's the problem, don't you see?
If we look at the history of the world, whenever you create a "us v/s them" mentality where one group defines the character of a country and the rest are tolerated, it leads to trouble.

Even within Islam, where do we draw the line? Which version of Islam will be the official Islam of Pakistan? The Sunni version? Which interpretation of Sunni ideology? When did the government get into the business of deciding who is a true muslim?

As much as I respect ZAB, the whole Qadiani debate was ridiculous. Among other things, we managed to disown the only Pakistani to get a Nobel prize.

Debate is how to implememt shariah law not about the sects itself,All sects or fiqa are right ,it is matter between man and God but important thing is to provide the justice system which only shriah law can provide for muslim society.Shariah has flexibility to cater all sect and fiqa of islam.

Do you think noble price is ultimate achievement?

This is biggest problem of western media and society, our young minds are very much impressed by western values, we should be impressed by Shahba of Badar ,Uhad,khandak.
Debate is how to implememt shariah law not about the sects itself,All sects or fiqa are right ,it is matter between man and God but important thing is to provide the justice system which only shriah law can provide for muslim society.Shariah has flexibility to cater all sect and fiqa of islam.

If we can find a good marriage of sharia law and modern secular law that preserves individual human rights, including equal rights for women and minorities, then that may be something worth considering. But the law must not differentiate based on a person's religion. We do not want a system of sharia law for 'muslims' (however that is defined) and another system of laws for 'non-muslims'.

We want a cohesive society with one set of laws for everybody.

Do you think noble price is ultimate achievement?

This is biggest problem of western media and society, our young minds are very much impressed by western values, we should be impressed by Shahba of Badar ,Uhad,khandak.

That's the problem right there. Science and technology are not "western values". They used to be very much Islamic values. We can't compete in the modern world by reciting the Quran and chanting "Allah Allah" all day long.
If we can find a good marriage of sharia law and modern secular law that preserves individual human rights, including equal rights for women and minorities, then that may be something worth considering. But the law must not differentiate based on a person's religion. We do not want a system of sharia law for 'muslims' (however that is defined) and another system of laws for 'non-muslims'.

We want a cohesive society with one set of laws for everybody.

Try to understand , shariah is only applicable to muslum that deal with their marriage,punishments, talaq, zakat etc,

These law can not be implemented to non muslims but shariah law provide other rights for practice their faith and do buisness etc.

social security system ,free medicine and education in canada and france is basically first implemented by hazrat Umar RA.

That's the problem right there. Science and technology are not "western values". They used to be very much Islamic values. We can't compete in the modern world by reciting the Quran and chanting "Allah Allah" all day long.

Agreed, science and technolgy basically started by muslim scientists uptill 15 th century there was no western scientist .

Islam is practical religion your 24 hours life is prayer , just spend your life as per sunnah.It is very simple and easy life style also our focus should be on our sucess in eternal life which depends on present life.

More drama.

wali rahman has denied any shootout.any difference with hakimullah.Any special shura meeting.

maulvi sangeen said he met baitullah alive after drone attack.

Hamid mir said to shahid masud in today's meray mutabiq that baitullah is alive hakeemullah is alive and wali rahman too is alive .
Government is spreading misinformation.

Maulana miraj ud din and Saleh shah of JUI have also said baitullah is alive.
Even the americans have not confirmed anything
After Baitullah, battle on for Taliban treasure

Monday, August 10, 2009

By Kamran Khan

KARACHI: A bloody feud that followed Baitullah Mehsud’s death involving about three-dozen best-trained Taliban fighters early on Wednesday morning was actually a battle among various Taliban warlords to control Rs 2 billion Taliban funds and ownership of arms and ammunition worth about Rs 1 billion by grabbing the ‘Emarat’ (the leadership) of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), according to senior security officials and knowledgeable Taliban sources.

Such was the charisma and awe of 35-year-old, five feet two inches tall Baitullah Mehsud that none of his associates ever dared to challenge his leadership till an American missile strike blew his body apart on the first floor of the house of his second wife in South Waziristan last week.

An intelligence official said: “For about four years, some 3,500 trained fighters and dozens of suicide bombers blindly followed Baitullah as he was the centre of gravity of terrorism in Pakistan.” The battle for the control of the Rs 3 billion Taliban treasure erupted within two days of Baitullah’s death, when two of his most trusted lieutenants, Hakimullah Mehsud and Waliur Rehman, claimed succession in an emergency meeting in Sararogha, where an armed clash left Hakimullah Mehsud dead, along with 40 Taliban fighters, on Saturday evening, a security official said.

