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Google Exec Sees India Bigger, Badder Than China


Jan 10, 2011
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In Maharashtra, India....a group of farmers surf the web. Google Chairman Eric Schmidt believes India internet growth will rival and then surpass that of China within a decade

When it comes to internet users, China is all now, but India is going to be bigger in the long run, said Eric Schmidt, Google’s chairman.

“This place is going to be rocking,” Schmidt said. He is currently in Mumbai for Google’s Big Tent Forum. ”In the short term it is China, but math favors India. And I’m a mathematician,” Schmidt said when asked by Guardian’s Editor-in-Chief Alan Rusbridger on his choice for growth markets: India or China.

The Economic Times reported on the exchange between the Google chairman and the media on Thursday.

Schmidt commented on the growing number of mobile users in India, surfing the web on a day-to-day basis from their smart phones. “There are roughly 600 million mobile phone users in India, there are about 130 million Internet users, but there are only about 20 million broadband users. So by any definition India is under-penetrated. And in our book… we talk a lot about the importance of the next 5 billion,” said Schmidt.

“There are only two billion people on line in the world today. And many of those five billion would be coming from India. So imagine a situation five to 10 years from now. When there is a billion people on the Internet. Will they be significantly different from the first 100 million users. I’m sure there will be many more languages and they won’t be so English focused

India is the poorest of the big four emerging markets. As incomes rise, however, more locals are expected to buy computers and low cost smart phones. For now, despite the numbers, poverty remains a problem in India and internet access is a luxury the vast majority of Indians cannot afford. In 2010, only 7.5% of the population had access to an internet connection. It rose to 10.05% in 2011, according to the World Bank.

By comparison, much richer China has an internet penetration rate of around 39%. Brazil is around 45% and Russia internet users as a percentage of the population is slightly above 50%.

Google Exec Sees India Bigger, Badder Than China - Forbes
10.05% in 2011. Thats very bad. I though internet penetrability had increased due to availability of cheaper smartphones.

Hope it improves drastically.
China in the end of 2012
Number of Internet users 564 million(42%)
Mobile Internet users 803 million
Mobile phone users 1132 million
The number of fixed telephone subscribers 280million
websites 2.68million
haha, :yahoo: congratulation! Hope that good co-operation between google and india. Chinese people only support our Baidu.
It is getting funny hindustan has to always mention China, Why artificially boast and inflate oneself China is in another league far far ahead.

Just by seeing and maths does not work the real implementation reflects and works and that is the real maths not paper calculations which is non existent in hindustan so Eric I know you felt the heat and lost in China don't cry over it.
It is getting funny hindustan has to always mention China, Why artificially boast and inflate oneself China is in another league far far ahead.

Just by seeing and maths does not work the real implementation reflects and works and that is the real maths not paper calculations which is non existent in hindustan so Eric I know you felt the heat and lost in China don't cry over it.

It is not India that is mentioning China, it is Google that is comparing India with China.

Eric is talking on the basis of math projected based on present growth rate of Indian market and if you want to counter it, Come up with your own prediction based on current set of facts.
It is you it seems crying here.(no offence)
But China has banned Google and it's products. Google search, gmail, youtube all are banned there. Most of them are Linux users even.
So, it's hard to compare China & India over Google.
But China has banned Google and it's products. Google search, gmail, youtube all are banned there. Most of them are Linux users even.
So, it's hard to compare China & India over Google.
No, the information you got is not accurate. China don't banned Google and it's products. Google localization is not better than Baidu, Google's threat to withdraw from the Chinese market to blackmail the government. So most Chinese people don't like google, Now Google wants to return , but most chinese people don't welcome it.
It is getting funny hindustan has to always mention China, Why artificially boast and inflate oneself China is in another league far far ahead.

Just by seeing and maths does not work the real implementation reflects and works and that is the real maths not paper calculations which is non existent in hindustan so Eric I know you felt the heat and lost in China don't cry over it.
Now Google gives chinese people bad impression, arrogant, conceited, arrogant like American.
Now I often use google search as internet tool, but I don't like it
Young people tend to use the internet more than older people, and India will have the world's largest supply of young people, so it makes sense that India would have the largest internet base of any country.
Young people tend to use the internet more than older people, and India will have the world's largest supply of young people, so it makes sense that India would have the largest internet base of any country.

WRONG. people get this wrong idea but the actual reason is because internet has been introduced only recently and so the older generation doesnt "get it"
WRONG. people get this wrong idea but the actual reason is because internet has been introduced only recently and so the older generation doesnt "get it"

I see what you are saying: that the current generation will continue using the internet even when it (the generation) gets old.

That's a valid point, which would make the google guy's prediction suspect.

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