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Greatest Persians in history

We were forced by the sword. Period.

And why we didn't converted back? Simply because of a lack of historical awareness. Unlike then, most Iranians now do know about their great pre-Islamic history, and Iran has become less religious by the day.
We were forced by the sword. Period.

And why we didn't converted back? Simply because of a lack of historical awareness. Unlike then, most Iranians now do know about their great pre-Islamic history, and Iran has become less religious by the day.

Yeah historians had brain farts and proud Persian rulers did not know their own history but you Surenas of Netherlands are the carrier of the truth... Well keep that "fire" lit in within yourselves and hopefully you will get some cool looking tattoos like the one Abii posted to accompany that passion. Funny how you were jumping around claiming empires as Iranic and on the other hand assume the leaders of said empires had no clue as to what their own history stood for. :rolleyes:
Jalal ad-Din Mingburnu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jalaleddin Mengüberdi was a Turk. Do you what Mengüberdi means? It is Turkic "Holy highness has given"

like nader shah and shah ismail


Jalaledin was a Turk ? or he was an Iranian ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

You got to be kidding me . right ?

Khwarazmian dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Khwarezmian Empire 1190 - 1220 (AD)

How could he be a Turk while they were governing Iran unless you call him an Iranian Turk not a Turk cos there is a big big difference between Turks in Iran and in other countries .

he was from kayi clan like me :) am i iranian lol :)
Sadly a few.

Surprising if true considering the Wahabbis running around with their fatwas.


I would not know the exact percentage I haven't been since I was young and only for a few months, here in the US mosques are full to capacity on Fridays. I do not see what your point is though, some of the worst Muslims read Friday prayers it is like a cultural universal for Muslims, judge Muslims based on merit not how many namaz they read. BTW you said your parents are Muslims, are they still or do they feel the same contempt you do??
kingmamba you need a good punch in the face

acting like an animal on the net is easy, do that in real life and you'll get your *** beat mofo.

What a nutter.

Look at these video:

Fire in the heart – Azerbaijan celebrates Novruz | euronews, focus

If one have said that this is Iran, I would have believed him. The culture over there is simply an Iranian culture.

lool zoorkhane... check, norouz... check, zoroastrianism... check... etc... and they even acknowledge that it's all Persian. Then ASQ comes here and badmouths parsis!!!!!! Everything they have, from A-Z, even the name of their country is Parsi!

What hypocrites
10 greatest Persians!!! That's what happens when we don't educate our kids about their history and identity and instead feed them a diet of inflated ego and innate superiority. Who gives a sh!t about who we really are and what our real name is? Let's be Persians today. It sounds cooler to Western ears anyway. That's how the name of Iran and Iranian which has been in use since the time of Zarathushtra becomes Persia and Persian. And the name of our language with millenia of history and recognition in most of the world, becomes 'farsi' at the hand our own ignorant selves.
10 greatest Persians!!! That's what happens when we don't educate our kids about their history and identity and instead feed them a diet of inflated ego and innate superiority. Who gives a sh!t about who we really are and what our real name is? Let's be Persians today. It sounds cooler to Western ears anyway. That's how the name of Iran and Iranian which has been in use since the time of Zarathushtra becomes Persia and Persian. And the name of our language with millenia of history and recognition in most of the world, becomes 'farsi' at the hand our own ignorant selves.

Go tell your fellow countrymen in the US that. They have started this 'we are Persian' nonsense.
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