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Greece vs Turkiye Military Power : Tactical and Strategic Advantages

If Greece is not threat to you,then why do you make such a fuss about it? If Greece is nothing compared to Turkey,then why are you so annoyed by us buying Rafale and FDI HN? Why are you annoyed by our PMs visit in Washington and why are you acting like we are threatening your existence,by having small garissons on our islands?

Read carefully

USA-France-Germany use puppet Greece, FETO , PKK/YPG as proxies to fight against Turkiye
Read carefully

USA-France-Germany use puppet Greece, FETO , PKK/YPG as proxies to fight against Turkiye
DOES USA HAVE FUCKING BASES IN EASTERN AEGEAN ISLANDS? No! Then what the **** are you afraid of? Homeguard and a few soldiers operating OSA-AKM and Stinger manpads? That's what scares you?

Again,you're avoiding to admit how wrong your government is in its foreign policy. You're not a man to admit it. You're just going around,avoiding it and coming up with such utter nonsense as "hur dur they are using you as puppet".
How will you deal with 141 Eurofighters?

so funny

Germany's Military is a total Mess

most of German Eurofighters are not ready for combat
128 German Eurofighter Typhoons are not flightworthy.

also most of Helicopters,Submarines,etc

DOES USA HAVE FUCKING BASES IN EASTERN AEGEAN ISLANDS? No! Then what the **** are you afraid of? Homeguard and a few soldiers operating OSA-AKM and Stinger manpads? That's what scares you?

wtf weapons on Islands ?
if This is forbidden by international agreements ?

USA-France arming Greece to fight against Turkiye
PKK/YPG Terrorists are another bastards to fight against Turkiye
so funny

Germany's Military Is a Total Mess

most of German Eurofighters are not ready for combat
128 German Eurofighter Typhoons are not flightworthy.

also most of Helicopters,Submarines,etc
But all of the Turkish F-16s post-2016 are combat worthy? You're a joke.

Your Sultan purged the Air Force of pilots and officers and although you replaced some of them,you're still not 100% combat ready,not on the levels you used to be before the coup.

The Germans can have their airplanes and helicopters ready in a few hours if they want. We're talking about Germany here,the master-engineer country. Don't fool yourself with fairy-tales and made-up stories from AKP newspapers.
You're in NATO,we're in NATO. Do you have a problem with your ally,USA?

Turkiye lost over $1 trillion and tens of thousands of citizens

because our NATO allies USA-France,Germany-etc gives weapons-weapons and political support to PKK/YPG Terrorists to fight against Turkiye since 1985

now another puppet Greece which uses by USA-France,Germany to fight against Turkiye

But all of the Turkish F-16s post-2016 are combat worthy? You're a joke.

You are real joke

All Turkish F-16s are combat ready ........... Turkiye has many enemies from all sides

Your Sultan purged the Air Force of pilots and officers and although you replaced some of them,you're still not 100% combat ready,not on the levels you used to be before the coup.


as of 2022 all Turkish Airforce is combat ready
experienced Turkish pilots returned to the Turkish Airforce from Turkish Airlines and other private air lines
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But all of the Turkish F-16s post-2016 are combat worthy? You're a joke.

Your Sultan purged the Air Force of pilots and officers and although you replaced some of them,you're still not 100% combat ready,not on the levels you used to be before the coup.

The Germans can have their airplanes and helicopters ready in a few hours if they want. We're talking about Germany here,the master-engineer country. Don't fool yourself with fairy-tales and made-up stories from AKP newspapers.

He is right in the case of the mess - to a certain point.
Imo many things need to be upgraded by NOW available stuff and best german made products, there is so much potential.
Otherwise, even a scratch on a vehicle = non operable after German standards.
Same with tolerances in military equipment which is multinational or foreign, German standards are sometimes a bit 110%.
Good thing, otherwise we would already use 130mm in MBTs.
TRL* is a good thing, something MMM-E doesn't know and always bragging about "what could be ... in 10, 20, 30 yrs".
Yeah, in 10 years Germany could be a right wing dictatorship. And what do you think who are the people who would get kicked out (minimum) in the first few years? :D And THEN which country couldn't do anything to help his "surpressed" people? :D

