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Gravitational waves announcement: Scientists confirm detection of ripples in spacetime

No scientist will tell you he has the absolute truth, what they will tell you is, it is highly likely or what does not work, this experiment seems to have backed up earlier theoretical data, does it mean it is absolutely certain, well we can say it is highly probable.

@Levina @Zibago @Mentee

yes, any true scientist will be of a gently doubting and discovery-seeking disposition... but the fellow in the vid and so many members on this thread are priests, full of fanatical belief in what may not exist at all... they are patting each others' backs while making post upon post in laughing at my simple questions and deriding them without themselves being the god who if exists must have created the universe and thus knows the steps.

one constant theme among members here has been "universe is expanding"... but some physicists have rejected it in recent.

this[1] is from 2013 :
It started with a bang, and has been expanding ever since. For nearly a century, this has been the standard view of the Universe. Now one cosmologist is proposing a radically different interpretation of events — in which the Universe is not expanding at all.

In a paper posted on the arXiv preprint server1, Christof Wetterich, a theoretical physicist at the University of Heidelberg in Germany, has devised a different cosmology in which the Universe is not expanding but the mass of everything has been increasing. Such an interpretation could help physicists to understand problematic issues such as the so-called singularity present at the Big Bang, he says.

and this[2] is from 2014 :
In the space around us, on Earth, in the Solar System and our Milky Way Galaxy, as similar objects get farther away, they look fainter and smaller. Their surface brightness, that is the brightness per unit area, remains constant.

In contrast, the Big Bang theory tells us that in an expanding Universe objects actually should appear fainter but bigger. Thus in this theory, the surface brightness decreases with the distance. In addition, the light is stretched as the Universe expanded, further dimming the light.

So in an expanding Universe the most distant galaxies should have hundreds of times dimmer surface brightness than similar nearby galaxies, making them actually undetectable with present-day telescopes.

But that is not what observations show, as demonstrated by this new study published in the International Journal of Modern Physics D.

The scientists carefully compared the size and brightness of about a thousand nearby and extremely distant galaxies. They chose the most luminous spiral galaxies for comparisons, matching the average luminosity of the near and far samples.

Contrary to the prediction of the Big Bang theory, they found that the surface brightnesses of the near and far galaxies are identical.

These results are consistent with what would be expected from ordinary geometry if the Universe was not expanding, and are in contradiction with the drastic dimming of surface brightness predicted by the expanding Universe hypothesis.

“Of course, you can hypothesize that galaxies were much smaller, and thus had hundreds of times greater intrinsic surface brightness in the past, and that, just by coincidence, the Big Bang dimming exactly cancels that greater brightness at all distances to produce the illusion of a constant brightness, but that would be a very big coincidence,” Mr Lerner said.

That was not the only startling result of their research. In order to apply the surface brightness test, first proposed in 1930 by physicist Richard C. Tolman, the team had to determine the actual luminosity of the galaxies, so as to match near and far galaxies.

To do that, the astrophysicists had to link the distance to the galaxies with their redshift. They hypothesized that the distance is proportional to the redshift at all distances, as is well verified to be the case in the nearby Universe.

They checked this relation between redshift and distance with the data on supernova brightness that has been used to measure the hypothesized accelerated expansion of the Universe.

“It is amazing that the predictions of this simple formula are as good as the predictions of the expanding Universe theory, which include complex corrections for hypothetical dark matter and dark energy,” said study co-author Dr Renato Falomo of the Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Italy.

Dr Riccardo Scarpa from the Instituto de Astrofısica de Canarias, Spain, who is a co-author of the study, added: “again you could take this to be merely coincidental, but it would be a second big coincidence.”

Therefore if the Universe is not expanding, the redshift of light with increasing distance must be caused by some other phenomena – something that happens to the light itself as it travels through space.

“We are not speculating now as to what could cause the redshift of light,” Mr Lerner said.

”However, such a redshift, which is not associated with expansion, could be observed with suitable spacecraft within our own Solar System in the future.”

ghanta i will respect the arrogance of some members here !!


