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Hafiz Saeed calls followers to wage jihad against India

& is Hafiz going to be on the front line to wage this war.. or will he remain a chuha & send his lambs to the slaughter house?
India gives too much prominence to the likes of this man. It isn't like he had any success with his jihad. In fact he is an invaluable asset to India. Due to the crap he spurts out, India has won international sympathy and nobody else seems interested in the Kashmir dispute whilst India holds the upper ground. On every occasion that Hafiz Saeed opens his mouth, the world turns to India and indicates "sorry for you guys that you have to deal with bozos like this". India in turn has a free reign in Kashmir. And Pakistanis in turn question, why doesn't the world notice us when we raise the Kashmir issue ? :D
His "jihad" couldnt do shit against MMS.
Now he wants to flex muscles against Modi.
If this guy succeeds in any adventure like Mumbai, we can just cancel the CBM's cancel the cricket tours.
Cancel trade and watch their cricket board starve.
Some one needs to shut this moron up. If he needs to wage jihad, how about Jihad against polio in Pakistan and those who oppose it.
Its the government that needs to be vocal on such issues and not somebody who is already on the watch list and even declared a terrorist outfit. Nawaz i agree has turned out to be a bigger idiot but then again he is the man in charge for the next 4 years and so we will have to bare with him.
Some one needs to shut this moron up. If he needs to wage jihad, how about Jihad against polio in Pakistan and those who oppose it.
Its the government that needs to be vocal on such issues and not somebody who is already on the watch list and even declared a terrorist outfit. Nawaz i agree has turned out to be a bigger idiot but then again he is the man in charge for the next 4 years and so we will have to bare with him.
But he won't get funds from his Islamist paymasters for Polio.
Some one needs to shut this moron up. If he needs to wage jihad, how about Jihad against polio in Pakistan and those who oppose it.
Its the government that needs to be vocal on such issues and not somebody who is already on the watch list and even declared a terrorist outfit. Nawaz i agree has turned out to be a bigger idiot but then again he is the man in charge for the next 4 years and so we will have to bare with him.
actually in his strong hold his own members are running that polio kind of thing they are moderate muslims not extremist like TTP they allow education and are running many schools in Southern punjab and hospitals aswell some welfare kind of stuff because of some extremist hindu wanting him dead we cant ban this person in our country
actually in his strong hold his own members are running that polio kind of thing they are moderate muslims not extremist like TTP they allow education and are running many schools in Southern punjab and hospitals aswell some welfare kind of stuff because of some extremist hindu wanting him dead we cant ban this person in our country

I am not saying ban him, but when you talk openly about waging Jihad against another country who is already weary of you, than it becomes a problem for a country who's image is not that glory in the world even after countless scarifies. Maybe some introspection is needed here.
His "jihad" couldnt do shit against MMS.
Now he wants to flex muscles against Modi.
If this guy succeeds in any adventure like Mumbai, we can just cancel the CBM's cancel the cricket tours.
Cancel trade and watch their cricket board starve.
like this :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
like this:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Exactly like this because we are not US/Israel/China.
Do note that india provides the major revenues and keeps cricket profitable in lots of countries.
I am not saying ban him, but when you talk openly about waging Jihad against another country who is already weary of you, than it becomes a problem for a country who's image is not that glory in the world even after countless scarifies. Maybe some introspection is needed here.
what about modi and his anti Pakistan speeches and threats of attacking Pakistan??
what about modi and his anti Pakistan speeches and threats of attacking Pakistan??
well for one he is not advocating terrorism.
He wants to use the army etc.
Second he never said directly to attack pakistan.
Also I dont recall any "anti-Pakistan" speech as such apart from the usual muscle flexing of kashmir and Pak should back off.
well for one he is not advocating terrorism.
He wants to use the army etc.
Second he never said directly to attack pakistan.
Also I dont recall any "anti-Pakistan" speech as such apart from the usual muscle flexing of kashmir and Pak should back off.
typical indian mind set BLA is not terrorist because they are funded by RAW , nothern alinace is not terrorist because they are allies of india , LTTE was not a terrorist because Tamil terrorist in india supported them mukti bahnis are not terrorist because RAW trained them but guess what Kashmiri freedom fighters are terrorist because they are against india , Deccan mujahidden are terrorist because they are against india , Afghani mujahidden are terrorist because they are attacking indian interests in afghanistan and sri lankan army is a terrorist army because they killed indias beloved LTTE and Pakistan Army is terrorist because they bang indian army in LOC but indian army is not terrorist who Occupied siachen , sir creek , kashmir etc INDIAN LOGIC
what about modi and his anti Pakistan speeches and threats of attacking Pakistan??

Modi has become the PM of India. He was the front runner during election campaign. Like i said in my previous comment, that it is the government that needs to be more vocal and not an individual. There is a difference between the two.
Modi has become the PM of India. He was the front runner during election campaign. Like i said in my previous comment, that it is the government that needs to be more vocal and not an individual. There is a difference between the two.
that shows that Pakistani people are not extremists as compared to indian hindus who voted for extremist jaisa log waisa leaders what else i can say
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