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Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

Well.. under normal circumstances I'd agree with your views on "value of human life", however, now are not the times of prolonging any such event, there is an element of "psychological fatigue" that the nation has been subjected to for better part of last decade.... hence, a simple cost benefit analysis for the greater good of the nation justifies a quick end to it......

so many trigger happy here :pissed: do paksitanis forget abut human life value ? i can understand daily 20-30 die that is why . if its take 10 hours its cheaper then a human life ? :hitwall:
these guys want to kill him and just shot him damn . if i was police officer i will never kill him or shot on him till he killed or injured someone . while the guy i talking so lets talk till he come in trap or surrender . human life value is priceless . let him live till he is dodn't kill someone . i have mercy on him rather then hate . our state become full of pysos now

you wont make a Good Police officer .. Instead of waiting an accident to happen .. why not avoid it at all . . Say if he does Kill someone .. and then you Kill him .. will that bring back the person he has Killed ?

How will you explain that to the person's Family who got killed .. just because Police was hesitant in take out a nut job ?

He is not Eating Burger in the middle of the road .. he has Got Guns & he is Firing .. in the Restricted area .. . Humanity is Good .. but sometime it Kill's more people instead of saving them .
but he is trying why these PDF guys want to kill him ? only gun is solution ?

As i was talking to my father, i believe this case is the first of its kind so even police might have trouble dealing with it....on the other hand its not just PDF members but idiots on Samma news are praying for the same.....:pissed: i guess we never saw any criminal getting shot in the public like this so we see this as an easy target perhaps
Well.. under normal circumstances I'd agree with your views on "value of human life", however, now are not the times of prolonging any such event, there is an element of "psychological fatigue" that the nation has been subjected to for better part of last decade.... hence, a simple cost benefit analysis for the greater good of the nation justifies a quick end to it......

Dude do you know how many fall in THAT category in the WEST? Must I remind you of how many snipers have been labelled psycho rather than terrorist in USA itself? And Norway recently showed a display too?
An RPG-7 on the corrola! Bang ! Problem solved. No person whether phyco or not should be allowed to vandalise the capital!
Well.. under normal circumstances I'd agree with your views on "value of human life", however, now are not the times of prolonging any such event, there is an element of "psychological fatigue" that the nation has been subjected to for better part of last decade.... hence, a simple cost benefit analysis for the greater good of the nation justifies a quick end to it......

sir look like he is in drugs or something . they should keep 20 police guys and send others on duty . even if they shoot him i wish on leg not in upper body or head . i hate blood and death . why should we killed him even if he is mad or whatever he don't deserve shot in head in front of kids and wife . we are humans not animals sir .
LOL... says who hasn't experienced Pakistan yet, in it's vibrant colors of insurgency.... you are a thinker, a number cruncher, in short a person with a soul..... pakistan doesn't need any of those.... Pakistan's immediate salvation lies in the hands of people who'd take some action..for example shooting this idiot so no one else will even think about doing something similar.. :D

Monkey see, monkey do.... millions upon millions of monkeys amongst our population.......

Are you part of that group? Do you think unstable people act on their own will...ONLY STABLE people do...Like you asking people to shoot a life because YOU THINK it is a topi drama? ....Now that is really unstable!

Life is not all fun and games...and LIFE def has a price...all he did was shoot in the air...You got a prob with that?
he is the resident of Hafizabad and has Divorced his first wife according to Express news.....
Imagine... people calling me from Pakistan to tell me about it!!! :blink:

sir look like he is in drugs or something . they should keep 20 police guys and send others on duty . even if they shoot him i wish on leg not in upper body or head . i hate blood and death . why should we killed him even if he is mad or whatever he don't deserve shot in head in front of kids and wife . we are humans not animals sir .

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