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Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

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Go and say that holocaust didn't happen in any of the tolerant country, they would pretty soon become intolerant.
Why do i have to go in any other country??? I want to make my country tolerant... I don't give a **** what west do or Dont do. I care about my country. And the mullah brigade is not helping by killing every one. If Governor Punjab was at wrong they should have tried their very own "Blasphemy Law".
Go and say that holocaust didn't happen in any of the tolerant country, they would pretty soon become intolerant.

not all, but some of them jail you if you deny the holocaust, this is their double standard and it is very very wrong, it is against the freedom of speach, but they dont kill you if you deny the holocuast.
After reading T-Faz comments, and then a lot of thanks payed to him, i came to know that here is no freedom of speech.
So my comments r reserved from now
Freedom of speech is one thing..... Supporting unjustified killing when there are rules and laws is another....

If supporting this incident makes you a good muslim then support all the bomb blasts too ... because according to some of your MUSLIM BROTHERS they are doing the GOD'S WORK. And curse all those innocent children and women and old and young who died. Why double standard??/. Lets all hail that murdere for killing a guy and also hail the taliban for killing the innocent.
what amazes me is that why he was in a Honda Civic and not in his bullet proof BMW or Mercedes?

I think you are listening to the PPP propaganda. He was shot while he was outside the car, does'nt matter if he had a bullet proof car or suzuki bike.

Above all he was shot by his own security guard
If we are Muslims, then we should be happy that someone did what was right, as he only acted when all Muslims of Pakistan didn't!

Anyone who lives in Pakistan has to think before saying anything against our Prophet (SAW).

Murdering people on self made justification when theres a proper channel placed to sue the person is not being True Muslim and it neither helps the cause of Islam(The religion of Peace) but its rather a senseless Religious Fanaticism which indoctrinates destruction.
I understand what you mean by what you are saying, as it is no way acceptable to celebrate some ones death. But also you had made a point where you had said that it could be due to his defense of the christian woman. Well as of now no one knows, what had happen. So no one can exactly claim what was the real reason behind him getting shot. The fact that he supported that lady could be one of them, there is a strong possibility, but could that be it. I guess not.

It's confirmed. The arrested killer has confessed that he killed Salman because he was a blasphemer.

RIP Salman Taseer.
Correct. And I think @Solomon2 should especially read your comment. The 'Klan' was easier: Their maximum membership and height of power did not go over 3 million. And America was still then a largely law-abiding, extremely rich country with a very powerful security setup for both internal and external purposes.

So who is next? I bet Asma Jahangir is a relatively easy target because she too has vocally stood up for Ms. Aasia. One by one...

She is doing it for a long time now. But she knows what to say and what not to.

PPP this time will have tough time because the guy is alive and he is just a common man with no association with any organisation. Taliban bashing will not work this time. A common man has killed salman taseer and this will be a problem for them.
The people justifying his death need to get their heads checked. It is pathetic when I see people crying when some mentions to repeal this black law. Who cares if someone insults the prophet. Maybe these people haven't been to school but insulting someone will not make it true we learned this in kindargarten. Sticks and stones might break my bones but words will never hurt me.

I do *** ****.

A few days back there were some resident fanatics going on about how no liberal goes out and protests, saying that this 'proves' that no one supports repealing the blasphemy law :hitwall:

Now do you retards understand what happens when liberals go out and protest? THEY ARE KILLED!

When someone so protected is not safe, what do you think will happen if a bunch of average Pakistanis go out and protest?


exactly, and i mentioned to one of the guys that even the gov is scared of the retalition from mullahs. here the guy paid for it.
I think you are listening to the PPP propaganda. He was shot while he was outside the car, does'nt matter if he had a bullet proof car or suzuki bike.

Above all he was shot by his own security guard
I am not following any propaganda, if you had seen the real footage you wouldn't be saying that even if he was outside the car he was suppose to ride in a silver coloured Honda Civic and not the usual ride for a governor or any high ranking official.
When I heard that a politician from Punjab got killed, I automatically thought it was Shahbaz Sharif and then I thought here we go again our people will get emotional and give sympathy votes to PML-N and Nawaz Sharif will then again be leading the country.

Its sad that Governor Punjab Salman Taseer got killed just because he was strongly against the blasphemy laws.
He was declared as an apostate recently by the Mullah alliance.
And in Islam obstinate apostates may be put to death, the only option for those in power being assassination.

So it's a battle for power between a corrupt republic and murder-minded mullahs. The correct response is to reform and demand clean government. In my opinion the likely response - this being Pakistan - is for the establishment to stall while they steal all they can, then flee abroad.

I see no reason why the creeps won't succeed the crooks into power as long as the Pakistani people remain dormant or distracted because they failed to develop alternative leadership - because no liberal democrat stepped forward out of the crowd to strive for leadership, to be joined by like-minded allies willing to support and protect him, even if they lack any connection other than ideology.
She is doing it for a long time now. But she knows what to say and what not to.

PPP this time will have tough time because the guy is alive and he is just a common man with no association with any organisation. Taliban bashing will not work this time. A common man has killed salman taseer and this will be a problem for them.

Associating someone to any extremist, radical organization is not a difficult task keeping in mind the current situation/phase we r going thru..
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