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Gunmen kill retired general in Rawalpindi shooting

IMO most of the balme lies on the media for glorifying terrorists who use the name of Islam. Lot of the media personnel have strong affiliations with the extremist groups and distort the truth to show them in a good light. For example, in the programm '50' minutes Mr Mujibur Rahman Shami of Nawai Waqt claimed that Pakistani Taliban were good and were never against Pakistan state, all they want is to enforce Sharia in their area, what is wrong in that?

Imtiaz Alam, another journalist pointed out that this was a lie. Taliban have burnt Pakistan flag and killed PA soldiers. They have openly declared that they dont accept Pakistan law. Mr Shami simply kept quite.

This was just an example how Taliban loving mediamen have been covertly provinding support to anti state elements. How can one forget Hamid Mir who devoted many programmes of Capitakl Talk for portraying Lal Masjid thugs as holy warriors.

This heinous murder of a patriot with little or no noise in a very biased media is a glaring example of the cancer eating away at the very fabric of our society. We seem to have totally lost direction in the quagmire of intolerance. May Allah bless his soul. My salute to a brave and honourable soldier.
Yar Ye Bakwas chooro! He was killed as a civillian and i knew the man personally! He was an excellent solider! Internal Politics dont mean **** when you leave the force! He was no longer serving and had a job in a non military/security "telecom" sector with his office in F8 near Nazim-ud-din road...

Why Kill Him! I am just so angry right now!

Feelings are the same here my friend. A very fine soldier lost to senseless violence. If people in Pakistan don't understand the gravity of the threat then Pakistan is screwed beyond all belief. These extremists organizations have to be put down mercilessly. After Lt Gen Beg (Surgeon General, PA), this is the second high profile killing of senior military officers.

Some of you may not know but Alvi sahib was a British citizen who gave up his citizenship to serve in the Pakistan Army. That speaks a lot about his devotion and love for Pakistan.

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My condolences Rescue Ranger.

Another brave soul lost to this madness.

Rest in Peace.
Part of the 'crime wave' hitting Peshawar and R'pindi since the Bajaur ops?

The larger attacks and ambushes on the military seem to have become far less frequent now, especially when you compare the situation to the time after the LM operation. These low level attacks may be the one way the militants can continue to operate.

Local law enforcement is going to have to step up to hande this, there is no other way about it.
Kasrkin, that is fine. Yes sine 2001 the SSG played a pivitol role in the our internal conflict in the tribal areas, Gen. Alvi was heavily invloved in the conflict in WANA and naturally made enemies.

Since Lal Masjid we have seen attacks on SSG and military, remember the attack on Gazi Terbela? This is just another targeted killing. The whole affair reeks of coordinated and well planned attack.

See the last part is what bothers me the most. Most of these idiots in these extremist organizations have absolutely no clue about who's who in the Army. For someone to go specifically after the former GOC SSG gives you an idea that its someone in the know who is directing this trash. Post retirement, most officers go into oblivion and out of the sight of the public. For someone to go after the Surgeon General of the Pakistan Army and then the former GOC SSG tells you that some bastards in the know are providing the targets to these extremist guns for hire.

Not a good thing for anyone. The problem with this threat is that it will become a major concern for most officers serving in that area. I think the Army needs to do a total clamp-down on reporting about GOCs/officers serving in the area. The families of the officers serving in that area could also be at risk and that is a thought that no officer serving in the area can live with.
Part of the 'crime wave' hitting Peshawar and R'pindi since the Bajaur ops?

The larger attacks and ambushes on the military seem to have become far less frequent now, especially when you compare the situation to the time after the LM operation. These low level attacks may be the one way the militants can continue to operate.

Local law enforcement is going to have to step up to hande this, there is no other way about it.

After the battle in Bajaur the militants know that they cannot face off PA and win any longer. Initially losses were taken and lessons learned. Things will become even more difficult for the militancy as Army pushes harder and without respite to the folks. The blow-back will be in the form of these soft targets being hit by the extremists. As you rightly said, this is something that the Police and other LE agencies have to check (but their track record is outright dismal so expect more casualties like this).

You cannot expect officers to serve in the region at their 100% when threats like these to themselves and their families abound. The more I think about this, the more I am inclined to believe that some fairly educated/extremist-minded individuals (foreign and/or local) are carrying out these operations. Baitullah Mehsud is essentially a tool. There is some other network that is running the show.
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This is a really sad day! May Allah bless his soul.

I hope that one day killers of TM and Alvi are brought to justice.

I hope that our media and Navaz Sharif stop supporting terrorism in our beloved mother land.

Musharraf is an honest man and I hope he is back before it is too late.
Let us all pray to almighty Allah for his forgiveness and may Allah place him in the Heaven.
My condolences to the grieved family. May Allah provide courage to the family to bear this loss.
It appears that General (r) Ameer Faisal Alvi, a former head of the military Special Services Group (SSG), who was shot dead in a daring attack in Islamabad, may have been killed in revenge for his past involvement in operations against militants in the tribal areas. No other motive has been suggested for the assassination, carried out by killers, riding motorbikes and a jeep, who opened fire on the general's car and then fled. The ex-military man had been receiving threats from the Taliban for several months. His murder was obviously planned well in advance. It is thought he was made a target because he commanded the SSG group in a covert operation against militants, 'Operation Mountain Lion' carried out in Waziristan in 206, with US and British involvement. At least 12 militants had been killed by Alvi's unit, others arrested. Among them were a number of foreigners.

The Taliban, it seems, were eager to deliver a clear-cut message. The retired general was seen as a 'soft target'. His death, alongside that of his driver, is a reminder of the extremist hatred for the forces acting against them and of their ruthlessness. The game of revenge is obviously a dangerous one. It is not known if other targets are in sight. The killing could also set a pattern that 'copy cat' assassins emulate, to gun down, in a similar fashion, those involved in actions against militants at various times. The thought is a terrifying one. We already have, in our society, far too many strands of violence. An addition to them is obviously not a development to look forward to. Solutions to the situation are not easy to find. But the government must, with the military and other security outfits, consider a way to make the country a safer place; heads must be put together to find a way. Unless we can achieve this, the walk down the dangerous path that leads only to darkness will not be halted and this cannot augur well for any of us anywhere in the country., percepted by editorial the news.

Another great loss to the nation......May Almighty Allah Rehmaan ur Raheem keep his soul in peace under shower of devine blessings-Ameen

My condolences to the grieved family, friends and the whole of my nation, especially 'RescueRanger' may Allmighty Allah give enough courage to bear such a heavy loss- Ameen

May Allah keep the Pakistani nation, all muslims and whole humanity, save & secure - Ameen
The question is who killed him? Why is the military quiet at the killng of such a high profile general

I am really sad n upset with the assasination of our Late General, I hope that His family recover soon from His passing. May He rest in Peace.

This assasination of an important military figure like the late General, raises a question mark in my view! which is "Why can't the Pakistani Government provide these high ranking military personal's bullet proof cars or escort them in convoys???"

A Precious General like him does not come up every day in the Army, it takes loads of time to reach that professional level and loads of effort and I'm really surprised that He was not provided a bullet proof car, where as if He would have been he would have been safe n sound now!!!:what:

I think it is time for our Government to learn a harsh lesson now!!!:angry:
The question is who killed him? Why is the military quiet at the killng of such a high profile general

Like many other cases I have a strong feeling that maybe we will never be able to find his killers as after sometime the people will forget this terrible loss and the file will be closed. Unfortunatly our investigating agencies dont hv skills to do that.:pakistan:

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