@500 @ayesha.a @LeGenD @FairAndUnbiased @Schutz - your opinion on the above two articles??

@jamahir and @Nilgiri guys lets bury the hatchet as life is too short.kudos

yes, life is too short for breeding all kinds of unnatural hatred within ourselves... i am a simple and gentle person, much like the cats i have lived with for years... there is no need for apology from him but the necessary requirement is that he quit his arrogance that is based on fallacy and that he accept socialism, for this will ensure that he remains humane... this is a simple ask... a cat gets confused and sad when those he/she knows behave in a cruel manner... same with me. :)


[1] Cosmologist claims Universe may not be expanding : Nature News & Comment

[2] Universe is Not Expanding After All, Controversial Study Suggests | Astronomy | Sci-News.com
@Levina @Zibago @Mentee

yes, life is too short for breeding all kinds of unnatural hatred within ourselves... i am a simple and gentle person, much like the cats i have lived with for years... there is no need for apology from him but the necessary requirement is that he quit his arrogance that is based on fallacy and that he accept socialism, for this will ensure that he remains humane... this is a simple ask... a cat gets confused and sad when those he/she knows behave in a cruel manner... same with me. :)


[1] Cosmologist claims Universe may not be expanding : Nature News & Comment

[2] Universe is Not Expanding After All, Controversial Study Suggests | Astronomy | Sci-News.com
Now come on he is not under any obligation to embrace socialism or that of the kind which the North Koreans supposedly practice LOL ,anyway I love cats my self, by the way you need to look up the doppler effect.kudos
No scientist will tell you he has the absolute truth, what they will tell you is, it is highly likely or what does not work, this experiment seems to have backed up earlier theoretical data, does it mean it is absolutely certain, well we can say it is highly probable.
@jamahir and @Nilgiri guys lets bury the hatchet as life is too short.kudos
Steps of scientific method
@Levina @Zibago @Mentee

yes, any true scientist will be of a gently doubting and discovery-seeking disposition... but the fellow in the vid and so many members on this thread are priests, full of fanatical belief in what may not exist at all... they are patting each others' backs while making post upon post in laughing at my simple questions and deriding them without themselves being the god who if exists must have created the universe and thus knows the steps.

one constant theme among members here has been "universe is expanding"... but some physicists have rejected it in recent.

this[1] is from 2013 :

and this[2] is from 2014 :

ghanta i will respect the arrogance of some members here !!


@500 @ayesha.a @LeGenD @FairAndUnbiased @Schutz - your opinion on the above two articles??

yes, life is too short for breeding all kinds of unnatural hatred within ourselves... i am a simple and gentle person, much like the cats i have lived with for years... there is no need for apology from him but the necessary requirement is that he quit his arrogance that is based on fallacy and that he accept socialism, for this will ensure that he remains humane... this is a simple ask... a cat gets confused and sad when those he/she knows behave in a cruel manner... same with me. :)


[1] Cosmologist claims Universe may not be expanding : Nature News & Comment

[2] Universe is Not Expanding After All, Controversial Study Suggests | Astronomy | Sci-News.com

educational institutions have become more like churches and masjids, no matter what wont appreciate constructive intellectual thinking, just make a copy cat out of you----- folow,obey, and bear------- they have been making us run in balck n white areas--- in their dictionery the word grey, does not exist
kisi ko ph*** lganay ka assan tareen raasta------ yar iam not speaking of my self the scientists have said that:partay:

and as for the shabd ghanta you can replace that with baba g ka --------:lol: koe sunnay ko tyaar he nae hain as you have committed a scientific blasphemy:pissed:
educational institutions have become more like churches and masjids, no matter what wont appreciate constructive intellectual thinking, just make a copy cat out of you----- folow,obey, and bear------- they have been making us run in balck n white areas--- in their dictionery the word grey, does not exist
kisi ko ph*** lganay ka assan tareen raasta------ yar iam not speaking of my self the scientists have said that:partay:


and as for the shabd ghanta you can replace that with baba g ka --------:lol: koe sunnay ko tyaar he nae hain as you have committed a scientific blasphemy:pissed:

that's right... "baba ji ka..." is sometimes more effective than ghanta.

