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Do you know what is the land price of the area which you have posted... it is 100 million taka or 70 million rupee per katha or 750 sq ft of land... This is beyond capability of the dirt poor Indians to buy. Only Delhi and Mumbai in India has same or relatively higher price for Land...

for this piece of $hit?


Nariman point has a price of $2488 per square foot in 2007:yahoo:

Lodha secures Mumbai land for Rs 4,053 cr
Lodha secures Mumbai land for Rs 4,053 cr

Comparing with Mumbai?



Who asked a dirt poor Indian such as you to come and live in our country? The land prices are too high already and it will rise more due to the construction of Padma Bridge.

Padma bridge will be completed just like $5 billion dhaka airport :rofl::rofl:

6 km long bridger is your show case one??
for this piece of $hit?


Lodha secures Mumbai land for Rs 4,053 cr
[url=http://www.business-standard.com/india/news/lodha-secures-mumbai-land-for-rs-4053-cr/396078/]Lodha secures Mumbai land for Rs 4,053 cr[/url]

Is the price of mumbai plot that cheap? Only around 57 lakh rupee or 75 lakh taka per katha or 750 square ft? In dhaka even in a normal area price of plot is more then that. Regarding plot of dhaka be it $hit or not it is called gold mine for their price.
Is the price of mumbai plot that cheap? Only around 57 lakh rupee or 75 lakh taka per katha or 750 square ft? In dhaka even in a normal area price of plot is more then that. Regarding plot of dhaka be it $hit or not it is called gold mine for their price.

Orginal price will be 3-4 times.................

Tax evasion:rofl::rofl:
for this piece of $hit?


Nariman point has a price of $2488 per square foot in 2007:yahoo:

Lodha secures Mumbai land for Rs 4,053 cr
Lodha secures Mumbai land for Rs 4,053 cr

Comparing with Mumbai?




Superpowe India has three freeways totaling maybe a few hundreds kms.

Only an Indian can be proud of these massive achivements. These guys act like kids in special education schools for the mentally challanged where the guy finishing last gets a prize too.

Such *@#%&&%#.
Comparing a close-up picture of some obscure street in Dhaka with a professionally taken picture of Mumba's skyline and a panoramic view of some Delhi highway? I think we've discussed the issue of Indian IQ to death, so I'll stop here. :)
Is the price of mumbai plot that cheap? Only around 57 lakh rupee or 75 lakh taka per katha or 750 square ft? In dhaka even in a normal area price of plot is more then that. Regarding plot of dhaka be it $hit or not it is called gold mine for their price.
In my hometown price of land has sky rocketed to an astonishing 40 lakh/katha which was around 15-20 lakh/katha few years ago.Now almost everyone claims to be kotipoti:P
He was mentioning land price not apt price. and how you came to the figure 500 Rs??

He quoted 750 taka which is equal to 500 Indian Ruppees.

Comparing a close-up picture of some obscure street in Dhaka with a professionally taken picture of Mumba's skyline and a panoramic view of some Delhi highway? I think we've discussed the issue of Indian IQ to death, so I'll stop here. :)

Yeah and better tell your BD pole vaulters to stop bringing in INDIA. while vast swathes of land in INDIA are yet to be developed, but our cities are far ahead than any one in BD.

Stop dragging INDIA into any discussion..

Just to end this crap discussion here is an updated list...

For Dhaka :

For Delhi


For Mumbai :


Source : Cost of Living

plz don't drag india just to get some cheap attention... keep your discussions to yourselves.

Superpowe India has three freeways totaling maybe a few hundreds kms.

few hundred km????:rofl::rofl:

just one expressway
Hyderabad outer ring road-160 km
8 to 12 lanes+4 service lanes


Only an Indian can be proud of these massive achivements. These guys act like kids in special education schools for the mentally challanged where the guy finishing last gets a prize too.

we are proud of this.........


you can be proud of pole-vaulting:rofl:

Such *@#%&&%#.

start acting the way you are born in......
Comparing a close-up picture of some obscure street in Dhaka with a professionally taken picture of Mumba's skyline and a panoramic view of some Delhi highway? I think we've discussed the issue of Indian IQ to death, so I'll stop here. :)

your country men posted it as a showcase image in another thread......

as Downtown Gulshan
Dirt on side of roads,patchy roadwork,no lane markings,no parking space,no sidewalks,litter and wires like cloth hanging lines.......:rofl:

I have seen a tier 4 town in Kerala that looks better than this

see a pic of a road and city bus in a tier 3 Indian city


few hundred km????:rofl::rofl:

just one expressway
Hyderabad outer ring road-160 km
8 to 12 lanes+4 service lanes


we are proud of this.........


you can be proud of pole-vaulting:rofl:

start acting the way you are born in......

