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Grand Mosque Imam must leave Belgium

Not a problem, as long as you don't the jihad against the muslim sacrificing heathen. :azn:

In a way, it is allowed, but you have pay a heavy fine for each kill.
Would break Your economy.
Sacrifices are not fined of course.

Just so You know what it is all about.

In a way, it is allowed, but you have pay a heavy fine for each kill.
Would break Your economy.
Sacrifices are not fined of course.

Just so You know what it is all about.

I've watch Netflix too.

You ain't vikings anymore.

Your obsession with this type of torture should be a red flag that you need to go see a therapist.
Ignore this guy bro. He's not typical of Europeans. He comes across as one of the right wing extremists I mentioned earlier.

Followers of faith tend to be dangerous to civil society then, amino.
Not all, just the ones who would be just as savage as atheists. Look how many atheist stalin and mao killed, or godless Amreeka kill every day
Would they throw out a zionist preacher? Nah ... they will give him protection!

If the Imam was preaching hate, intolerance etc, then fine. But if he wasn't, then ?
I've watch Netflix too.

Not all, just the ones who would be just as savage as atheists. Look how many atheist stalin and mao killed, or godless Amreeka kill every day

I don't defend communists normally, but currently, they aren't killing many. In the past, everyone was mass murdering the other. Communists, capitalists, fascists, theists.
Currently, the us is largely religious. The powerful folks (older generation ) even more so.
A good example for atheist countries would be western Europe.
No, what I meant was that Vikings used to be friends with Muslims all the time back in the 9th century. They traded a lot.

In 844 they sailed up the Guadalquivir to sack Seville, and also raided al-Andalus. Viking bands burned the towns of Medina and Cadiz before an Islamic counter-attack drove them off. They sailed through the Straight of Gibraltar to sack the Emirate of Nekor in 859, forcing the emir to ransom his harem. In 860 Bjorn Ironside sacked Nekor again. Lisbon was hit in 966 (it had been raided several times). Harald Hardrada's Norsemen in the Byzantine Varangian guard raided North Africa and the Middle East a lot. There were also clashes in the east, in the Caspian Sea, but it was just some warrior-traders kicking off and never posed a real threat to Muslim states in the region.

So they traded when they wanted...

You ain't vikings anymore.

Its all about "Full" religious freedom... Yee now way are we not letting satanists to sacrifice some "muslim" virgins:P They should have full religious freedom...
In 844 they sailed up the Guadalquivir to sack Seville, and also raided al-Andalus. Viking bands burned the towns of Medina and Cadiz before an Islamic counter-attack drove them off.

I hope you realize that many Vikings band were independent of each other. The vast majority of Vikings were friends with Muslims and traded plenty.

Some Vikings even converted to Islam


They were clearly very tolerant of Muslims in their lands so that debunks your Swedish friend's bull.
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I hope you realize that many Vikings band were independent of each other. The vast majority of Vikings were friends with Muslims and traded plenty.

Some Vikings even converted to Islam


They were clearly very tolerant of Muslims in their lands so that debunks your Swedish friend's bull.

Because muslims where to far away for often rides but when you look on the map you see they raided what they wanted :sarcastic:...

And in the end they converted to christianity:woot:
I don't care, have you forgotten what this is about? Stop changing the subject.

Oh im changing it :sarcastic: When someone is a genus like you and dont get it there is no full religious freedom and muslims are no exception here. So when Belgium whats him to leave they got a good reason.

"We have had some very clear indications that he was very radicalized, Salafist and conservative. He was dangerous for our society and national security."
Read more at http://www.thestar.com.my/news/worl...t-of-salafist-saudi-imam/#MrrZHLq8aKIB2L4A.99
Your obsession with this type of torture should be a red flag that you need to go see a therapist.

Where is the obsession?
I am just pointing out that allowing every crazy idea of every religion
is going to have undesired consequences.
Followers of a religion must act within the limits of the law.

Grand Mosque Imam Ndiaye Mouhameth Galaye says 'The time has come to act.... Today we're launching a program against radicalization' in 2016.

BRUSSELS, Belgium – After chanting "Allahu akbar", those gathered for prayers on Friday, March 25 at Brussels' Grand Mosque streamed outside to chant "Long Live Belgium," feeling the pressure to tackle radicalization after the attacks on the city.

"The time has come to act," Imam Ndiaye Mouhameth Galaye told Agence France-Presse ahead of his sermon. "Today we're launching a program against radicalization."

As the faithful arrived, the Belgian and European Union flags fluttered at the entrance to the city's main mosque, close by EU headquarters and several embassies.

"These criminals committed barbaric crimes," the imam said. "We are going to tell them that what they did has nothing to do with Islam."

"Friday's sermon," he told hundreds gathered in the prayer room, "will focus on current events."

Condemning the attacks in which 31 people died and 300 were injured, the Senegalese-born imam said Muslims were "sad and sorrowful" and urged the crowd "to give their blood" to those wounded.

Once the prayer session was over, the faithful gathered outside the building in one of the city's parks, the Cinquantenaire gardens that surround the mosque, chanting "Long Live Belgium."

Followed by a few dozen men and women bearing bouquets, Galaye headed to the Maalbeek metro station about a kilometer (900 yards) away to pay tribute to the dead at the site where one of 3 bombers blew himself up on a train.

The mosque, which also hosts the Belgian Islamic and Cultural Center (CICB), opened in 1978 thanks to Saudi Arabia, which has faced criticism for its hardline interpretation of Islam and its global funding of religious centers often seen as breeding grounds for jihadists.