yes, i have blasphemed... zombies, zombies some of them here, lynching and stoning those who don't agree with the assertions of their beloved phd's and institutions. :lol:

i am the zandiq in their confident beliefs.

that's right... "baba ji ka..." is sometimes more effective than ghanta.

yes, i have blasphemed... zombies, zombies some of them here, lynching and stoning those who don't agree with the assertions of their beloved phd's and institutions. :lol:

i am the zandiq in their confident beliefs.

die infidel die:rofl:
they should burn you like a witch:angel:
Einstein's gravitational waves 'seen' from black holes
Scientists are claiming a stunning discovery in their quest to fully understand gravity.

They have observed the warping of space-time generated by the collision of two black holes more than a billion light-years from Earth.

The international team says the first detection of these gravitational waves will usher in a new era for astronomy.

It is the culmination of decades of searching and could ultimately offer a window on the Big Bang.

The research, by the Ligo Collaboration, has been published today in the journal Physical Review Letters.

The collaboration operates a number of labs around the world that fire lasers through long tunnels, trying to sense ripples in the fabric of space-time.

The signals they detect are incredibly subtle and disturb the machines, known as interferometers, by just fractions of the width of an atom.

But this black hole merger was picked up almost simultaneously by two widely separated Ligo facilities in the US.

The merger radiated three times the mass of the sun in pure gravitational energy.

"We have detected gravitational waves," Prof David Reitze, executive director of the Ligo project, told journalists at a news conference in Washington DC.

"It's the first time the Universe has spoken to us through gravitational waves. Up until now, we've been deaf."

Image copyrightNSF/LIGO
Image captionLigo labs fire lasers through long tunnels, trying to sense ripples in the fabric of space-time
Prof Karsten Danzmann, from the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physicsand Leibniz University in Hannover, Germany, is a European leader on the collaboration.

He said the detection was one of the most important developments in science since the discovery of the Higgs particle, and on a par with the determination of the structure of DNA.

"There is a Nobel Prize in it - there is no doubt," he told the BBC.

"It is the first ever direct detection of gravitational waves; it's the first ever direct detection of black holes and it is a confirmation of General Relativity because the property of these black holes agrees exactly with what Einstein predicted almost exactly 100 years ago."

Ripples in the fabric of space-time


  • Gravitational waves are prediction of the Theory of General Relativity
  • Their existence has been inferred by science but only now directly detected
  • They are ripples in the fabric of space and time produced by violent events
  • Accelerating masses will produce waves that propagate at the speed of light
  • Detectable sources ought to include merging black holes and neutron stars
  • Ligo fires lasers into long, L-shaped tunnels; the waves disturb the light
  • Detecting the waves opens up the Universe to completely new investigations
That view was reinforced by Prof Stephen Hawking, who is an expert on black holes. Speaking exclusively to BBC News, he said he believed that the detection marked a key moment in scientific history.

"Gravitational waves provide a completely new way at looking at the Universe. The ability to detect them has the potential to revolutionise astronomy. This discovery is the first detection of a black hole binary system and the first observation of black holes merging," he said.

"Apart from testing (Albert Einstein's theory of) General Relativity, we could hope to see black holes through the history of the Universe. We may even see relics of the very early Universe during the Big Bang at some of the most extreme energies possible."

Team member Prof Gabriela González, from Louisiana State University, said: "We have discovered gravitational waves from the merger of black holes. It's been a very long road, but this is just the beginning.

"Now that we have the detectors to see these systems, now that we know binary black holes are out there - we'll begin listening to the Universe. "


The Ligo laser interferometers in Hanford, in Washington, and Livingston, in Louisiana, were only recently refurbished and had just come back online when they sensed the signal from the collision. This occurred at 10.51 GMT on 14 September last year.

On a graph, the data looks like a symmetrical, wiggly line that gradually increases in height and then suddenly fades away.

