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Google vs China thread

Man! I only want to tell you........... you are too radical.............

I am not radical. It's them. I am quite mild and polite if you know me. But I cannot say anything on domestic forums. Everything about this topic is banned. They are sure effective. They are sure sensitive. GOOD LUCK TO CHINA! GOOD LUCK TO GOOGLE!:angry:

I love China, I dont have to agree with everything CCP does. Even the event itself becomes sensitive. What are the officials afraid of? If they care people's accusation, dont do it. You did it but afraid of being commented. What good deed! Try searching 非法献花(illegal presenting flowers), if it still exists.
the Internet censorship is one of the CCP's most gross doings.

As I said earlier, CCP is not responsible here. Its all about corporate rivalry. Do not blame CCP blindly. I also do not support all CCP policies. But we cannot make CCP an easy scapegoat and blame it all the time.

Well, in this case even if CCP is involved, which is highly unlikely, I support CCP.

You say Google is better than Baidu in many aspects. But tell me, how long a nation, China, can depend on Google which deliberately shows many things that go against China's national interests? The Google map shows South Tibet as part of india for example. Now if China has no other option than to fully depend on Google, then tomorrow China might accept everything that Google will dictate.

Therefore, its better to develop your own search engine. Baidu is an indigenous search engine, which cannot be against China's national interests. Yes, at this moment, Baidu may not be as much sophisticated as is Google, but if a chance is given to Baidu, it has the ability to surpass Google.

Its better to develop or build your own than to depend on others. So I am with Baidu.

for gogbot,
No, I don't want to topple Google, If you find that you always could find some free press about how to overthrow India or full of coprological information(it is bad for children), I think you will support India to examine them too......
BTW, Google want to leave China is determined by themselves, if they find an excuse for chinese to "use chinese", why we don't take it?
I should say:"Thank you very much for leaving, Google!"

Google is not determined it has uncensored its search results against the wishes of the CPC. Google may be forced to leave because of this. It is the CPC that is kicking Google out

“We have decided we are no longer willing to continue censoring our results on Google.cn, and so over the next few weeks we will be discussing with the Chinese government the basis on which we could operate an unfiltered search engine within the law, if at all. We recognize that this may well mean having to shut down Google.cn, and potentially our offices in China,”

“Google has taken a bold and difficult step for Internet freedom in support of fundamental human rights. No company should be forced to operate under government threat to its core values or to the rights and safety of its users,” Leslie Harris, the CDT’s president, said in a statement.


what are you trying to say

If you find that you always could find some free press about how to overthrow India or full of coprological information(it is bad for children), I think you will support India to examine them too......

I dont get what you are saying,

Are you suggesting Indians would angry if google search results show India in a negative light. :what:
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Google pull out may help local players but china's corporate image will be hurt considerabely.
Google is not determined it has uncensored its search results against the wishes of the CPC. Google may be forced to leave because of this. It is the CPC that is kicking Google out

Are you suggesting Indians would angry if google search results show India in a negative light. :what:

Here is a problem, what is wishes of the CPC? I think protect the stability of our society is not wrong! We hope our children could grow up in a healthy environement

It is not a negative light!!!!! It is "betray"!!!!If it just show a negative light to us, I will support Google.
The thing important is result of Google is always disobey our law!
Here is a problem, what is wishes of the CPC? I think protect the stability of our society is not wrong! We hope our children could grow up in a healthy environement

It is not a negative light!!!!! It is "betray"!!!!If it just show a negative light to us, I will support Google.
The thing important is result of Google is always disobey our law!

Just because Google search finds stuff people dont like, is not Google fault that's just opinion views and facts from around the word.

Google has a responsibility to the internet of being an unbiased and Neutral search system, showing the Internet as its algorithms allow.

Google's search results are always existent, they dont disappear with Google.

If you dont like what you see put your head in the sand and live in Denial.
Google for sure will not withdraw or Microsoft BING will take over its place frankly it has already rattled google to some extend if not over all..BING = google clone = tough competitor in long run.

BAIDU and BING will share market google will be left out and there will no way back to China for google..

I recommend members to use Bing as well its also a very efficient search engine with great accuracy don't get hijacked by google's magic..
Google for sure will not withdraw or Microsoft BING will take over its place frankly it has already rattled google to some extend if not over all..BING = google clone = tough competitor in long run.

BAIDU and BING will share market google will be left out and there will no way back to China for google..

I recommend members to use Bing as well its also a very efficient search engine with great accuracy don't get hijacked by google's magic..

Get with tech culture.

Google has a massive and loyal community base. as well as its popular public image.

BING has to offer more than a clone. as well as the fact Most people are looking for Microsoft alternatives as much as possible.
But it was ccp,which hacked into google ids of some human right activists,commmunist.....wasnt it?...so google actually reacted to the ccp action. nothing wrong here. .wat u say? ...btw ,why was the ids of some human right activists hacked?.....something fishy,aint it?

:rofl::rofl::rofl: False Flag, bunch of lies. Anyone familiar with Holohoax and 911 False Flag would know that Zionist Google censors these stuff.... I wonder why they are so AFRAID of the truth??????

Let's get back on topic my super brainy Indians: Why haven't you guys been able to create a single, not a single piece of software widely used by Indians??? For an IT powerhouse who can't even do ONE iota small software is utterly pathetic. How difficult is it for you guys to create a search engine?????

Zionist Google censors by way of reducing links to websites that expose lies and deception, and favors the weblinks that promote the "chosen ones" propaganda. How is this not CENSORSHIP????
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Whatever, but this would certainly bring about a bad name for china in corporate world. And "China" would become synonym for "unethical".
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