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Hafiz Saeed calls followers to wage jihad against India

typical indian mind set BLA is not terrorist because they are funded by RAW , nothern alinace is not terrorist because they are allies of india , LTTE was not a terrorist because Tamil terrorist in india supported them mukti bahnis are not terrorist because RAW trained them but guess what Kashmiri freedom fighters are terrorist because they are against india , Deccan mujahidden are terrorist because they are against india , Afghani mujahidden are terrorist because they are attacking indian interests in afghanistan and sri lankan army is a terrorist army because they killed indias beloved LTTE and Pakistan Army is terrorist because they bang indian army in LOC but indian army is not terrorist who Occupied siachen , sir creek , kashmir etc INDIAN LOGIC
India helped stop the LTTE.
We call the srilankans as terrorists and genocidal because they used the civil war to wipe out tamils.
Rest is rant.
WTF is "Deccan mujahidden"

that shows that Pakistani people are not extremists as compared to indian hindus who voted for extremist jaisa log waisa leaders what else i can say
Muslims voted for him too.
Poll data shows large number of Muslims voted for Modi : Highlights, News - India Today

Yes pak ppl are not extremists because no bomb blast and target killing of minority takes place everyday in Pak
Don't worry we would come and hunt your soldiers down war is coming sir weather people like it or not

then we will see multiple car bombs on modi and other BJP leaders in India and ur super hero will rot in hell :)
Ah! You seem to be in love with that bearded bozo known as Hafiz Saeed!! What a choice! :fie: :lol:

By the way, please ensure he moves around in a tank and always wears double bullet proof kevlar jackets unless he wants to see his arse in jannat! :dirol:
And Jihad will continue to be waged against enemies of Islam and Pakistan weather they are attacking Muslims in Kashmir or some where else
But, more Muslims are getting killed in Pakistan today, than anywhere else in the world....
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yes seems like it with all the support hafiz has in Pakistan
More cannon fodders for us .

The only ones who will cross the border are 16 year olds brainwashed kids.

And they will not last a week.

The rest are just good for making noise in a park.

In tilon main tel nahi hai...

And Hafiz's remaining lifespan is shrinking now every day. He will not last long...
And what has that got to do with the topic of the thread? :what:

Obsession of people with something they have nothing to do with!

These people have always been persecuted by the Islamists/Muslims and saved by the non-Muslims.

And they pay back in the only way they know. ;)

This strange obsession with "Hindu extremists", "Zionists" is just to escape their own reality, a reality they are too afraid to face.
nothing to say about mentally challenged people. still first of all indian people(irrespective of caste /religion) selects prominent leader for PM. second don't think every other country like your where living full of terrorist & extremist. so don't compare yourself with other, its stupidity.
welcome another modis *** licker on this forum :rofl::rofl:
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We are not underestimating him at all. We are eagerly awaiting him to live up to this "tough guy" persona. Modi will undo everything India's statesmen have built up over the decades.

The issue is always when one confuses one's obsession (or wish) with the reality.

In reality, India's relations will improve with all major powers and most neighbors. One can already see the change.

One just has to to look.

Anyway, we don't expect you to be capable of looking at objective facts. We have years of history on this forum, everything from 9/11 conspiracy theories, Europe out to expel Muslims theories, obsession with "Zionists", "Hindu extremists" and steadfastly ignoring the realities closer home.

Your obsession with Modi is strange but understandable.

Your claims of any real knowledge about India or Modi are based on just perceptions and deep prejudices. Indians neither care for Pakistanis' prejudices nor do we owe them anything.
Let him wage countless Jihads, he is at the end of the day a ISI-Pakistan Army man, a murtard.

TTP already said that they will take out all such Mullahs.

Remember this:

tribunen com pk/story/551375/mysterious-death-hafiz-saeeds-security-chief-murdered/

I bet Taliban will only kill him.
talibans daddy is attending his rallies and you are saying taliban will kill him lolz yea blame taliban for everything but lets say RAW is an innocent agency
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