Ok maybe you got a 100 more km in freeways. That is still pretty lame for a superpowe like India. Look at US or China, they each have more thand 45000 miles in freeways.

That makes you a half a*@ supepowe.

You need to step up buddy.

Ok maybe you got a 100 more km in freeways. That is still pretty lame for a superpowe like India. Look at US or China, they each have more thand 45000 miles in freeways.

few 100 kms:rofl:

45000 miles of freeways in China???:rofl:

dude look at this

we are 1/3 rd china's area

Indian Highways

Total National Highways 70,934 km (44,076 mi)
National Highways (Already 4/6 laned) 16,000 km (9,900 mi)
National Highways (Being 4/6 laned) 25,000 km (16,000 mi)
State Highways 154,522 km (96,016 mi)
Indian road network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

India has a road network of over 4,320,000 kilometres (2,680,000 mi) in 2011, the third largest road network in the world. At 0.66 km of roads per square kilometer of land, the quantitative density of India’s road network is similar to that of the United States (0.65) and far higher than that of China (0.16) or Brazil (0.20).

National Highway (India) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yeah I'm damn sure this slum in Bombay has a higher rate than Dhaka. After all, illegals from all over the world are teeming to grab a piece of the milk & honey real estate. :lol:





Let's show Bangladeshis where do they stand. :lol:

Hafiz Mohammed is a taxi driver. He comes home dog-tired at 1am, but wakes up just four hours later because of the commotion outside his 10-by-10 feet shanty at Bandra-Kurla Complex (BKC). These days he is getting even less sleep because when it rains, his tin roof leaks.

But life is about to take a fairytale turn for Mohammed. Soon he will have a 1BHK flat in Bhandup and send his son to an English medium school. That is because he is within touching distance of Rs1 crore. It will not be a jackpot win. It is money a builder will eventually pay Mohammed and each of scores of hutment owners to obtain their land for development.

“He has offered us Rs90 lakh each. But we are waiting for the sum to reach a crore,{Greedy Thugs}” Mohammed says smugly.

Mohammed’s slum is in Tata Colony, near the BKC police station. Eighteen months ago, the builder offered Rs45 lakh per hutment, of which there were 486. More than half the hutment owners accepted the amount and moved out. But to persuade the ones who did not, the builder kept increasing the amount till it touched Rs80 lakh. Still, 60 hutment owners remained, for whom he has jacked up the sum by Rs10 lakh. Going by the trend, Rs1 crore might be some months away.

Tata Colony slum dwellers are not the only ones to witness the windfall. Builders are offering such bonanzas throughout BKC. Initially, though, the plan was to redevelop the slums by rehabilitating the people living in them in small flats in multi-storey blocks and use the remaining land for posh apartments for sale in the open market. But the builders found that there were few takers for the posh flats as the clientele did not like the idea of slum dwellers being housed in the same premises.

Once all the slum dwellers move out, the developers will apply for a change of land-use status. The Tata Colony developer is planning to build a mall in place of the slum rehabilitation blocks.

The plans of three other big developers involved in BKC slum projects are no different. But while these big shots will mint money in the long run, humble taxi drivers like Mohammed are at this very moment laughing all the way to the bank.

Ever met crorepatis in slums? Go to Bandra-Kurla Complex - Mumbai - DNA

What the Dudes are getting for a 10x10 Slum with a Leaking Roof:

1 Crore = $200,000

Bangladeshi Per Capita Income = $678

A Person in Dharavi is 295 Times Richer than an Average Bangladeshi.

200 times Richer than Pakistani

50 Times Richer than Chinaman. :lol: :lol:
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