*The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) or technology maturity is a scale for evaluating the development status and was introduced by NASA in 1988 and is now considered the standard in the development of future technologies.
TRL 1: Observation and description of the functional principle (8-15 years)
TRL 2: Description of the application of a technology
TRL 3: Proof of the functionality of a technology (5-13 years)
TRL 4: Experimental setup in the laboratory
TRL 5: Test setup in operational environment
TRL 6: Prototype in operational environment
TRL 7: Prototype in action (1-5 years)
TRL 8: Qualified system with proof of functionality in the area of application
TRL 9: Qualified system with proof of successful use
The Germans can have their airplanes and helicopters ready in a few hours if they want. We're talking about Germany here,the master-engineer country. Don't fool yourself with fairy-tales and made-up stories from AKP newspapers.

You know nothing about military and dont fool yourself with pathetic-outdated useless German military power

even German pilots dont know how to fight ...... after ww2 no any real conflict experience

Turkish pilots kicking Greek F-16s in dogfights
Turkish pilots has great air to ground presicion strike experience from İraq to Syria

Germany is not military power .. even Greece has far better organized and combat ready Armed Forces than Germany

-- German air force pilots don’t have enough flight time to meet NATO training requirements.
-- The Luftwaffe doesn’t have enough flyable planes for its pilots to fly.
-- only 39 of the Luftwaffe’s 128 Eurofighters were rated fit to fly because of spare parts shortages

Bad News: German Pilots Don't Have Enough Warplanes to Fly​

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TRL* is a good thing, something MMM-E doesn't know and always bragging about "what could be ... in 10, 20, 30 yrs".

I am saying again

Germany has no any modern game changer weapon or weapon projects

even French-Germaan FCAS Fighter Jets Program will be delayed for at least 10 more years for 2050 . lol so funny

keep dreaming with 130mm gun ... outdated war concept from ww2 ... lol
Turkey is crying everywhere about Greek diplomatic successes. YOU have been crying about it here day and night.

Diplomatic what ? lol daydreamer Greeks

-- Turkiye blocked Greek dreams with maritime agreement between Libya and Turkiye
-- also Turkiye-Egypt-Libya to work together for energy sector
-- USA witdrew its support from EASTMED project
-- İsrael and Turkiye opened new era to work for enegy sector in the Eastern Mediterranean

and nobody enter Turkish EZZ ( MAVI VATAN )

keep crying everywhere day and night

By international law,Turkey should sign UNCLOS if it wants to have a say on this. If not,then you played your cards wrong in the Black Sea and can't ask for that now. So you have to understand how wrong you are,even if you repeat 1000000 times the same crap.

we dont care about bandit countries with their absurd claims

even UNCLOS doesnt give Greek Island Kastellarizo which is just 10 km2 and 580 km away from Greek Mainland and just 2 km away from Turkish Mainland to generate EEZ of 200 nm

Greece is not archipelagic state
so Greek EEZ should start from Greek Mainland ,, not from every tiny Greek Island
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New air-to-air missiles for Akıncı UCAV

to hunt other UCAVs even Greek AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopters

to stay in the air 7/24 for air defense role

Turkish pilots kicking Greek F-16s in dogfights
Turkish pilots has great air to ground presicion strike experience from İraq to Syria
Masturbation has clouded your mind so much,you believe Erdogan's government.

we dont care about bandit countries with their absurd claims
Sure,sure,everyone is a bandit country when it suits you.

Greece is not archipelagic state
so Greek EEZ should start from Greek Mainland ,, not from every tiny Greek Island

Not according to UNCLOS.

Stop repeating the same bull. Nobody believes you anymore. You have discredited yourself on this forum and everybody thinks you're a joke.

New air-to-air missiles for Akıncı UCAV

to hunt other UCAVs even Greek AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopters

to stay in the air 7/24 for air defense role
View attachment 852394

Oh so easy! Oh my! Turkish Army has solutions to everything! No country can fight against superpower Turkiye!

Well,then I wonder why you're not in Vienna yet.

keep crying everywhere day and night
Umm...you're the one talking about it every single day and night on the forum.

You. Have you noticed it? You're the one crying like a baby day and night,needing attention for food. Every day and night you mumble about superpower Turkiye and Mitsotakis' visit to Washington.

