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Hakimullah Mehsud killed in armed clash: sources

^^^ Therefore, I call it an ever lasting war.

The war between knowledge and ignorance. The war between light and darkness. The war between extremism and moderation. You name what, but I see a clear consciousness in Pakistan's masses that the evil, in what ever shape it is, should not be the prevailing power in our society anymore.

Let the law prevail. Let the reason prevail. Let the rationale prevail. Let it be started now.
The war on terror is going to be ended for Pakistan soon. Insha Allah.

An ever lasting war to educate people and sustain the standard of education has to be started.

Its high time to carve a long term plan to eliminate "intellectual Talibanization" from our society. Educate masses to turn to Qur'an, Sunnah and founders of our nation Quaid e Azam and Allama Iqbal, to have a true picture of what Pakistan supposed to be actually.

Exactly, This is some serious problem that we are facing..We do have extremist intellectuals in our society. A couple of days back I went for namaaz in a local mosque and I told some of my neighbours about Baituallah being killed but didnt find them exciting about it. One of the person started to argue that our govt. is a sell out and siding with americans to kill innocent pakistanies such as BM. Later he also argued that muslims need not learn the modern science and technology and Islam doesnt allows us to strive for knowledge except for Quran.

And I was like WTF? and i m not talking about some village or remote area where you dont get satellite tv or stuff.. Its a posh area of the third largest city of the country..

A beautiful poetry by Allama Iqbal specially for these ignorants....

"Qoum kia hai Qoumon ki imaamat kia hai
Yeh bechaarey kia jaaneiN do rakat ke imam"
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Fun damentalist

I dont believe these news untill any solid evidence ,it may be a move of mehsud to trap his enemies

Don't take it so hard. BTW whats it like "Holly Land"? Is it Safe? You think?:cheers:
Originally Posted by raheel1
"Qoum kia hai Qoumon ki imaamat kia hai
Yeh bechaarey kia jaaneiN do rakat ke imam"

Let me add an other couplet from Iqbal;

Aain e nau say darna, tarz e kuhun pay arna
Manzi yehi katthin hai qaumooN ki zindagi maiN
^^^ Therefore, I call it an ever lasting war.

The war between knowledge and ignorance. The war between light and darkness. The war between extremism and moderation. You name what, but I see a clear consciousness in Pakistan's masses that the evil, in what ever shape it is, should not be the prevailing power in our society anymore.

Let the law prevail. Let the reason prevail. Let the rationale prevail. Let it be started now.


Making Pakistan was first step towards our objective given by Iqbal , we lost our destination and forget what we forget.

Aik ho muslim haram ki pasbani ka lai
neil ka sahal se lakar tab ka kasghar

Me tug ko bata hum taqdir ummam kia hai
Samsher o sana awal rus o rabab akar
I don't know all what you people believe there, but if Bait Ullah is the real person behind all of the acts of terror in Pakistani territory, he must have to be put to death....

But I don't think he is the Real Taliban, whom we really love..??
Well, Afzal knows how to make a splash and get our attention - Maybe it won't turn out to be the thing to do - depends on the kind of Pakistan, Pakistanis want, I guess.
Hakimullah Mehsud killed in armed clash: sources

Firing between two groups of banned TTP

Check these links.
Talibans probably wanted to gain some time due to deadlock in selecting the leader. But this surely solves their problem of selecting Hakim ullah OR Wali ur rahman.
Hopefully thet will continue to breakup into smaller groups . I hope they self destruct.
Alhamdulillah. I wish these agents of India destruct each other and go to the land of Jahannam quickly.
Exactly, This is some serious problem that we are facing..We do have extremist intellectuals in our society. A couple of days back I went for namaaz in a local mosque and I told some of my neighbours about Baituallah being killed but didnt find them exciting about it. One of the person started to argue that our govt. is a sell out and siding with americans to kill innocent pakistanies such as BM. Later he also argued that muslims need not learn the modern science and technology and Islam doesnt allows us to strive for knowledge except for Quran.

And I was like WTF? and i m not talking about some village or remote area where you dont get satellite tv or stuff.. Its a posh area of the third largest city of the country..

A beautiful poetry by Allama Iqbal specially for these ignorants....

