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Greece intensifies diplomatic offensive to counter Turkish aggression

Also, Turkey is in NATO. Europe will come to Turkey’s defence (in theory at least).
NATO will not intervene militarily in a possible Greek-Turkish war, only diplomatically.
But it will intervene militarily if e.g. Pakistan indirectly or directly helps Turkey, and Pakistan will be considered an enemy of the alliance, since it is attacking a member country.
Pakistan's leaders know this very well, unless they want to start a war with the West.

Major European countries have already condemned Turkey many times, and other countries e.g. France is helping Greece militarily by giving them missiles and crucial parts.
Turks started it in 2019, first in the UN, then in NATO/EU, we are just fighting back. After all, we are talking about diplomacy, what happens in the field, everyone knows.

A few days ago bandit Greece ( S300 ) radar lock Turkish F-16s during NATO duty in international airspace

Turkiye said know your place Greece "We will come suddenly one night" like 1974

and Greece has started crying like little girls to USA and France
Greece hiding behind USA-France and acts bigger than her its capability

When Turks were busy to fight USA-France and their terrorists PKK/YPG , FETO , HAFTAR in Turkiye ,Syria and Libya since 2013 , Greeks and Greek Cypriots tried to steal oil/gas reserves and 150.000+ km2 area from the Turks in the Eastern Mediterranean

stop dreaming about trash Seville Map which has no value

stop dreaming about inreasing territorial water to 8-10-12 nm

and be a good neighbor ... Nobody can save Greece in a war as like 1922 , 1974

100 years ago , The UK+France+Greece+Armenia all together attacked on unarmed Turkiye

RESULT : Turks bought weapons from Russians and kicked all of you

Greeks came with dreams of capturing Anatolia from the Turks but ended up going back to Athens swimming
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why are the Greeks writing letters? Bro you take real action, like shootdown their f16 or something, or shut the borders and flights to/from Athens.

Writing letters was in 1950’s brah
It doesn’t do shit.
Government's like: "We don't reply to Turkish provocations. We don't play Turkey's game."

The previous government,SYRIZA (Coalition of Radical Left) had a policy of appeasement.

What we could do is shoot down some UAVs. See how they react. But of course,they might escalate even if they lose a UAV.

and Greece has started crying like little girls to USA and France
Greece hiding behind USA-France and acts bigger than her its capability
I thought you're the ones crying about some imaginary "S-300 radar lock" for a week one. Pathetic,pathetic.
That's mean you declare war to Greece and NATO.
Pakistan is ready for that?

NATO will not intervene as Turkiye is also a NATO member and Pakistan is a Major ally of NATO.

More over NATO does not like the Orthodox and Byzantine Christians.
This is obviously just Erdogans new ruse to keep domestic audiences distracted from massive failures at home - economy and immigration
This is obviously just Erdogans new ruse to keep domestic audiences distracted from massive failures at home - economy and immigration
Yeah,I agree. But the problem is he keeps repeating this new slogan lately,to the point where he says it almost daily in speeches and interviews.
Yeah,I agree. But the problem is he keeps repeating this new slogan lately,to the point where he says it almost daily in speeches and interviews.

That's the only way to ensure it works though isn't it. But yes Greece is right to be weary.

Tbh it's not beyond him to even launch an offensive just to keep his seat. Hopefully Turks will see through it
Tbh it's not beyond him to even launch an offensive just to keep his seat.
Oh yeah! Or at least an incident that will boost his popularity. Of course he will present it as a big victory against "the arrogant West".

For years,they have been trying to have us shoot down one of their aircraft or maybe fire against one of their ships. Constantly flying between or over our islands and islets,getting in mock dogfights,sending their UAVs deeper and deeper inside the Aegean,charging their vessels against our Coast Guard or Navy patrol ships and gunboats (there are videos if you wanna see).

I mean look at this: What the heck was that Turkish UAV doing there?

Screenshot 2022-02-08 at 13-03-12 Interactive map of news and conflicts in Southeastern Europe...png
Oh yeah! Or at least an incident that will boost his popularity. Of course he will present it as a big victory against "the arrogant West".

