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Gwadar- turn it into a liberal city.

can we add consensual sex,
sex ed from 6th grade and free condoms to middle school girls, boys & planned parent hood clinics? lets not do things half ***!
thats upto the people.
I personally disagree. Yes i am against radicalization but we are an Islamic republic thus we cant have a city under our control that has legalized gambling or legalized alcohol. What we can do is

1. Develop it so that it can become a great city and soon become one of the main cities of balochistan and pakistan.
2. Make sure that alot of trade happens through the route so that we can increase our influence on the arabian sea, the nearby countries and ofcourse on balochistan.
3. With mass trade we will have two main ports which can help us not get surrounded in times of naval warfare for which we need military bases there.
4. To increase population and tourism in the city make sure the goods that are received from the port are sold at much lower prices. Increase of entertainment events to increase more population both foreign and local.

We cant allow them to have their own govt and laws. the region is not stable yet to do so. If we allow such a thing we will give BLA hope that if they control the city they can start an invasion from balochistan.

As for religious freedom well it should be for all of pakistan not just gawader. Their worshiping points protected and secured. Should be made into a vastly developed city from which we can slowly make a man-made island
I personally disagree. Yes i am against radicalization but we are an Islamic republic thus we cant have a city under our control that has legalized gambling or legalized alcohol.

If Muslim Malaysia can do it, why cant Pakistan?

Where there is a will - There is a Highway...
thats upto the people.
add a poll to this thread......i want to see how badly d liberals fail:p:
If Muslim Malaysia can do it, why cant Pakistan?

Well whatever they do doesnt concern us at all. The fact we have Islamic republic in our name says that we are an islamic nation. Malaysia if i am not mistaken is not an islamic republic while we also possess a mass religious factor that would rise against such a movement.
Well whatever they do doesnt concern us at all. The fact we have Islamic republic in our name says that we are an islamic nation. Malaysia if i am not mistaken is not an islamic republic while we also possess a mass religious factor that would rise against such a movement.

Malaysian constitution declares Islam as the state religion, member of OIC ...so?
The fact we have Islamic republic in our name says that we are an islamic nation.

The fact that "Islamic" and "Republic" are oxymorons , is the root cause of all our miseries ... We were the first one in the world to add the prefix "Islamic" to our republican status in 1956 and create this "unnatural hybrid" ... And quite understandably , it turned out to be one the most famous failed political experiments of the twentieth century ......

Pakistan was never meant to be a theocratic state ... Islam was used as a political tool by the worthless Muslim leaguers to strengthen their illegitimate rule , after the death of Jinnah ..... "Prostitution of Islam for political ends" as president Iskander Mirza put it .....

What we need to be do is to "undo" what the bigots like Liaquat and Zia did to this country ...
And most importantly Pakistan is not an "Islamic" republic at all ... It is a "Sunni" Republic (or a "Deoband Emirate in making" to be more precise) .......
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so i have was thinking that the government of pakistan should turn gawadar into a liberal city.
what do i mean by this?:

1.have a defined boundary for gawadar
2.have its own laws
- complete freedom of speech
- alcohol is legal
- gambling is legal
-complete freedom of religion
- have its own special police force
- completely independent of balochistan
3. pakistanis from rest of pakistan would have to get special permission to work and live there.
4. the whole citys prices of goods and wages should be completely different from pakistan
- pick any european country ( follow its wages and prices for goods)
- if a bottle of pepsi costs a dollar then in gawadar it should be 100 rupees
- if minimum wage is 8 dollars an hour then in gawadar we should make it 800 rupees an hr
- and so on.
basically gawadar will become the hong kong of of pakistan.

what do you guys think?
When Bengalis put up the 6 Point demand, there was the '71 War. These 4 Points are more radical.
All may not be applicable but there are certain places which fall under such categories....Bani Gala on the out skirts of Islamabad is one such place, infact some of our VIPs and celebrities have erected their mansions and farmhouses there.... most evenings Islamabad party scene shifts there when the roads are lined up with Prados, Pajeros and Landcruisers.... place to be if you have a taste for shabab, sharab and kebab.
legalize marijuana and prostitution. Build it in same plan as liberty city.
Most GTA fans will pay lots of money to go there.:p:
There are so many people here who are against secularism and support a theocratic state in the 21st century.... and you want to bring them the idea of a modern and open minded city?

Good luck with that
so i have was thinking that the government of pakistan should turn gawadar into a liberal city.
what do i mean by this?:

1.have a defined boundary for gawadar
2.have its own laws
- complete freedom of speech
- alcohol is legal
- gambling is legal
-complete freedom of religion
- have its own special police force
- completely independent of balochistan
3. pakistanis from rest of pakistan would have to get special permission to work and live there.
4. the whole citys prices of goods and wages should be completely different from pakistan
- pick any european country ( follow its wages and prices for goods)
- if a bottle of pepsi costs a dollar then in gawadar it should be 100 rupees
- if minimum wage is 8 dollars an hour then in gawadar we should make it 800 rupees an hr
- and so on.
basically gawadar will become the hong kong of of pakistan.

what do you guys think?

Just throwing around the word 'liberal' to sound fancy doesn't make something liberal.

What exactly is 'liberal' about allowing gambling and alcohol?
What is illiberal about restricting them?

Why stop at gambling and alcohol?
Why not allow hashish, marijuana, and heroin while we are at it?
Why not allow prostitution?
The Dutch allow hard drugs and prostitution and they would claim that you are not "liberal" until you allow them.

Do you have ANY idea how much money developed countries spend to clean up the social effect of alcohol?
Do you have ANY idea how much organized crime comes with gambling?

Does this proposal have any logic, or just trying to sound cool because the word 'liberal' sounds fancy?
add a poll to this thread......i want to see how badly d liberals fail:p:
its an idea pakistanis aren't ready for yet even the educated ones on this website. it will happen eventually.
I would love to see Gwadar being developed just like Islamabad. Planned city & infrastructure, fool proof security, business hub, adventurous mini cities, safari park(based on African wildlife parks), industrial parks, Manhattan like area where there is a sea of highrise, beautiful open beach & beaches with green parks & trees, etc etc. Alcohol should be allowed to non-Muslims only & i don't agree with gambling/casino idea too.
The fact that "Islamic" and "Republic" are oxymorons , is the root cause of all our miseries ... We were the first one in the world to add the prefix "Islamic" to our republican status in 1956 and create this "unnatural hybrid" ... And quite understandably , it turned out to be one the most famous failed political experiments of the twentieth century ......

Pakistan was never meant to be a theocratic state ... Islam was used as a political tool by the worthless Muslim leaguers to strengthen their illegitimate rule , after the death of Jinnah ..... "Prostitution of Islam for political ends" as president Iskander Mirza put it .....

What we need to be do is to "undo" what the bigots like Liaquat and Zia did to this country ...
And most importantly Pakistan is not an "Islamic" republic at all ... It is a "Sunni" Republic (or a "Deoband Emirate in making" to be more precise) .......

Perhaps the lawyer should not have played with fire to start with. Why just blame his successors ?
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