"Qoum kia hai Qoumon ki imaamat kia hai
Yeh bechaarey kia jaaneiN do rakat ke imam"
That my friend is nothing.I've seen worse.I don't know why people have such extremist ideas and Fundamentalist would you please share the path we should have followed?
That my friend is nothing.I've seen worse.I don't know why people have such extremist ideas and Fundamentalist would you please share the path we should have followed?

Dear Patriot,

My answer is "Aswa Hasanah" .

Are our rulers are fair?
Are we muslim not fighting with each other?
Are we take care of our servents?
Are we performing namaz? Are our shop are closing during Salah?
Are our courts are providing justice?
Are we regularly giving zakat?
Are we our bank are free from Riba?
Is Music is haram in our country?

Can you give answer Yes for above questions?

Untill unless we as nation dont follow "Aswah hasanah" our soil will continue producing terrorists(BM,SUFI,FAZULLAH) and Mr 10% and Gen Niazi,Gen Yahya,Gen Musharaf etc.
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That my friend is nothing.I've seen worse.I don't know why people have such extremist ideas and Fundamentalist would you please share the path we should have followed?

We were doing fine till early 70s as a nation. We were moderate muslims, we had our own culture, we were fun loving and good human beings. All changed when Zia ul haq manipulated our religion for his personal political gains...

The same old reason, i.e Marshall laws and the weak judiciary through out the history.... If you're asking me we should have never let justice munir legitimise the coup of Ayub khan...
Fundamentalist and others,

Please don't take this the wrong way. I am a muslim also but I don't want Islam involved in people's daily life. It should remain a private matter.

I have many friends in Pakistan who are christian or hindu or parsi. Please try to see this from their point of view. I want them to feel comfortable and welcome in their own country. No Pakistani citizen should be made to feel "different" or alien in their native homeland.
Fundamentalist and others,

Please don't take this the wrong way. I am a muslim also but I don't want Islam involved in people's daily life. It should remain a private matter.

I have many friends in Pakistan who are christian or hindu or parsi. Please try to see this from their point of view. I want them to feel comfortable and welcome in their own country. No Pakistani citizen should be made to feel "different" or alien in their native homeland.
100% agree.I only laugh at people who give such ideas.I mean as if Mullahs are not corrupted.Look at Iran..how rich are they after revolution??They have corrupted Clerics on top now.State has nothing to do with religion..it should be worried about economy and other stuff not religion..period.If we go by your rules then states like Turkey would have failed long ago and not emerge as some of the most powerful states.
Fundamentalist and others,

Please don't take this the wrong way. I am a muslim also but I don't want Islam involved in people's daily life. It should remain a private matter.

I have many friends in Pakistan who are christian or hindu or parsi. Please try to see this from their point of view. I want them to feel comfortable and welcome in their own country. No Pakistani citizen should be made to feel "different" or alien in their native homeland.


All limitation of islam is to develop leading nation and better human beings, when level of authority rise the the level of responsible will also rise.

Muslims should also provide protection for non muslims but at present we are at so lowest level that muslim is fighting and killing muslim.

Role of muslim is traffic controller , if he will not perform his duty what is will happen ?
100% agree.I only laugh at people who give such ideas.I mean as if Mullahs are not corrupted.Look at Iran..how rich are they after revolution??They have corrupted Clerics on top now.State has nothing to do with religion..it should be worried about economy and other stuff not religion..period.If we go by your rules then states like Turkey would have failed long ago and not emerge as some of the most powerful states.

Do you think Iran is islamic state?:lol:

Majority of muslim is confused because neither iran (shia) nor Talaban(sunni) are right then which is true islamic state?

Even mullah or clarics dont have answer of this question ?

For example JI and Talaban and Khumini's of iran all have one common objective to get power and then implement islam which is wrong approach :woot:

We should observe " Aswah Hasanah" , we should follow Muhammad PBUH teaching and methodology about establishment of islamic state .

We know for 13 years in Makkah only dawah was allowed but not openly ,then Muhammad PBUH migrated to Madinah slowly built a nation with out too much resourse and waited for ten years untill muslims get strength and power then captured Makkah without any war and bloodshed (bigggest victory in the history of man kind).

We need to rehabilitate or develop muslim nation and islamic condusive environment first then islam laws can be established easily.
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