For years,they have been trying to have us shoot down one of their aircraft or maybe fire against one of their ships. Constantly flying between or over our islands and islets,getting in mock dogfights,sending their UAVs deeper and deeper inside the Aegean,charging their vessels against our Coast Guard or Navy patrol ships and gunboats (there are videos if you wanna see).

I mean look at this: What the heck was that Turkish UAV doing there?

View attachment 877112

it's the oldest move in the book but sadly Muslims are very gullible when religion is invoked.
it's the oldest move in the book but sadly Muslims are very gullible when religion is invoked.
There are some Pakistanis here on the forum,that unconditionally support Turkey,even if Turkey is wrong. They believe Erdogan,whatever he says. Without even reading the arguements of the other side. To them,the Turk,the Ottoman is always the good,the righteous and brave muslim brother. The others are just the bad westerners,the white people,the Christians,who must be wrong,because my muslim brother can't be bad.
Here the full letters sent by Greece to the EU, NATO and the UN in its efforts to counter Turkey’s growing aggression.
Attached are Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias’ letters to EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, both dated September 5, as well as the letter sent by Greece’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Maria Theofili to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on September 6.

The letters cite a number of public remarks made recently by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which are seen as a direct threat to Greece’s territorial integrity.

Turkey has been building up its revisionist agenda
through a propaganda putting in question the entire territorial status quo as established by Treaties and thus putting at risk regional security and stability,” it is said in the letters.


Here the full letters sent by Greece to the EU, NATO and the UN in its efforts to counter Turkey’s growing aggression.
Attached are Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias’ letters to EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, both dated September 5, as well as the letter sent by Greece’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Maria Theofili to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on September 6.

The letters cite a number of public remarks made recently by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which are seen as a direct threat to Greece’s territorial integrity.

Turkey has been building up its revisionist agenda
through a propaganda putting in question the entire territorial status quo as established by Treaties and thus putting at risk regional security and stability,” it is said in the letters.

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If they continue like this,they'll claim the mainland as well...

"Eeeeey Yunaaaan! You occupy our ancient motherland! Ooooh Selanik! Ooooh Janina! Oooh Tripoli! Oooh Girit! We will liberate you soooon!"
Tbh it's not beyond him to even launch an offensive just to keep his seat. Hopefully Turks will see through it

You know nothing about whats going on

Bandit USA-France use puppets PKK/YPG ,FETO , Greece to fight Turkiye

-- to create a terror State via PKK/YPG terrorists in Syria , Turkiye even in Iraq
-- to use FETO terrorists to make military coup in Turkiye
-- to use Greece to steal oil/gas reserves and 150.000+ km area from the Turks in the Eastern Mediterranean

Wth are USA-France are doing in Syria and in the Eastern Mediterranean ?

Greece hiding behind USA-France and violates international agreements
Greece has no any right by international law in the Eastern Mediterranean
( Greek Islands can not create EEZ of 200nm

a few days ago , Greek S300 radar lock Turkish F-16s in international airspace during NATO mission

and Turkiye sad , know your place Greece , no more tolerance to Greek provocation and illegal actions

as always Greece has started crying to USA-France .. what a crying useless country
I mean look at this: What the heck was that Turkish UAV doing there?

Turkish UAV flying in international air space and showing your rights ..
only 6 nm territorial water ... nothing else

Greece has no any right by international law in the Eastern Mediterranean
( Greek Islands can not generate EEZ of 200nm )

Both sides are responsible for the rising tensions in the Mediterranean.

The international agreements are violated by both countries. I don't know which side has started it but i see no settlement of issues for a foreseeable future despite the economic agreements and official meetings. Since both countries are trying to team up against one an other, it is really hard to say that it will end without a serious conflict.

In case of teaming up, Greece will have more chance to have more allies at least between western oriented countries. On the other hand Turkey can be called the stronger side on its own.

Let us hope for no conflict
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