"We found a beautiful signature of the merger of two black holes and it agrees exactly - fantastically - with the numerical solutions to Einstein equations... it looked too beautiful to be true," said Prof Danzmann.

Prof Sheila Rowan, who is one of the lead UK researchers involved in the project, said that the first detection of gravitational waves was just the start of a "terrifically exciting" journey.

"The fact that we are sitting here on Earth feeling the actual fabric of the Universe stretch and compress slightly due to the merger of black holes that occurred just over a billion years ago - I think that's phenomenal. It's amazing that when we first turned on our detectors, the Universe was ready and waiting to say 'hello'," the Glasgow University scientist told the BBC.

Being able to detect gravitational waves enables astronomers finally to probe what they call "dark" Universe - the majority part of the cosmos that is invisible to the light telescopes in use today.

Perfect probe
Not only will they be able to investigate black holes and strange objects known as neutron stars (giant suns that have collapsed to the size of cities), they should also be able to "look" much deeper into the Universe - and thus farther back in time. It may even be possible eventually to sense the moment of the Big Bang.

"Gravitational waves go through everything. They are hardly affected by what they pass through, and that means that they are perfect messengers," said Prof Bernard Schutz, from Cardiff University, UK.

"The information carried on the gravitational wave is exactly the same as when the system sent it out; and that is unusual in astronomy. We can't see light from whole regions of our own galaxy because of the dust that is in the way, and we can't see the early part of the Big Bang because the Universe was opaque to light earlier than a certain time.

"With gravitational waves, we do expect eventually to see the Big Bang itself," he told the BBC.

In addition, the study of gravitational waves may ultimately help scientists in their quest to solve some of the biggest problems in physics, such as the unification of forces, linking quantum theory with gravity.

At the moment, General Relativity describes the cosmos on the largest scales tremendously well, but it is to quantum ideas that we resort when talking about the smallest interactions. Being able to study places in the Universe where gravity is really extreme, such as at black holes, may open a path to new, more complete thinking on these issues.


  • A laser is fed into the machine and its beam is split along two paths
  • The separate paths bounce back and forth between damped mirrors
  • Eventually, the two light parts are recombined and sent to a detector
  • Gravitational waves passing through the lab should disturb the set-up
  • Theory holds they should very subtly stretch and squeeze its space
  • This ought to show itself as a change in the lengths of the light arms (green)
  • The photodetector captures this signal in the recombined beam
Scientists have sought experimental evidence for gravitational waves for more than 40 years.

Einstein himself actually thought a detection might be beyond the reach of technology.

His theory of General Relativity suggests that objects such as stars and planets can warp space around them - in the same way that a billiard ball creates a dip when placed on a thin, stretched, rubber sheet.

Gravity is a consequence of that distortion - objects will be attracted to the warped space in the same way that a pea will fall in to the dip created by the billiard ball.

Inspirational moment
Einstein predicted that if the gravity in an area was changed suddenly - by an exploding star, say - waves of gravitational energy would ripple across the Universe at light-speed, stretching and squeezing space as they travelled.

Although a fantastically small effect, modern technology has now risen to the challenge.

Much of the R&D work for the Washington and Louisiana machines was done at Europe's smaller GEO600 interferometer in Hannover.

"I think it's phenomenal to be able to build an instrument capable of measuring [gravitational waves]," said Prof Rowan.

"It is hugely exciting for a whole generation of young people coming along, because these kinds of observations and this real pushing back of the frontiers is really what inspires a lot of young people to get into science and engineering."

Einstein's gravitational waves 'seen' from black holes - BBC News
@Levina @Zibago @Mentee

yes, any true scientist will be of a gently doubting and discovery-seeking disposition... but the fellow in the vid and so many members on this thread are priests, full of fanatical belief in what may not exist at all... they are patting each others' backs while making post upon post in laughing at my simple questions and deriding them without themselves being the god who if exists must have created the universe and thus knows the steps.

one constant theme among members here has been "universe is expanding"... but some physicists have rejected it in recent.

this[1] is from 2013 :

and this[2] is from 2014 :

ghanta i will respect the arrogance of some members here !!


