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Gunmen kill retired general in Rawalpindi shooting

Police investigators inspect a car at the site of a drive-by shooting of a former Pakistani commando general and his driver on the outskirts of Islamabad November 19, 2008. – Reuters

ISLAMABAD: Gunmen riding a motorbike shot dead a former head of Pakistani military commandos and his driver in the garrison city of Rawalpindi on Wednesday, Reuters reported.

Major-General Amir Faisal Alvi, who commanded the elite Special Services Group (SSG) and retired more than two years ago, was heading towards Islamabad from his home in Rawalpindi when the assailants sprayed his car with bullets.

'General Alvi left his house in his car when gunmen on a motorbike and in a Pajero (SUV) sprayed bullets at him near his house,' local area police officer Sajid Ahmed told AFP.

Islamist militants linked to the Taliban and al Qaeda have targetted top army brass and security officials, but it was unclear whether the motive for Alvi's slaying was militant or criminal, senior police officer, Saqib Sultan said.
'It's too early to make any conclusion,' Sultan said.

I am so peed of Gen. Mohsin Alvi was a very good friend, he was no longer active and was a GM for a Malaysian Telecom co "RedTone"... What a utter loss! :frown::angry:

F****** DOGS!

My sympthy and regards to his family may he rest in peace sorry to hear rescue ranger u have our support !!:tup:
If this is how we protect our elite generals then shame on us and shame on the military . I think if we see some wrong being done and we keep quiet about it we are just as much to blame .
THe military is particularly to blame . THey knew he was a soft target yet he wasnt provided even basic security . If taliban or al qaeda is involved then why havent they taken responsibilty for the attack
This has to stop . We have to make a start
this was a targeted killing. from what i have heard the assailants came near the car and again shot the general 3 times in the head to make sure he was dead. They obvioulsy knew he was a commando and to confirm his death seems suspicious......who would want him dead?
I don't know what the taliban would want with a retired General (not a coincidence that he is SSG) deep in the heart of fortified Rawalpindi.

Very disturbing, my sympathies .
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The question is who killed him? Why is the military quiet at the killng of such a high profile general

What can the military do about the killing of a retired officer? Its under the jurisdiction of the police. Thus far, the Army has not been able to trace the killers of a serving Lt Gen of the Pakistan Army, why would there be something different for a retired Maj Gen?

Bottom line is that the militants want to scare the population by making a statement that they can even reach someone as high as a Maj Gen and that too the former GoC of the SSG. I just hope that Pakistanis are not cowed down by such threats.

I am sure the perpetrators are relaxing in "Ilaaqa-ghair" by now and being assigned new missions of mayhem in Pakistan. :tsk:
mr dimension what do you mean it can be anyone? you seem least concerned that the first general of ssg was killed in such a brutul manner
HE already had death messages inscribed on the walls of his house in the past few months
I am Gen alavis daughter . I must say i am really disappointed how casually you dismissed my fathers death . This is perhaps the same indifference due to which Pakistan still remains on the verge of collapsing . My father may have been very loyal to the military but i dont think the military was to him
These sympathies and condolences mean nothing unless people step forward and put an end to this craze otherwise it is all eyewash. I dont want people sympathisizing and telling me how sorry they are I want to know who killed my father .I need the law enforcements for once in their lives to get on their feet and do something abou it
MR defence just because he was retired doesnt mean the miltary should not be concerned about it . My father spend 36 years of his life serving the armed forces , he left his british nationality ( i doubt they are any other pakistanis that would do that) to serve the nation . If this is how he gets repaid then i really wish no one serves this nation anymore. My words may seem harsh but it is true we have become a nation of blind, deaf and crippled people .
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As to your question why was my father any different ,he was the first general of ssg he was the first person to raise it to from a brigade level to a division . I think he was the only person who did para jumps while being a general and i think he was the only general who lead troops in Wana. I dont think we should only trace his killers i think we should trace evry innocent mans killer.
I am Gen alavis daughter . I must say i am really disappointed how casually you dismissed my fathers death . This is perhaps the same indifference due to which Pakistan still remains on the verge of collapsing . My father may have been very loyal to the military but i dont think the military was to him
These sympathies and condolences mean nothing unless people step forward and put an end to this craze otherwise it is all eyewash. I dont want people sympathisizing and telling me how sorry they are I want to know who killed my father .I need the law enforcements for once in their lives to get on their feet and do something abou it
MR defence just because he was retired doesnt mean the miltary should not be concerned about it . My father spend 36 years of his life serving the armed forces , he left his british nationality ( i doubt they are any other pakistanis that would do that) to serve the nation . If this is how he gets repaid then i really wish no one serves this nation anymore. My words may seem harsh but it is true we have become a nation of blind, deaf and crippled people .