You are real joke

All Turkish F-16s are combat ready ........... Turkiye has many enemies from all sides
Yeah Turkish veteran pilots just appeared. Hundreds of pilots,officers and technicians sacked,but "Turkiye Air Force combat ready as of 2022". How many squadrons have problems? How many detachments lack manpower and spare parts?
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I am saying again

Germany has no any modern game changer weapon or weapon projects

even French-Germaan FCAS Fighter Jets Program will be delayed for at least 10 more years for 2050 . lol so funny

keep dreaming with 130mm gun ... outdated war concept from ww2 ... lol

Go ahead and modernize your FNSS ACV-15, which is all license built :D
Even the new modernized variant is still using foreign cannon and stuff.
Still producing the shitty GPV Colonel based Pars?
4x4 variant is to a certain point based on old Fennek 4x4.
Still using Caterpillar & Deutz engines from bandit countries.
Did you swap for licensed built Firtina (K9 Thunder) the engine?
Isn't it MTU?
BANDIT countries!
Great Turkey!
For most "turkish" equipment I can find the real original, mostly developed/produced by bandit countries!
No matter face-lifted HK417 based MPT-76 (58 mülütary "tests") or technology in "turkish" bombs.
(Now, biased but real)
Without bandit countries turkish military can fight with bow again.
Masturbation has clouded your mind so much,you believe Erdogan's government.

Sure,sure,everyone is a bandit country when it suits you.

Not according to UNCLOS.

Stop repeating the same bull. Nobody believes you anymore. You have discredited yourself on this forum and everybody thinks you're a joke.

Oh so easy! Oh my! Turkish Army has solutions to everything! No country can fight against superpower Turkiye!

Well,then I wonder why you're not in Vienna yet.

Umm...you're the one talking about it every single day and night on the forum.

You. Have you noticed it? You're the one crying like a baby day and night,needing attention for food. Every day and night you mumble about superpower Turkiye and Mitsotakis' visit to Washington.

Yeah Turkish veteran pilots just appeared. Hundreds of pilots,officers and technicians sacked,but "Turkiye Air Force combat ready as of 2022". How many squadrons have problems? How many detachments lack manpower and spare parts?

Be careful!
Mehmetcik Mülütary Master - Erdogan knows best!
Israeli murderers! :(
Israeli friends! :-)

U dont have any military (Mehmetcik Mülütary Master - Erdogan (MMM-E)) knowledge to discuss with me and now go back to your cave with your gay-lover! (psht, never forget, without BANDIT-countries Germany, France, GB, Turks couldn't conquer the world bc they can't really produce anything on THEIR own :D)
Unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs) maufactured by the Turkish regime, its supporters and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s family companies are responsible for killing Kurdish civilians in the northern, southern and western parts of Kurdistan.

Western countries remain silent about these massacres and many are making deals with Turkey for the production of UCAVs.

ANF journalists in South Kurdistan recently saw parts of missiles fired from Turkish UCAVs. Experts examined photos of these laser-guided MAM-C and MAM-L missiles and provided information about the manufacturers.

German Prime Minister Angela Merkel’s government has approved 33 units of military hardware for export to Turkey for use in the construction of military unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the past 10 years.

Following ANF's research into the production of missiles fired from Turkish UCAVs, five western companies stood out. They are based in Germany, England and North America.


The camera is undoubtedly the most important technology in both armed and unarmed drones.

The Bayraktar and TAI companies, which produce drones/UAVs for the Erdogan regime, use Canadian company Wescam’s electro-optical and infrared cameras.

In October last year, when the Turkish state launched its invasion of Rojava, Canada decided to embargo the sale of arms to Ankara. However, as a result of negotiations with the Canadian administration in May and June, the embargo was lifted and Wescam began to sell its cabin and optical instruments to the Turkish state again.

Wescam took its cooperation with the Erdogan regime even further and granted Turkish UAV manufacturer Baykar the right to license its technical facilities to perform maintenance and software updates of its technical equipment in Turkey.


TDW is a subsidiary of MBDA in Germany, a European-based missile system developer with French and Italian partners.

It designs the OMTAS missiles fired from UCAVs. Developed as an anti-tank missile, OMTAS have been made suitable for use by the Turkish army in armaments with the "tandem warhead" system produced by TDW.