@500 @ayesha.a @LeGenD @FairAndUnbiased @Schutz - your opinion on the above two articles??

yes, life is too short for breeding all kinds of unnatural hatred within ourselves... i am a simple and gentle person, much like the cats i have lived with for years... there is no need for apology from him but the necessary requirement is that he quit his arrogance that is based on fallacy and that he accept socialism, for this will ensure that he remains humane... this is a simple ask... a cat gets confused and sad when those he/she knows behave in a cruel manner... same with me. :)


[1] Cosmologist claims Universe may not be expanding : Nature News & Comment

[2] Universe is Not Expanding After All, Controversial Study Suggests | Astronomy | Sci-News.com
Its not about mocking you Jamahir.
None of us here,are scientists, most of us are dilettante and we can only depend on the news provided to us as proof. If they tell us that they have found physical proof then we have to believe them. This not herd mentality, because i dont see a reason why the scientists would lie to us, specially in this age. The news has been welcomed by majority in this world, which proves that the discovery is real, or as close to reality as possible.
SOme of your questions (to me) were repeated despite me having answered them.
As i said, you can either believe this news or reject it. Upto you! :)
Last edited:
the experiment u r refering to was a fial and was caused by a faulty element of the experiment's fibre optic timing system. And the faster then light theory was proved wrong and Einstein right. again.

Ridiculous: A Loose Cable Caused Those 'Faster-Than-Light' Particles

What you're talking about was the test on neutrinos, I'm talking about the state of quantum entanglement. Please read the differences.

Quantum "spooky action at a distance" travels at least 10,000 times faster than light
If u checked my thread:

Common misconceptions about atronomy

I wrote there that Bing Bang is not a fact but theory still. Same goes about Dark energy, Dark matter and even black holes. But its best theory we have now. All other theories are much more complex and have more problems.

As for Special and General Relativistic theories, they were proven in uncounted experiments and calculations and so far not a single experiment showed its wrong. We clearly see time slowed with speed and gravity (and this is used in GPS), we clearly see light bending because of gravity. We count orbits of planets with it (for example Mercury). More over we proved that gravitation wave exists before that, but we just did not register them.
i don't understand your behavior... you are one thing in the female-appreciation threads but are insulting to me in other threads.

@Zibago @django @MaarKhoor - please note the duplicity and crudery of nilgiri's behavior... do you think he can be a real friend??

What you never tell any of your friends they are being stupid and ignorant? ever?

You reject everything that doesn't fit your little warped bubble out of hand and then argue your point from the most illogical way (like the planet comparison). You are really no better than the mullahs and sanghis that you despise.

If u checked my thread:

Common misconceptions about atronomy

I wrote there that Bing Bang is not a fact but theory still. Same goes about Dark energy, Dark matter and even black holes. But its best theory we have now. All other theories are much more complex and have more problems.

As for Special and General Relativistic theories, they were proven in uncounted experiments and calculations and so far not a single experiment showed its wrong. We clearly see time slowed with speed and gravity (and this is used in GPS), we clearly see light bending because of gravity. We count orbits of planets with it (for example Mercury). More over we proved that gravitation wave exists before that, but we just did not register them.

This guy will beat you down with his ignorance till you give up. He doesn't understand the difference between theory, fact and truth. There is really no point trying to convince him on anything in this field.
proved when?? by who?? how?? how come they have not been employed in space-craft propulsion in space or recreated or amplified for earthly vehicle anti-gravity propulsion??

a simple set questions or points : so according to our phd'ed astronomers, the universe's elements ( galaxies, worlds, stars etc ) are flying away hither-thither from their place of creation or coalescing... flying away to somewhere, and somehow without interference and collisions... so the entire sol solar system is flying away in one piece... what about the extremeties of the universe?? where will the elements go?? will they dash against a wall?? in fact, what are the extremeties of the universe??

and we must of course bow to them without question and we must obey. :D

Jamahir this stuff is too complex for us peons, but if 100s of scientists have confirmed this and other scientists from around confirm it then I will believe it even more.

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