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in aslan Farsi balad nist ... az in bahaii hast ke zaman enghelab be pakestan farar kardan ... bezar yekam begzare ... khodet doshmanesh mishi ...

Just keep continuing that nonsense. I'm a Bahai? Haha, I'm a atheist you moron. My grandma was a Shia, and my grandfather was a Shafi'i Sunni. I'm neither.
Balochis trace their ancestry back to Arabs. @Surenas take back what you said about Cyrus quite frankly it was an insult to his integrity to say he would side with the Oppressors just because of racial differences.

No, I won't take that back. Arabs are not aliened to Israel. And no Persian king would ever think about supporting Arabs in this matter.

Well, Cyrus the Great lived around 2500 years ago. Whereas the Israel-Palestine issue is only very recent.
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Just keep continuing that nonsense. I'm a Bahai? Haha, I'm a atheist you moron. My grandma was a Shia, and my grandfather was a Shafi'i Sunni. I'm neither.

shafi'i Sunni ???

there is no difference ...

both of them ( bahaii & atheist ) don't believe in god ...
there is no difference ...

both of them ( bahaii & atheist ) don't believe in god ...

Bahai's are religious, while I'm not. That's the difference. At least I don't need a supernatural existence to shape my life. We mortals also are lighted and extinguished; the period of suffering comes in between, but on either side there is a deep peace. What was before me will happen again after me.
Anyway, I would rather call them 'Great Iranians' rather than Persians.Iran belongs to ALL people living in it and all of them have contributed to its glory and history for their part.

Agreed, for example the Safaviyas including Shah Ismail are originally Azeri as far as I know. Didnt mention this before because we all know how super fast things can get derailed on threads like this one.
Bahai's are religious, while I'm not. That's the difference. At least I don't need a supernatural existence to shape my life. We mortals also are lighted and extinguished; the period of suffering comes in between, but on either side there is a deep peace. What was before me will happen again after me.

That was beautiful, may the stones which come your way be huge and plenty.
Ḥashshāshīn;3735471 said:
Then how come Punjabis are fairer than the rest of Indian people??

Because people from Central Asia have been mixing up with people from the Punjab region for centuries. This goes back way before Islam. However the language and culture of Punjab is indic and as such Punjabis are defined as an "Indic" people. Its got more to do with linguistics and less to do with ethnicity.
That was beautiful, may the stones which come your way be huge and plenty.

Thanks my friend, but these wise words were first spoken by Seneca, a roman Philosopher. His letters to Lucius are one of the most best I've ever read. This one for example. Letter by the Roman philosopher Seneca, written 2000 years ago.

My dear Lucilius,

My ill-health had allowed me a long furlough, when suddenly it resumed the attack. "What kind of ill-health?" you say. And you surely have a right to ask; for it is true that no kind is unknown to me. But I have been consigned, so to speak, to one special ailment. I do not know why I should call it by its Greek name; for it is well enough described as "shortness of breath." Its attack is of very brief duration, like that of a squall at sea; it usually ends within an hour. Who indeed could breathe his last for long? I have passed through all the ills and dangers of the flesh; but nothing seems to me more troublesome than this. And naturally so; for anything else may be called illness; but this is a sort of continued "last gasp." Hence physicians call it "practising how to die." For some day the breath will succeed in doing what it has so often essayed.

Do you think I am writing this letter in a merry spirit, just because I have escaped? It would be absurd to take delight in such supposed restoration to health, as it would be for a defendant to imagine that he had won his case when he had succeeded in postponing his trial. Yet in the midst of my difficult breathing I never ceased to rest secure in cheerful and brave thoughts. "What?" I say to myself; "does death so often test me? Let it do so; I myself have for a long time tested death." "When?" you ask. Before I was born. Death is non-existence, and I know already what that means. What was before me will happen again after me. If there is any suffering in this state, there must have been such suffering also in the past, before we entered the light of day. As a matter of fact, however, we felt no discomfort then. And I ask you, would you not say that one was the greatest of fools who believed that a lamp was worse off when it was extinguished than before it was lighted? We mortals also are lighted and extinguished; the period of suffering comes in between, but on either side there is a deep peace.

For, unless I am very much mistaken, my dear Lucilius, we go astray in thinking that death only follows, when in reality it has both preceded us and will in turn follow us. Whatever condition existed before our birth, is death. For what does it matter whether you do not begin at all, or whether you leave off, inasmuch as the result of both these states is non-existence?

I have never ceased to encourage myself with cheering counsels of this kind, silently, of course, since I had not the power to speak; then little by little this shortness of breath, already reduced to a sort of panting, came on at greater intervals, and then slowed down and finally stopped. Even by this time, although the gasping has ceased, the breath does not come and go normally; I still feel a sort of hesitation and delay in breathing. Let it be as it pleases, provided there be no sigh from the soul. Accept this assurance from me - I shall never be frightened when the last hour comes; I am already prepared and do not plan a whole day ahead. But do you praise and imitate the man whom it does not irk to die, though he takes pleasure in living. For what virtue is there in going away when you are thrust out? And yet there is virtue even in this: I am indeed thrust out, but it is as if I were going away willingly. For that reason the wise man can never be thrust out, because that would mean removal from a place which he was unwilling to leave; and the wise man does nothing unwillingly. He escapes necessity, because he wills to do what necessity is about to force upon him. Farewell.

Kind regards,

Bahai's are religious, while I'm not. That's the difference. At least I don't need a supernatural existence to shape my life. We mortals also are lighted and extinguished; the period of suffering comes in between, but on either side there is a deep peace. What was before me will happen again after me.

religious !? ha ha ha

I know some bahaiis in Tehran ...

they have group sex every week ...

such a nice religion !!!
religious !? ha ha ha

I know some bahaiis in Tehran ...

they have group sex every week ...

such a nice religion !!!

I know a Iranian moral police commander who was caught in Tehran with hookers in his room. Whats your point? Most Bahais I know are peaceful people.
I think you've forgotten Jalal al Din Khwarazm Shah / سلطان جلال الدین خوارزمشاه .


Jalal ad-Din Mingburnu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jalaleddin Mengüberdi was a Turk. Do you what Mengüberdi means? It is Turkic "Holy highness has given"
religious !? ha ha ha

I know some bahaiis in Tehran ...

they have group sex every week ...

such a nice religion !!!

I know a Iranian moral police commander who was caught in Tehran with hookers in his room.

Wow Iran is an interesting place :partay:
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