Although you have stated that you do not need our sympathies, I do offer my sincere condolences to you on your immense loss. Please do accept my heartfelt condolences.

Now to the gist of your post. You are right on the ball with all of your questions. Every single thing you have mentioned here is deserving of an answer but unfortunately the Pakistan of today does not care about her heroes and those who love her and as such finds herself in dire straits.

Now coming to the ground realities, our law enforcement agencies are useless. Lt Gen Mushtaq's murder is unresolved. Your father's murder is unresolved and will probably stay unresolved because of these useless and clueless folks who are supposed to be protecting us.

Army should do all that it can, however I am not sure about what has been done thus far. It would be rather unfortunate if the Army was unable to look out for her own in these times. There are many other officers who, like your father, are serving and operating against these extremists. Not going after the murderers of your father would send the wrong kind of signal to the many others who are out their putting their lives on the line for Pakistan.

However returning to sad reality that is Pakistan today, it seems this will be another failure on the part of our police (as much as it must bother you and irks the rest of us).

From what I hear, your father was an extremely professional soldier and an asset to the Pakistan Army. Its just sad that such times have come upon us that our old soldiers don't simply fade away, rather they are killed by cowards who hide behind masks and attack lone, unarmed people in such brazen manner. May the Almighty give you the courage to get through these tough times and may He uncover the cowards responsible for taking your father away from you Ameen.

Best regards
why have my posts been deleted .the truth hurts?


Nothing should be deleted or has been deleted. Which posts are your referring to? You are absolutely free to post your views here as long as they are not insulting toward other members (I do not find any of your posts doing that).

All of us here are saddened by your loss and are equally puzzled by the lack of progress in the investigation surrounding your father's death. Don't think you will find any detractors here.
Thank you for your condolences . You see this car in the picture .my father gave it to me when i graduated from Army medical College , now it has my fathers blood in it. dont know if i can ever look at it again. All i want is to find who killed him. SOmeone wanted him dad badly that is why even after shooting him in the neck and chest they came to see if he was dead and shot him 3 times in the brain. i need to know who did it and if the taliban did it how come they havent owned it up yet
I would agree 100% with Ms rangerssg, I cannot imagine what she is going through but I can tell she is very brave to come here and talk about it like this.

The death of your father has been felt by all of us, believe it or not but there are many loyal Pakistanis still around.

As to the point about the Army looking after its own, I agree. For this first time in this forum I will criticize an aspect of our great Army and say that sometimes the Army has FAILED to look after its own. This is unacceptable. The fact that he was retired is no excuse what so ever, the Army and its agencies should go after this network of killers as if it were Israelis going after Palestinians responsible for the Munich killings, to hell with the police. This is my sincere wish, and if I were in command or could speak to any one in command, this is the course of action I would insist on because like Blain2 so rightly said. This is the sort of thing that proves how strong the very fabric of the Army is, it proves how righteous and bold they are, it is an indication of the strength of their bonds of loyalty....other than obvious morale reassurance factor that is vital for our performance in the war.

There is no reason to suggest that the Army has not taken this course of action I have talked about, so I certainly hope and pray they have. I pray for the day when the traitors who did this are hanged in front of all Pakistanis to see.
I wish you all the best miss and please know that we all share some part of your pain, and admire your courage and that of your father before you.

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