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Hafiz Saeed asks Pakistan govt not to buy electricity from India

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Buying a 1000 MW from india isnt a bad option but thats hardly3-4% of our total 22000-26000 MW consumption and we all know that 1000 will be shut when Pak-India relations dips which is gonna happen soon given the rise in attacks on indian troops in occupied kashmir by freedom fighter . NZ at the moment is so desperate to generate electricity that even knowing this deal wont last for more than few months he is willing to go for it but establishment is calculating the cost for setting up high voltage transmission lines and I guess in the end this idea will be dropped as well owing to uncertain availability . Thats what happened with zardari govt as I am hearing this news of getting electricity from india for last 3 years . Same thing happened with granting MFN status to india as unless kashmir is given independence no solid relations can be built b/w these two neighbors and india is suffering more as she is not able to connect with Iran ,afghanistan and central asia for export of its goods and import of gas and oil .

Pakistan is going to control its short fall by 25% this year and by 90 % gradually in next 4 years so it really doesnt mean a lot getting a 1000 MW from india it was more of a friendly gesture but looks unpractical owing to indian oppression in kashmir and our principle stand that kashmiries should have the right of self determination .
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At any rate we shouldn't be buying electricity from anyone especially when we've got more than enough installed capacity ! Buying electricity from India, China or the Martians isn't going to take care of the problem but only delay the inevitable; solve the crippling cyclical debt, the inefficient power producers, the ludicrous pricing system, the irrational way in which subsidies are given & change our resource mix and we would have dealt with this crisis in a manner that actually sees it 'solved' !
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Please see his tweet

@SirZaidHamid: @fakingnews we dont want hinduon wali yellow electricity from india. Our four father never had electricity. W'll manage as well.
Good job Hafiz saeed.... You can become a good foreign minister..... But i wonder why is he opposing.... Is it because its Hindu electricity????? or Raw might kill him using this 1000Mw power..... :omghaha:
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