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Greece refuses to extradite DHKP-C leader to Turkey


Sep 28, 2013
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A Greek court on Thursday refused Turkey's demand to extradite Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C) member pending Greece's response to his political asylum request.

The Thessaloniki Court of Appeals ruled not to extradite Tekin who had been detained in a home in Greece's capital, Athens with ammunition in February until his political asylum request has been decided. The court also ruled to continue his detention due to the captured guns and explosive materials found at his home.

Tekin is known as one of the key names of the DHKP-C, who was arrested last February under the fake Bulgarian identity Petrov Petar in an ammunition-laden safe house in Athens along with Murat Korkut, Bilgehan Karpat and Ismail Akkol, the assassination suspect of businessman Ozdemir Sabanci in 1996 in Istanbul. The four were arrested through a Greek court decision.

The Greek court had formerly decided not to extradite Mehmet Yayla along with Hasan Biber, both members of DHKP-C, who were captured in a speedboat carrying arms and explosives from Chios Island in Greece by Greek coast guards on July 30.

The court ruled to extradite 42-year-old female terrorist of the DHKP-C, who had a warrant for her arrest, and was captured in Thessaloniki. Another member Ahmet Duzgun Yuksel, was captured in Athens with a fake Bulgarian identity.

Meanwhile, Hasan Kosar, codenamed 'Cetin', who was detained due to the Triandria street explosion where one person died in Thessaloniki in 2011, was released on 2,000 Euro bail.

Kosar, who had been living in Greece for 23 years, was freed after he was detained with 14 people including DHKP-C member Havva Suicmez and Neczat Kalayci. He was subsequently detained again shortly afterwards regarding the investigation on the Triandria explosion.

Greece refuses to extradite DHKP-C leader to Turkey | General | Worldbulletin News


Is there a guaranty those bastards will be inactive while they are in jail? Im sure Greece will turn a blind eye to them. I dont believe greece is honest on this, because it seems they only started to crackdown on them (together with US intelligence) after dhkpc targeted american embassy in Turkiye.
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The greeks it seems will always remain butt hurt from the beating that was bestowed on them while they were trying to cheaply cash in on the Turkish problems after ww1. They should have known! And they should realize now if they hadn't so far.
Why can't we just get along!
We are NATO allies.
If you give them
-16 km sea borders so they can block our ships coming from Black Sea
-Free economic zone in Aegean and Med sea
-West Anatolia

I'm sure we will be best friends with Greeks :lol: but that won't be enough. They will even want more if they get that list. We can be friends with Greek people but not with the government.
If you give them
-16 km sea borders so they can block our ships coming from Black Sea
-Free economic zone in Aegean and Med sea
-West Anatolia

I'm sure we will be best friends with Greeks :lol: but that won't be enough. They will even want more if they get that list. We can be friends with Greek people but not with the government.

Hehe fair enough but they just mad coz we came from Asia and took there lands.
How was our treatment of Greeks during the Ottoman times?

But we can all agree that this refusal to extradite crap is personal not coz it's the law.
Hehe fair enough but they just mad coz we came from Asia and took there lands.
Well, who wouldnt be mad for loosing this city? :D

We have been enemies for over 1000 years. Also they are orthodox Christians so they automatically hate us.

I don't think the Greeks are in position to hate or like.

They literally sold their souls out.

With the CIA? LoL are you for real? Greece exists no more. They sold their country to Germany. We should have bought their debit :rofl:
Is there a guaranty those bastards will be inactive while they are in jail? Im sure Greece will turn a blind eye to them. I dont believe greece is honest on this, because it seems they only started to crackdown on them (together with US intelligence) after dhkpc targeted american embassy in Turkiye.

I wouldn't trust them either - note that I'm not Turkish -
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I'd really like your contribution here @amalakas

I thought you guys hated communists in Greece... why protect this scum?
Greece has a long history with supporting terrorism in Turkey; ıf the code ''peace at home and world'' had not been , The first country would be Greece and then Iran, Armenia that Turkey would react agressively.
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IMHO, Greece shouldnt be blamed here.. Greece is just a petty country with no significance, they do what they are told and thats it.. How many terrorists are living, propagating and raising money for their ill will freely in Germany, France, Belgium and etc.in Europe? Thousands.. Remember Fehriye Erdal ( one of the assasins of Ozdemir Sabanci) She was caught in Belgium but "somehow" she escaped.. I was actually surprised that Greece had given the decision to capture those thugs, afterall they were the ones who were spoon feeding them
IMHO, Greece shouldnt be blamed here.. Greece is just a petty country with no significance, they do what they are told and thats it.. How many terrorists are living, propagating and raising money for their ill will freely in Germany, France, Belgium and etc.in Europe? Thousands.. Remember Fehriye Erdal ( one of the assasins of Ozdemir Sabanci) She was caught in Belgium but "somehow" she escaped.. I was actually surprised that Greece had given the decision to capture those thugs, afterall they were the ones who were spoon feeding them

Do you really know what Greece has done in Turkey?
Also Germany and France is not a Greece, but even Greece can do it; that is the point i try to imply.

Here is an example:

Yılmaz ÖZDİL - MİT yasası - Hürriyet YAZARLAR

please read it carefully.
I don't speak Turkish. But I assume that France was trying to play out Turkey, along with Germany, as well as Greece, right?

If so then usually countries try to use some tactics to exert some pressure on another country.

Do you really know what Greece has done in Turkey?
Also Germany and France is not a Greece, but even Greece can do it; that is the point i try to imply.

Here is an example:

Yılmaz ÖZDİL - MİT yasası - Hürriyet YAZARLAR

please read it carefully.

IMHO, Greece shouldnt be blamed here.. Greece is just a petty country with no significance, they do what they are told and thats it.. How many terrorists are living, propagating and raising money for their ill will freely in Germany, France, Belgium and etc.in Europe? Thousands.. Remember Fehriye Erdal ( one of the assasins of Ozdemir Sabanci) She was caught in Belgium but "somehow" she escaped.. I was actually surprised that Greece had given the decision to capture those thugs, afterall they were the ones who were spoon feeding them

Greece is gone for good :lol: They now are owned by the buyers of their debits :rofl:
Do you really know what Greece has done in Turkey?
Also Germany and France is not a Greece, but even Greece can do it; that is the point i try to imply.

Here is an example:

Yılmaz ÖZDİL - MİT yasası - Hürriyet YAZARLAR

please read it carefully.

These are normal secret service engagements..An airforce lieutenant have been made subject to Greek Secret Service... Do you think thats a big deal or what? These happen all the time.. Do you know how many Israeli agents are in prison in The US of A?

As for the Apo part of the article, do you really think Greece did that on her own without having a green light from bigger players i.e. Germany or France? Dont be naive

What i try to imply and what you didnt get is, Germany is doing it, France is doing it, Belgium is doing it, Italy is doing it etc so why not Greece? I gave you Fehriye Erdal example, she was caught but then escaped under Belgium authorities supervision...At least in Greece, court gave a "prejudicial qestion decision "
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