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We are there to help. ;)

For us, they are the lowest of the low. They should get it in their heads once and for all.

Welcome to the fold of Islam.. you wont have to worry about your own position anymore. What your ancestor missed, you should make that up to.
Are you here to sell your cows? Half of WB GDP comes from selling cows to BD.

That means your population alone eats $45bn of Cows..........:lol:

No wonder nothing left for dirt poor people to do anything else :P

after spending 3 years in PDF - I realized all indians are master of psychiatry! Superiority complex, inferiority complex, stockholm syndrome, identity crisis - diagnosis is ABC ( Daal bhaat ) to them! Keep it up Munna Bhais!

After spending 30 days in PDF....the feeling is Mutual. :cheers:
So why do people like Labong get angry when Luffy call hindus Malaun?? It is exactly the same thing!

I am not sure anybody gets angry.

We laugh at the pretensions of the converts who are condemned to the second class status for life.

Welcome to the fold of Islam.. you wont have to worry about your own position anymore. What your ancestor missed, you should make that up to.

Yes, you just have to worry whether your sect is the one out of hundreds of them, that will be spared hell.

Funny thing is, there is no way to know. Just like there is no way to know the gender of the houris in heaven. ;)

Some things are better unspecified. ;)

And ask the Arabs and Persians to not treat you as second class anymore.

You want others to suffer what you are suffering. We understand. ;)

You can't even leave, its a one way street. Your apostates are killed in cold blood.

Imagine if we did that to our apostates. ;)

Where will you be?
I am not sure anybody gets angry.

We laugh at the pretensions of the converts who are condemned to the second class status for life.

Yes, you just have to worry whether your sect is the one out of hundreds of them, that will be spared hell.

Funny thing is, there is no way to know. Just like there is no way to know the gender of the houris in heaven. ;)

Some things are better unspecified. ;)

And ask the Arabs and Persians to not treat you as second class anymore.

You want others to suffer what you are suffering. We understand. ;)

You can't even leave, its a one way street. Your apostates are killed in cold blood.

Imagine if we did that to our apostates. ;)

Where will you be?

Why are you so worried about Arabs or Persians? Did they really treat you that bad?
its a real suprise, cow worshippers are trying to insult a monotheistic religion.... LoL! Funny!! ! No one wants to go back to Hinduism here! We are happy and blessed as muslims...
its a real suprise, cow worshippers are trying to insult a monotheistic religion.... LoL! Funny!! You are not insulting muslims here ! No one wants to go back to Hinduism here! We are happy and blessed as muslims....

He is not trying to insult Islam, rather feeling abject inferiority complexity.
I can understand. They are always in the receiving end since muslim conquest in Sindh. Sometimes i feel sorry for them after watching this type of frustration..

Not only that, Islam kept its momentum in India and getting stronger day by day. So, some people are really afraid to loose themselves to Islam. But they don't understand that there is nothing to loose in Islam rather to gain everything. The day they will realize which is not far away..

Why are you so worried about Arabs or Persians? Did they really treat you that bad?

Indians are very sensitive of the shade of other people's skin, when they themselves are black, short and ugly, and their faces look like '৫' or 5 of Bangla numerals, just like Hanumans. But, they keep on comparing Arabs and Persians with a little darker Bengali Muslims.

These idiot Hanumans do not know that the Muslims like other Muslims rather than liking the idolators of India. Do not these Hanumans remember how the Iranian Supreme leader protested the killing of Rohingya Muslims?

When the dark-skinned Hindu Indians love to hate the Achyut Indians with a little darker skin, it is obvious that all the Hanuman-looking short and blacky Indians will be hated by the Arabs and Persians equally.
So why do people like Labong get angry when Luffy call hindus Malaun?? It is exactly the same thing!

LOL I don't get angry, I find it amusing that people who have historically been more of second class, trying to pull of superiority complex on us. It's kind of a social phenomenon.
Not only that, Islam kept its momentum in India and getting stronger day by day. So, some people are really afraid to loose themselves to Islam. But they don't understand that there is nothing to loose in Islam rather to gain everything. The day they will realize which is not far away..


Let's say may be in future Islam will become dominant religion in India, just as once Vedic religion or Budhhism was(It does not matter to me as for me all of them are idiotic mumbo jumbo peddled by clever folks to keep the sheeple in control). But how is it going to change anything for you guys? Bangladeshis will still be considered as low class and they will still be controlled by Indian proxies. Maybe we will pull off an Arab on you people with the blessing of our new found faith. ;)

"Saudi beats up a Bangladeshi, spits on him, makes him kiss his hand feet."
LOL I don't get angry, I find it amusing that people who have historically been more of second class, trying to pull of superiority complex on us. It's kind of a social phenomenon.

dada amar mone akangkha ache j jodi amra sob bengali ra muslim hotam tahole koto valo hoto :)...
dada amar mone akangkha ache j jodi amra sob bengali ra muslim hotam tahole koto valo hoto :)...

Around 70% Bengalis are muslim. Some dalit those who left behind will also follow suit insallah. We should take a massive project to convert the 350 million dalits and Indian's hindu womans those who are oppressed by their religion. This is a must do thing. If we dont then Christians will do. But you will be happy to know that Kareena Kapoor has decided to embrace Islam...there is a thread running on it at the members club. Please do contribute there :D.
dada amar mone akangkha ache j jodi amra sob bengali ra muslim hotam tahole koto valo hoto :)...

Well it doesn't matter if you are a Bengali Hindu or a Bengali Muslim in West Bengal, my best friend was born a Muslim, although an atheist in faith(lack thereof) and getting married to a kulin Brahmin lady. It seems you guys are embodied with some kinda superiority complex stemmed from your religious identity. Religion does give people an identity and Islam did give Bengali Muslims, who mostly were not under the fold of Varna system, an identity. However to me conversion is like changing your cloth, it won't change the real you, and a Bangladeshi, might he be a Muslim or Hindu, will still be treated by Arabs like the video I posted and looked down upon in our side of Bengal. Unless off course he is charismatic one like Dr Yunus.

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