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Gujarat leads in growth, South India needs to catch up: Report


Dec 17, 2010
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Bangalore: As a result of its focused growth initiatives, Gujarat has leaped ahead of other Indian states in growth, whereas the states in South India are witnessing a slump in growth, according to a report.

Gujarat leads in growth, South India needs to catch up: Report

Gujarat has witnessed growth at the rate of 11 per cent as compared to the all Indian growth average of nine per cent, states the report by Mckinsey & Co.

However, South India has seen a slow down in GDP growth rate, despite its overall strong position, McKinsey & Co Partner Ananth Narayan said.

Ananth Narayan was present at the conference "The Next Wave of Growth- South India", organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry, where the McKinsey report was released.

In the recent years (2005-10), the real GDP growth in Gujarat has been 11.3 per cent as against 11 per cent in Haryana, 9.6 per cent in Bihar, 8.5 per cent in Karnataka, 8.1 per cent in Kerala and 7.4 per cent each in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.

Quoting the report, Narayan said Gujarat has achieved leadership in the chemicals industry, with 35 per cent share of all investments in this sector over the past five years.

He added, Gujarat had made use of its long coastline and had announced India's first state policy on the development of new minor ports.

This has been followed with the "Jyothigram Yojana" for uniterrupted power supply and easing out business creation through a single window clearance system.

The state has also taken steps to market itself as an attractive investment destination through the "Vibrant Gujarat" summits held annually for the past eight years, he said.

Gujarat leads in growth, South India needs to catch up: Report

He added that industry leaders attribute the slump in the South Indian region to factors such as rising land prices, significant shortage in the availability of labour, infrastructure bottlenecks including port capacity and growing urban congestion in Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad, for the slump.

While on one hand government policies -- particularly on land acquisition -- are still an issue, paucity of employees at all skill levels is the main concern for the industry, he said.

The constraint on labour supply and low employability due to lack of skills drives up wage levels. This is growing into a major concern in Tamil Nadu and metro areas of Bangalore and Hyderabad.

Though South India has the highest number of professional college seats, the quality of graduates from these colleges has not been at par with industry expectations, he said.

Overall, talent availability and management is a top priority for South India in the coming years, he said.

Regarding the power generation situation in South India, he said its total power demand is 26 GW base, peaking to 37 GW, while available capacity is 30 GW.

Above all, policy-making and implementation has not been conducive to growth with cumbersome and time-consuming business processes and slow pace of policy execution and project implementation, being the major constraints.

Gujarat leads in growth, South India needs to catch up: Report -  National News

We will be back Gujurat..... soon our state growth will increase because of huge amount will flow in by this year...Lets compete and build the nation together..

Good work by narendra modi n BJP
In the recent years (2005-10), the real GDP growth in Gujarat has been 11.3 per cent as against 11 per cent in Haryana, 9.6 per cent in Bihar, 8.5 per cent in Karnataka, 8.1 per cent in Kerala and 7.4 per cent each in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.

8.1% growth in Kerala! I am soooooooooo proud..:victory:
The disparity in growth isn't that bad. South India is already quite developed so it's going to be hard to keep up with Gujarat. In all honesty states like Bihar and Assam should be the ones growing at more than 11% since they are the least developed states.
Bimaru rajya such as UP, bihar, jharkhand, chhatisgarh, m.p, orissa , assam should come up with better growth and development...bloody politics is destroying them... Bihar should lead from the front and show the way to other state
South India is doing just fine......to be honest I am glad we aren't involved in the chemical industry like in Gujarat because with the lack of Environmental protection laws, there is no guess as to how badly polluted Gujarat may be. The South and the rest of India really need to ensure that stringent environmental protection is regulated and followed.
Most of India developing fast except eastern states. No one other than themselves have to be blamed. Bihar is doing good. Jharkhand and Orissa trying. WB is the worst, they love politics and strikes. Anyone can see the differences between Kolkata with Bangalore, Hyderabad or Chennai. The leading city is fading fast.
With telangana agitation hyderabad lost its charm in investors. ..:cry:
South India is doing just fine......to be honest I am glad we aren't involved in the chemical industry like in Gujarat because with the lack of Environmental protection laws, there is no guess as to how badly polluted Gujarat may be. The South and the rest of India really need to ensure that stringent environmental protection is regulated and followed.

