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Google:Why is ( your country).............

what you laughing at indian , your countries name is hindistan in turkish which means turkey aswell , and people are called hindistanli , meaning turkeyland , while turkey is called turkiye in nearly all languages .
Actually, The word "Turkey" is similar to word "thurkey" in hindi (Though pronounced same) which means sexually obsessed person. This is why it is searched why "Turkey" is called as turkey.

No offense mate... just informing you.


Many time when we search about things related to Indians we get search results about Native Americans. :undecided:
Actually, The word "Turkey" is similar to word "thurkey" in hindi (Though pronounced same) which means sexually obsessed person. This is why it is searched why "Turkey" is called as turkey.

No offense mate... just informing you.

Oh does it mean that when I search the word India, at time I get a return of bundia, which means a gay in some languages. Would it then justify that all Indians may be gay.

No offense mate.... just informing you.
Oh does it mean that when I search the word India, at time I get a return of bundia, which means a gay in some languages. Would it then justify that all Indians may be gay.

No offense mate.... just informing you.
No offense taken..
Look India has nothing to do with "dia" (as described in your word). The real association of India is with term "Ind" such as Indo, Indic, Indus, India, Indicos etc.
Enven in sports, Olympics India is represented by term "IND"
You can not associate "Bundia" with India. I am informing you this regardless of the meaning of word "Bundia" :)

Why is Afghanistan called Graveyard of Empires ??


Achaemenid Invasion

The Persians (under the Achaemenid Dynasty) were the first people to invade Afghanistan. Led by Darius the Great, the Persians took control in 550 BCE. As the first invaders of Afghanistan, the Persians had no history to learn from. Their only contribution to Afghanistan was the cultivation of ephedra to make haoma. Under Achaemenid rule, the Afghan people engaged in bloody tribal revolts and persistent resistance.

Greek Invasion

In approximately 330 BCE, the Greeks, under the rule of Alexander the Great, became the second great power to touch the Afghan tar baby. Under Greek rule, the Afghan people engaged in bloody tribal revolts and persistent resistance.

Scythians, Sassanians, and White Huns Invade

Following Greek rule, present-day Afghanistan was invaded by various tribes from Central Asia, include the Scythians, the Hephthalites, and the Sassanians (Persians - Second time around). None of the occupations were able to endure, as all of these invaders eventually succumbed to bloody tribal revolts and persistent resistance.

Arab Invasion

As Persians stayed, the Afghan war chiefs decided to stay out of politics. But they were dragged in kicking and screaming when the Arabs came in. The Afghan people decided to adopt the Arab religion of Islam, but ultimately rejected Arab rule through a series of bloody tribal revolts and persistent resistance.

Mongol Invasion

Not wanting to leave anything out of the “List of Places We’ve Invaded,” the Mongols took a detour through Afghanistan on their way to crush Yemen (again). The Mongol hordes were lead by the charismatic Ghenghis Khan, a bloodbath player who was considered the David Beckham of his day and who bore an uncanny resemblance to Ricardo Montalban. On their travels through the countryside, the Mongols founded a highway food and lodging chain which became world-famous for its home-cooked meals. Under Mongol rule, the Afghan people engaged in bloody tribal revolts and persistent resistance.

For the Mongols, Afghanistan was too troublesome. They decided that it would be easier to settle down some place. Hungary seemed pretty nice.

British Invasion

The British feared an expanding Russian Influence, and decided to lead the way in a new method of counter this, invading Afghanistan. The British Invasion was best known for the battle cry “You say you want a revolution, well you know, we all want to change the world…,” sung by Paul McCartney and John Lennon. The British were eventually driven out after they encountered bloody tribal revolts and persistent resistance from tone-deaf natives.

Soviet pseudo-Invasion

In 1979, the Soviet Union, not willing to be outdone by the United States, decided to enter its own costly war that would inevitably be lost. While success first came to Soviet Forces, this was actually because the mujahideen had yet to assemble. Within weeks, the mujahideen had come together, armed mostly with spit balls and Rambo. Zell Miller would later criticise John Kerry for wanting to turn back to the day when America too used this weapon, but historians were quick to note its sheer effectiveness against the Soviets.