The 35 kilogram, medium-range missiles are equipped with a feature that makes it possible for a missile to change its target point, even after firing.

TDW is targeted by international anti-war organisations, because it helps many repressive regimes to produce weapons. TDW, headquartered in Schrobenhausen, Bavaria, easily grants the licensing rights for its missile heads to foreign companies.

Turkey ranks first in the list of license rights granted by TDW. Cooperation between the Turkish state and TDW started in 2010.

Thanks to a question by the left party Die Linke in the German parliament last year, it emerged that the Merkel government approved two arms deals with the Turkish state in 2018, with a total value of €290,000.


UTC Aerospace Systems (UTAS), a subsidiary of the US aviation company Collins Aerospace, was founded in 2012. It has many investments in Turkey, including in Turkish Airlines. It provides Turkey with Inertial Navigation System technology. This technology, which determines the absolute position of a moving vehicle by using an accelerometer and protractor sensors, is also an indispensable feature of UAVs.

According to ANF's research, UTAS, operating in England under the name Atlantic Inertial Systems, produces the laser technology for the MAM-L and MAM-C missiles fired from Turkish UCAVs.

The MAM-C missiles, called Javelins by the Turkish state, weigh 6.5kg and have a diameter of 70mm. MAM-L missiles weigh 22kg. The main feature of both missiles is that they are non-motorised and guided by laser.

The GPS and Inertial Navigation System supplied by UTAS play a critical role in the MAM-L and MAM-C missiles, which are used against civilians, especially in Rojava and South Kurdistan.

Continental Motors​

German-based Thielert Aircraft Engines GmbH and Continental Aerospace Technologies GmbH merged in 2013 to establish a company called Continental Motors.

The company produces engines for small-sized aircraft and aerial vehicles. Continental Motors produces diesel engines named Continental CD 155 for Bayraktar TB2 vehicles and PD155 engines for Anka-S unarmed aerial vehicles.

Continental Motors has been collaborating with Turkey since 2010, according to data from the German government. However, in response to a question from Die Linke, it was confirmed in the German parliament that the company had deals with Turkey in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015 and 2016. The contents of the agreements were not disclosed and are labelled state secrets.

Numerics Software GmbH​

Numerics Software GmbH has headquarters in the town of Petershausen near Munich, and has helped Turkey with software for missiles launched from UCAVs.

According to data from the German Ministry of Economy and Energy, Numerics Software GmbH approved two deals with the Turkish state in 2008, one in 2011 and two in 2013.
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Masturbation has clouded your mind so much,you believe Erdogan's government.

Turkish F-16s intercept 6 Greek F-16s over the Eastern Mediterranean

Not according to UNCLOS.

Stop repeating the same bull. Nobody believes you anymore. You have discredited yourself on this forum and everybody thinks you're a joke.

keep crying stupid TROLL Team
Go ahead and modernize your FNSS ACV-15, which is all license built :D

so funny .... go and dream with your tiny German Army

150 modernized ACV-15

650 modernizee ACV-30

Also Turkiye has its own most modern war machines











The camera is undoubtedly the most important technology in both armed and unarmed drones.

The Bayraktar and TAI companies, which produce drones/UAVs for the Erdogan regime, use Canadian company Wescam’s electro-optical and infrared cameras.

In October last year, when the Turkish state launched its invasion of Rojava, Canada decided to embargo the sale of arms to Ankara. However, as a result of negotiations with the Canadian administration in May and June, the embargo was lifted and Wescam began to sell its cabin and optical instruments to the Turkish state again.

Wescam took its cooperation with the Erdogan regime even further and granted Turkish UAV manufacturer Baykar the right to license its technical facilities to perform maintenance and software updates of its technical equipment in Turkey.

You are another TROLL , nothing else

Canadian company which produce Wescam was bankrupt in 2022 .. lol

Turkish UCAVs has started using indigenous Aselsan CATS E/O System
( Canadian Wescam has laser range of 20km ... Turkish CATS has laser range of 30km )

40 of them have been delivered so far

It designs the OMTAS missiles fired from UCAVs. Developed as an anti-tank missile, OMTAS have been made suitable for use by the Turkish army in armaments with the "tandem warhead" system produced by TDW.

Source : Your asss .. lol

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