US produces more than 50% of worlds sulphuric acid. (Sulphuric acid consumption is taken as an index for industrialization). Will u call that place polluted ? Also, If u go to gujrat, you will definately notice the cleanliness of the city roads. The air is much less polluted then any major town.

bihar growth at 9%? i had virtually given up on them

That's because of the base effect. Their base was so low that they recorded 9% wout much of an effort compared to others. I would say these bimaru states needs to be consistent in growth rates till next decade.
Most of India developing fast except eastern states. No one other than themselves have to be blamed. Bihar is doing good. Jharkhand and Orissa trying. WB is the worst, they love politics and strikes. Anyone can see the differences between Kolkata with Bangalore, Hyderabad or Chennai. The leading city is fading fast.

+1 . I happened to visit kolkata twice in a gap of 3 years. It was around 5 years ago. During first trip, there is place called taratala ( south kolkata ) where a flyover was coming up. It was about half done. During second trip, the whole flyover was done but one of the slabs was left unconstructed since the near by shop owners had bribed a babu.
I was simply dumb struck. Kolkata is a $hit place to live in.
US produces more than 50% of worlds sulphuric acid. (Sulphuric acid consumption is taken as an index for industrialization). Will u call that place polluted ? Also, If u go to gujrat, you will definately notice the cleanliness of the city roads. The air is much less polluted then any major town.

That's because of the base effect. Their base was so low that they recorded 9% wout much of an effort compared to others. I would say these bimaru states needs to be consistent in growth rates till next decade.

+1 . I happened to visit kolkata twice in a gap of 3 years. It was around 5 years ago. During first trip, there is place called taratala ( south kolkata ) where a flyover was coming up. It was about half done. During second trip, the whole flyover was done but one of the slabs was left unconstructed since the near by shop owners had bribed a babu.
I was simply dumb struck. Kolkata is a $hit place to live in.

Kolkata is crap. The reason you stated for Bihar's growth is true. As for US production, well stringent environmental protection laws are in place....not in India. As for city roads sure they are great, but go to the villages. Where are the chemical plants? What measures are in place to ensure that there is strict quality control? One of the principle uses of this acid among other uses is for wastewater treatment...which is almost non existent in INdia
because of telengana,hyderabad and andhrapradesh economy is coming down and FDI is less
It gives me immense pride to see Northern states are progressing & soon they would be on Par with Southern States. There was a time close to a decade back when i first started my carrier as a design engineer. There were hardly any American or Suropean companies willing to do business with India. Any enquiries never got proper replies. We were never exposed to advanced Technologies in any field, though we Indians were good in fundamentals. At the best we had only option of going abroad to west & working there.
In 10years things have changed a lot. We have every damn company of American & europe opening a branch in India. Many R & D labs being setup in India. Chennai has virtually become the South Asian Detroit with almost every Car manufacturer opening manufacturing plants. I was delighted when i attended a meeting with Mercedes benz officials in Bangalore & i was conversing with them in Kannada (Engineers there were local Bangaloreans).
Hell we have bad roads, we have load sheddings, we have unions, we have most corrupt & inept Government but we have a burning desire to be no.1. We the people work hard while our govt is asleep. Yes we do not have toilets, we have more poor in the country than entire Africa but then things are changing. Things are changing not because of our government but it is the desire of the people to break free. Education is considered next to only worshipping god. The peoples have realised that only Education can liberate them from poverty & nothing else. Religion & castes have some how taken a back seat. In about another decade, we would have all the states at par with one another. Guys :welcome: Future is ours!

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