"We're not financed by Saudi Arabia, we're financed by the World Islamic League," the imam said.

"Of the 400 or 500 youngsters who've left for Syria (from Belgium), not a single one studied with us.

"It all happens on social media, on Internet and most of them are former delinquents, criminals." (READ: TIMELINE: Brussels terror attacks)

'Dealers and gunmen'

The shock of the attacks has prompted the mosque to work with young people to fight radicalization.

"We've repeatedly condemned what happened in Paris and elsewhere. The time has come for action. Belgium's been hit," the imam said.

The CICB aims to launch a program targeting youth that would involve theologians practicing a moderate Islam, he added.

Though the details have yet to be finalized, Galaye said the project is almost up and running. He said he had often provided counseling for families worried about their children becoming radicalized.

"We try to contact them and have already stopped several young people from leaving for Syria. Some are currently studying here now," he said.

Outside the mosque, one young man said, "Muslims aren't terrorists", while another added, "We're very sad about all this, it has to stop." (READ: Belgium ministers offer to resign in row over attacks)

"(The terrorists) are all drug dealers and gunmen," said 25-year-old Sohaib Ben Ayad. "We don't have to justify ourselves as Muslims, we too know people who were hurt at the airport or on the metro."

Loubna Lafquiri, a young Belgian-Moroccan mother of 3, was killed in the blast on a metro train at Maalbeek station. – Rappler.com

This verse is actually talking about groups like ISIS.

In the previous verse, the words were about those hypocrites whom some simple-minded Muslims raised to support and intercede, but the Qur'an stated their separation from Islam. Now this holy verse, following that idea, indicates that the inner darkness of these hypocrites is so much so that, not only they themselves are disbelievers, but also they desire that you should disbelieve, too, as they do, and you would become equal to them. It says:

" They wish that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; ..."

Therefore, they are worse than the ordinary pagans, because those pagans are not the thieves and robbers of others' Faith, while these hypocrites are, and they, as a habitual manner, ceaselessly try to spoil the creeds of others.

Now that they are like that, it says:

" ... therefore do not take from among them friends ..."

This is a frame, unless they reform their affairs and stop hypocrisy and destruction. The sign of this status is that you see they migrate from the center of infidelity and hypocrisy to the camp of Islam in the way of Allah. It says:

" ... until they migrate in Allah's way ..."

But if they do not try to migrate, you should know that they have not abandoned their infidelity and hypocrisy. So, their expression of Islam is

only for the purpose of spying and destruction. In this case, wherever you

find them, you can capture them, or, if necessary, slay them. It says:

" ... But if they turn back) to infidelity (, then seize them and slay them

wherever you find them, ..."

Then, at the end of the verse, it emphasizes again that you should never take friends from among them. It says:

" ... and do not take from among them a friend or a helper."

Except this intensity of action, there is no other way to save an alive society, which is going forth alongside an improving revolutionary path, from the clutches of some seeming-friend enemies and dangerous spies. (Commentary Noor al-Quran, Vol4, Page: 120)

Does or does not the Quran state these words:"They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah . But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper."

It is quite clear that there are plenty who have their own definition of who those 'hypocrites' are and it is not just ISIS, it's also the extremist salafists. Again you can interpret the Sharia in multiple ways.

Now, Sharia does not state exact what punishments gay people should recieve, jst that they have to be 'punished accordingly', there are Fatwas who decided that stoning is a good way to punish thme, those are the Salafists.
Here's what a prominent Salafist (Muhammad Al-Munajjid) had to say about homosexuality:
(Thanks @Ashes to pint me to this site)

Try harder Islamaphobe.
Now I am a 'Islamaphobe', I'm not, but who cares? Being called an 'Islamphobe' by the likes of you doesn't mean much.

It's talking about the Arab tribes who broke the peace treaty with Prophet Muhammad(saw) and attacked him and his followers. it's a verse of self-defense you complete imbecile,not a verse about apostasy.
Kind of makes me feel a bit easier, but then it is a really vague text :" And if they break their oaths after their treaty and defame your religion, then fight the leaders of disbelief, for indeed, there are no oaths [sacred] to them; [fight them that] they might cease."
You said yourself it's a "verse of self defense", what exactly do extremist people define as 'self defence'? If somebody critizises Islam or even insults it, does that warrant 'self defence'? Apparantly to extremists it does (Isn't that what the teror attack on Charlie Hebdo was about?)
I wonder who could possibly interpret this as apostasy?:wacko:

We already went over this not even a couple quotes ago. Go back to school and learn some english will you?
You still seem to think that Salafism and Sharia is compatible with the west, so why don't you join me back to school?

the Quran’s prohibition of wanton violence: It forbids attacks on civilians, property, houses of worship and even animals.
Never said that the Quran warrants attacks on civilians.
If you want to complain about punishments for theft than why does your country have laws against theft? I thought you lot hated Sharia?
Generally in my country, we do not cut off limbs as punishment,...
I'm sure you're aware of that.
I have already explained why this stuff is not Sharia, Sharia isn't a set of laws for Non-Muslims to follow you illiterate idiot.
It's the Islamic way to live your life, what do the Fatwas generally use to judge? The Belgian constitution?

It is getting too toxic here, this will be the last time I will respond, you may correct me if I'm wrong, keep insulting me and will use that report button too.

Good riddance.:nana:

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Enough bla bla about bizarre foreign cults. We van deport who we want. How deep do you want sink, when you start to debate such decissions? Italy does spped deportations. Itsenough to give your child an islamist name or make an islamist post on fb. Thats the way to go.
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