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Govt plans to quadruple meat production

where?world banks says 32%

By world bank poverty line is $ 1.25 ppp
know anything about purchasing power??????

I know about purchasing power .... and it is based on Indian government estimate it is 37%... even if it is 32% it is higher then Bangladesh's 31% where poverty is decreasing but in India it is increasing.

Put all of your crap to yourself... India has only 4-5 little develop states and rest are backward and most of its people are dirt poor and live below poverty line... if this is India's current situation only break up of India is waiting ahead...

Not only in poverty India is lagged behind Bangladesh in hunger, child development index and gender equality as well...

This is for child development index...

World Child Development Index
I know about purchasing power .... and it is based on Indian government estimate it is 37%... even if it is 32% it is higher then Bangladesh's 31% where poverty is decreasing but in India it is increasing.

is this some sort of joke????

Population living below national poverty line (%)

Country WorldBank Year CIA Year
Bangladesh 31.51 2010 31.5 2010 est
India 29.8 2010 25 2007 est.


Put all of your crap to yourself... India has only 4-5 little develop states and rest are backward and most of its people are dirt poor and live below poverty line...

majority of them have more per capita income than BD

There are many states with higher income than Bangladesh

Your per capita GDP-$678

Indian states

2011–12 (*or 2010–11) nominal GDP
State or
union territory Crore

In dollars

Maharashtra 1,818
Andhra Pradesh 1,316
Uttar Pradesh 532
Tamil Nadu 1,321
Gujarat 1,416
West Bengal 1,011
Karnataka 1,258
Rajasthan 768
Kerala 1,315
Delhi 3,182

Madhya Pradesh 583
Haryana 1,877
Bihar 447
Punjab 1,315
Orissa 835
Chattisgarh 843

Jharkhand 579
Assam 609
Uttarakhand 1,368
Himachal Pradesh 1,332
Goa 3,487
Tripura 919
Meghalaya* 1,025
Puducherry 1,733
Nagaland 1,015

Manipur 584
Arunachal Pradesh1,126
Mizoram 879
Sikkim* 1,469
Andaman & Nicobar770

Names in Bolded have more per capita than BD:rofl:

if this is India's current situation only break up of India is waiting ahead...



this is also our situation!!!

Not only in poverty India is lagged behind Bangladesh in hunger, child development index and gender equality as well...

Your per capita income is half of India
Your HDI is low while India's is medium
Your child malnourishment is 48% and India is 42%
Your literacy rate is 56% while india is 74%
yyour population suffering from undernourishment is 26% while india is 22%

need links???
is this some sort of joke????

majority of them have more per capita income tan BD


Your per capita income is half of India
Your HDI is low while India's is medium
Your child malnourishment is 48% and India is 42%
Your literacy rate is 56% while india is 74%
yyour population suffering from undernourishment is 26% while india is 22%

Put your per capita crap in your a**... the country which can not feed it's people, 37% people below poverty line, 48% child under age are malnourished are talking high about per capita.

Do not come with childish circular argument again and again. It was already told that a big segment of the Bangladesh's economy is not counted in GDP which is under process to include in the GDP... Including those per capita GDP with updated base year is expected to be around 1200 usd...

Now go cry like a river but reality can not be changed that 37% of your country live below poverty line... and has more poverty then sub saharan africa and 1/3 of the world's malnourished child and world's largest open toilet where 700 million people defect open...

Have some shame that your minister asked it's people to eat rice instead of rice...even I doubt in sub saharn africa it happened ever...

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Put your per capita crap in your a**... the country which can not feed it's people, 37% people below poverty line, 48% child under age are malnourished are talking high about per capita.

oh yeah you pea brained idiot!!!
every thing must be a RAW?CIA prpoaganda
List of countries by percentage of population living in poverty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

now get lost!!!!
It was already told that a big segment of the Bangladesh's economy is not counted in GDP which is under process to include in the GDP... Including those per capita GDP with updated base year is expected to be around 1200 usd...

whats that ?black money?smuggling??

You can assume any figure why stop at $1200

Now go cry like a river but reality can not be changed that 37% of your country live below poverty line..

by your own countrymen-on wikipedia

Bangladesh is one of the world's most densely populated countries with 150 million people, 49 percent of whom live below the national poverty line. In addition, child malnutrition rate rates of 48 percent, the second highest in the world, in condition that is tied to the low social status of women in Bangladeshi society.

However, Bangladesh still remains a poor, overpopulated, and inefficiently-governed nation with about 45% of the Bangladeshis being employed in the agriculture sector.[1]

The Gross National Income (GNI) per capita measured in 2008 prices is a staggering low of US $520 while GNI Purchasing Power Parity per capita is US $1440 (2008).[19] This is a dismal figure when compared to other developed economies. Even though the poverty rate in Bangladesh has been decreasing, it is doing so at a slow rate of less than 2% per year.[20] 49% of the population still remains below the poverty line. Poverty matters because it affects many factors of growth – education, population growth rates, health of the workforce and public policy. Poverty is most concentrated in the rural areas of Bangladesh, hence creating disparities between the rural and urban areas. However, urban poverty remains a problem too.