An official account of this incident said Waliur Rehman got seriously wounded, while Qari Hussain, who ran the Taliban’s suicide operations directly under Baitullah Mehsud, was also wounded with bullet injuries on both legs in the same incident.

Hakimullah Mehsud, Waliur Rehman and Qari Hussain were claimant to the ‘Emarat’ of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, that comes with a grip on funds of billions of rupees, huge cache of weapons and thousands of trained fighters and a close affinity with al-Qaeda and its leader Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri, who had chosen Baitullah Mehsud to lead the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan.

“There is a constant flow of tens of millions of dollars from foreign enemy sources that keeps the Taliban machine rolling,” a senior security official said, adding: “Over the years Baitullah had built a cash reserve of about Rs 2 billion in addition to large cache of sophisticated weapons, ammunition and latest communication equipment.”

Intelligence officials believe money for the Pakistani Taliban was either buried in various caves in the tribal areas or it was stashed in various bank accounts in Pakistan and in some Gulf states.

Baitullah Mehsud’s coffers expanded so much last year that he sent one of his cousins to Dubai for cash investment in various real estate projects; subsequently millions of dollars were remitted for adventurous business proposals in Gulf states.

“It was not theft, Baitullah just wanted to bolster Taliban reserves because of growing expenses,” said a Karachi-based Mehsud tribesman, who had associated with Baitullah in the past. Narrating another incident, the same source said when a renowned Taliban commander informed Baitullah about huge monetary offers he was receiving from Pakistani officials to surrender, Baitullah’s answer to this man was: “Money is not with the government of Pakistan. Money is with me, tell me how much you want.” Officials concede Baitullah’s money power was such that it was difficult for them to buy his key commanders, as he conveniently outbid them in case of a couple of important commanders.

A senior police official in Peshawar said Baitullah was convinced by al-Qaeda and Pakistan’s foreign enemies that South Waziristan would soon emerge as an independent “Islamic Emirate” and he would be declared as its first Amir.

Intelligence accounts speak of smooth flow of cash to Baitullah from enemy agents, posing as wealthy and highly motivated Arab Muslims, who had established direct connection with the reclusive Taliban commander.

The Taliban sources close to Baitullah Mehsud say a strong cash flow was his most crucial need because his top priority remained an uninterrupted payment of monthly salaries to the families of each of his fighters. Baitullah was supervising a smooth system of cash deliveries ranging from Rs10,000 to Rs20,000 at the doorsteps of his fighters all across Pakistan. Sustenance allowance reached the families of those killed in action.

“Cash pipelines emanating from RAW and Afghan secret services headquarters were terminating in Baitullah-ran accounts, besides cash and weapons infusion,” intelligence officials believed. They estimate Baitullah was paying about Rs600 million in salaries for his fighters every year.

While intelligence agencies see a direct hand of Indian and Afghan secret agencies in financing terror outfits in Pakistan, US officials have consistently accused wealthy individuals in unnamed Gulf countries of providing finances to the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Pakistani and Taliban sources say Maulana Ikramuddin, the man who gave his young daughter to Baitullah Mehsud in marriage last year, was the custodian of some of the key financial secrets of Baitullah Mehsud. Ikramuddin was not at home when the US missile struck his residence, killing Baitullah and about 40 of his bodyguards.

Intelligence officials watched with keen interest that when Hakimullah Mehsud and Waliur Rehman groups clashed in Sararogha, each one of them tried to kidnap Ikramuddin, who was there to arrange a negotiated succession agreement under his umbrella. Ikramuddin, an official source said, was taken away by injured Waliur Rehman.

While foreign cash inflows remained an important source of the Taliban funding, irrefutable evidence showed that Baitullah also ran strong syndicate of select Mehsud tribesmen in Karachi and some Jihadi elements of southern Punjab who were assigned to provide cash injection through bank robberies and kidnappings for ransom.

In one incident two years ago, two private security guards, both Mehsud tribesmen and close associates of Baitullah Mehsud, looted Rs140 million from a foreign exchange company in Karachi. The investigation led the trail to Baitullah Mehsud, who was later approached by a delegation of top Islamic scholars of Karachi for the return of the money. Baitullah obliged the Ulema by returning Rs16.5 million from the looted Rs140 million. The matter is in full knowledge of JUI chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman, who had organised the Scholars’ meeting with Baitullah Mehsud.

Several important cases of kidnappings for ransom in Karachi and Lahore over the last two years and a majority of kidnappings for ransom cases reported in Peshawar in the past two years were settled when the Taliban or their contacts were paid huge ransoms.

After Baitullah, battle on for Taliban treasure
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