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Goof-up as India govt ad features ex-PAF chief

Pakistan Air Force destroy India without firing a single missile

Pakistan Air Force destroy India without firing a single missile
written by: pranavnda95
Posted on: 1/24/2010

In a bizarre development, former Pakistan Air Force chief was all over India in few seconds. He ran over India without receiving a single resistance on his way to New Delhi.

He was praised and he was worshiped. He was in eyes of Indian. He was just a click away. Searched on Google image, downloaded and pasted over; this is how he won India in just few second.

The Indian Minister later on clarified about this goof-up. She said that the message is more important than image. I think she never went to school where you learn "Picture speaks thousand words."

"The message is more important than the image. The real motive behind this advertisement was to encourage females to become mothers and stop female foeticide. The photograph is only symbolic," she said. "We are any way for global peace. You people (media) are creating an unnecessary issue."
i know i have posted something rubbish but im not backing from it becoz indians never say yes we have done the mistake but they alwyays use to make that they are better as we seen in deepak kapoor's case anyway u have to live with it weather or not u like it becoz india is anti pakistan and we are anti india we were never anti indians but if u be anti pakistan than we have right to do so some indian members are not anti pakistan i have full respect for them from the deep of my heart but 8- percent of india lives with a hatread for pakistan and we also after seening your hatred

The link is already provided in this thread. The government has apologized for this mistake and ordered a probe.
Rest is your anti-India rant. Thanks.
I think we all hate each other any way and why shouldn't we?. We have been and are enemies, so lets get this over with and some body write something related to the forum :pakistan:
I think we all hate each other any way and why shouldn't we?. We have been and are enemies, so lets get this over with and some body write something related to the forum :pakistan:

Making fun of India is related to this forum.

Don't you agree?
Awesome :D

And listen to this, the PMO has ordered a probe into the incident! Is that double speak for ISI was behind this?
well you should be thanks to fault or error at least first time pak officer face was used for a good work
the minister is in fact correct when she says we should take this in a positive manner after all paf chief was also brought to this world by a woman and there are people who consider him hero.
not a big deal
Perhaps India would have been better off if the PAF Chief's mom was never born. :D

Researching his credentials it seems that he really beefed up the PAF and was a master Chief at his job. He truly does deserve the compliment he earned in that Indian ad. Credit due must be credit given :cheers:
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