Bangladesh is one of the world’s poorest countries.So, Bangladesh has to depends on international help. Since the 1990s, there has been a declining trend of poverty by 1% each year, with the help of international assistance.[2] According to World Bank in 2005, 40% of the population was still be below the national poverty line.[3]

. and has more poverty then sub saharan africa and 1/3 of the world's malnourished child and world's largest open toilet where 700 million people defect open...

your countrymen pole vaulting to India would contribute to that!!!!!!!!!!!
bd illegals to India are filthiest of f i l t h y and poorest of poor

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Are you one of these childish ugly looking black kerala man who believe marrying a dog will bring good luck to you??? Thats why you are acting like a delusional fool???

Anyway your real identity has been exposed Mr Deepak...Dalit of Bihar... Just wait for your ban...

This is the comedy version of the video..

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A country that launches its own and others satellites,built others satellites,space probes to moon
and have the capability of launching 10 tonnes to Low earth orbit
(majority of BD members doesnt even know what I am talking about:rofl:)

A country that can make fast breeder reactors,thorium fast breeder reactors,considered world leader in thorium technology and miniaturised reactors

A country that can make ICBMs,SAMs,ABMs and AAms

A country that can make its own fighters,helicopters and jet engines

A country that can make synchrotons,particle accelerators and superconducting cyclotrons

What sort of idiots would call India a low tech country??
This forum should have a rule that kids are not allowed other wise this sort of cry baby will continue to come and derail threads.... I think this idiot has got some mental shock thats why kept on repeating posting back dated data repeatedly.
Are you one of these childish ugly looking black kerala man who believe marrying a dog will bring good luck to you??? Thats why you are acting like a delusional fool???

lol a f i l t h y,poor bangladeshi is making fun of keralites

Kerala's HDI to be 0.920, which is higher than that of most developed countries.
whats your HDI?? 0.50:rofl:

keralas literacy rate is 94.59 per cent (compare to US's 99.)
your is 56:rofl:

Kerala's Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 population) 14.00
yours is 48

Female life expectancy in Kerala exceeds that of the male, just as it does in the developed world

Life expectancy at birth in Kerala is 75 years( compare to 77 years in the US)

The report said twenty nine out of the 40 countries studied have no formal palliative care strategy, revealed the report. Only seven - Australia, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Switzerland, Turkey and UK have national policies, while four others - Austria, Canada, Ireland and Italy are in the process of drafting one. Kerala had long ago recognised the importance of palliative care as can be seen from the growth of community-based care units.
Studying Kerala's combination of Government support and civic involvement in end-of-life care, a number of similar models are being tried out in Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Seychelles and even in Switzerland. "Kerala provides a useful lesson for other countries, particularly as ageing population puts increasing pressures on existing healthcare services,” said the report.

*A set of high material quality-of-life indicators coinciding with low per-capita incomes, both distributed across nearly the entire population of Kerala.
*A set of wealth and resource redistribution programmes that have largely brought about the high material quality-of-life indicators.
*High levels of political participation and activism among ordinary people along with substantial numbers of dedicated leaders at all levels. Kerala's mass activism and committed cadre were able to function within a largely democratic structure, which their activism has served to reinforce

universities in kerala(something BD can only Dream of)



IISER Thiruvananthapuram

Official Website of IISER Thiruvananthapuram

Lately, Bangladeshi illegal migrants have been moving to Kerala owing to the high wages for unskilled and semi-skilled laborers in the state. The Kerala police are reportedly finding it difficult to check the influx of these Bangladeshi illegal migrants.[35] Kerala State Intelligence officials said they found that a large section of migrant laborers in the state claiming to be from West Bengal were actually from Bangladesh.[36]

This forum should have a rule that kids are not allowed other wise this sort of cry baby will continue to come and derail threads.... I think this idiot has got some mental shock thats why kept on repeating posting back dated data repeatedly.

You scared after seeing 'low tech' India???
what do you call this???

We could better use our time and land to high tech stuffs and let the Indian do the low tech thingy for us.
I think some BD dude did some unspeakable things to this guy, he appears b*@#%&*t.
I think some BD dude did some unspeakable things to this guy, he appears b*@#%&*t.

dude can you cut the cr@p??

some idiots here said this" We could better use our time and land to high tech stuffs and let the Indian do the low tech thingy for us."

India-low tech??
they think they are developed country.................
first make a proper car and then talk 'hi-tech'

This is what India is...

You lot should be ashamed that when you can not feed your people and 48% under 5 years child are malnourished, more then 1/3 people go to bed hungry you lot are spending money on useless stuff...

Not only that you lot still live in medieval ages where even small female child are married to dog thinking it will bring good fortune...No wonder why Hilary Clinton mocked Indian decision to join UNSC permanent seat...

India self-appointed frontrunner for UNSC seat, jeer US officials - Times Of India

Clinton to envoys: Spy on Indians - Hindustan Times
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