Within a year the war was described as a “quagmire,” as paper related casualties were coming in at astounding numbers. Soon, however, the United States of America intervened and assisted such freedom fighters as Osama Bin Laden by training them in more effective methods to make war with a super power. They also gave them state-of-the-art weaponry, up to date maps, tools and knowledge for digging excessively deep and complex tunnels, as well as training for guerilla warfare. With this assistance, the Afghans were able to engage in bloody tribal revolts and persistent resistance.

The Soviet Union ended its futile 8 year war in 1989.



The Taliban were noted for their light sabers and dashing outfits.

This party, a deeply conservative government finding its inspiration and guidance in religious fundamentalism, was modeled by political theorists in the United States, primarily at Bob Jones University and simultaneously by Professor James Kennedy at the Coral Ridge Institute.
A typical Taliban tank, and companion on those lonely desert nights.

It was adopted by the Afghan people because they believed it was Godly as well as being a utopianist and empowering form of government and to protect them from the perceived threat of Black Lingerie and the Denim Peril. An interesting historical irony is that then-CEO of Haliburton Laundry Inc, Dick “Head” Cheney, was en route to Afghanistan to negotiate a turban-washing contract when he caught the scent of crude oil wafting into his aircraft. Grabbing a parachute, Dick “Head” leapt from the plane, parachuted into Saddam Hussein’s palace courtyard, and quickly negotiated a deal whereby Haliburton would supply Saddam with nerve gas factories in return for a franchise to develop Iraq's oilfields.

Under the rule of the Taliban, opposition from the Northern Alliance led to bloody tribal revolts and persistent resistance. Foreign countries tried to calm down the bloodshed by offering both parties some sweets and chocolate if they would stop, but they were ignored.

United States Invasion


The United States of America requested that the Taliban turn over Bin Laden, after he was not a major suspect in the terra attack of 9-11. After their refusal, the United States commenced rug, shower-mat and carpet bombing of the Afghanistan’s mountains and caves. Eventually, the United States helped the Northern Alliance stage persistent resistance and bloody tribal revolts against the Taliban and eventually forced the Taliban out of Kabul. Afghanistan set up its own government, in Kabul, and soon held highly successful elections, in Kabul, in which they chose their first democratically elected leader in many years. In Kabul.

But in a major twist of events, the Taliban struck back against the new democratic order with bloody tribal revolts and persistent resistance.

Martian Invasion

In 2525, Mongo the Magnificent from the planet Mars will launch a major invasion of Earth. Most of humanity’s governments, armed only with primitive lasers versus the Martian's mighty arsenal of antimatter bombs and superior propaganda leaflets, will crumble. In Afghanistan, the Martians will be repelled by bloody tribal revolts and persistent resistance.

Judgement Day

Gabriel/Jibrael/Al Quddus/Narad (Take your Pick) : "...And this nation, My Lord, never surrendered its freedom till the Earth itself was obliterated by the Red Giant phase of the Sun."

God: "Hmmm....... I like that, tell me brave Afghans, what pleasures do you wish in heaven ?"

Afghans : "An endless stock of AK-47s, ammo and Satan's army!"
Historical Perspective

It is said by Afghans that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, writing it over and over on the chalkboard while the Teacher sits behind them hitting them on the back of the head with a ruler. But nobody listens to this old saw.
The bird 'Turkey' which is called 'turkey' in former British colonies and English, is actually called 'Hind' in all other nations.... including France, Spain, Turkey etc.... And yes... "hind" is from Hindustan.
what you laughing at indian , your countries name is hindistan in turkish which means turkey aswell , and people are called hindistanli , meaning turkeyland , while turkey is called turkiye in nearly all languages .

Actually Turkey is called Turki in Hindi in the same manner as China is called cheen , Russia is called Ruse , USA is called Amrika , UK is called Britania , Canada is called Caneda or Extension of Punjab

By the way most westerns search for the question why turkey is called Turkey becoz they relate the name to the big bird eaten on thanks giving and not to the founder Atta Turk
i am sure many can definately say...." i had turkey for dinner" and actually mean it lol
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