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Give Pervez Musharraf Support

From which constituency Musharraf will take part in election? FB-420. :lol:

No, that one is left alone for the closet Talibans, the sSharif family :)

It is good to see that people are already worried him returning back and taking part in politics.:tup:
who ever supports muSh4rraf c4n b3 a per$0N ho can s3ll his countries dau9hter$. e.g the case of a4fia s|ddiqi : / mshar4f is d/ck ch3n3y's d|cK

And who cannot help but write in such a retarded characterset must be given a dhulai.

Also, Aafia Siddiqui is not a daughter of Pakistan. We have wasted 2 million dollars on legal fees over a terrorist while millions of children die due to lack of health services in the country.
And who cannot help but write in such a retarded characterset must be given a dhulai.

Also, Aafia Siddiqui is not a daughter of Pakistan. We have wasted 2 million dollars on legal fees over a terrorist while millions of children die due to lack of health services in the country.

Down with Afia siddiqi..she tried to play CIA double game with ISI and got screwed..Someone who has taken american citizenship, settled there and services there cannot be our daughter. Pakistan needs to come out of these emotional politics! :taz:

Mushraff could be the Ata Turk of Pakistan. When Turkey was devasted and bankrupted by allied forces, it was not the promise of skyscrapers and shopping malls which united them but the humble message of solidarity, unity and vision of Mustafa Kemal which unitied them.
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Mushraff could be the Ata Turk of Pakistan. When Turkey was devasted and bankrupted by allied forces, it was not the promise of skyscrapers and shopping malls which united them but the humble message of solidarity, unity and vision of Mustafa Kemal which unitied them.

That must be the best joke ever.
That must be the best joke ever.

I never said Mushraff "is" but he "could". Offcourse not without hard work. Musraff has all the traits of good statesman minus some polishing.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (Turkish pronunciation: [mustaˈfa ceˈmal ataˈtyɾk]; indeterminate, 1881–10 November 1938) was a Turkish army officer, revolutionary statesman, writer, and founder of the Republic of Turkey as well as its first president.

Atatürk became known as an extremely capable military officer during World War I.[1] Following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, he led the Turkish national movement in the Turkish War of Independence. Having established a provisional government in Ankara, he defeated the forces sent by the Allies. His successful military campaigns led to the liberation of the country and to the establishment of Turkey. During his presidency, Atatürk embarked upon a program of political, economic, and cultural reforms. An admirer of the Age of Enlightenment, he sought to transform the former Ottoman Empire into a modern and secular nation-state. The principles of Atatürk's reforms, upon which modern Turkey was established, are referred to as Kemalism.
Ataturk knew what he was doing and what he was aiming for. He never compromised to remain in power (MMA where art thou?) nor did he usurp power in the wake of an utterly failed war that destroyed a fairly well going peace process (regardless of Sharif's dictatorial ameer ul momineen style). Ataturk was a nationalist who established a nation at a time when nation-states where emerging from the wake of empires. It was a time for leaders and nationalists to rise. Nobody can fill those shoes in today's context in any way. However, I find it hypocritical that it's illegal to criticize him since nobody should be above criticism).

Musharraf has no traits of a good statesman. We had two good statesmen in the corridors of power. One was the founder who died too early and the second was Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy who was forced into exile by our first dictator (who was an incapable soldier as well).

In an established nation-state you have to stop dreaming of heroes and oxymoronic benevolent dictators. Heroism has no place in a nation-state that is 60 years old. Only a systematic approach can improve an established country, worshipping thy lords has no place in a progressive nation.
Ataturk knew what he was doing and what he was aiming for. He never compromised to remain in power (MMA where art thou?) nor did he usurp power in the wake of an utterly failed war that destroyed a fairly well going peace process (regardless of Sharif's dictatorial ameer ul momineen style). Ataturk was a nationalist who established a nation at a time when nation-states where emerging from the wake of empires. It was a time for leaders and nationalists to rise. Nobody can fill those shoes in today's context in any way. However, I find it hypocritical that it's illegal to criticize him since nobody should be above criticism).

Musharraf has no traits of a good statesman. We had two good statesmen in the corridors of power. One was the founder who died too early and the second was Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy who was forced into exile by our first dictator (who was an incapable soldier as well).

In an established nation-state you have to stop dreaming of heroes and oxymoronic benevolent dictators. Heroism has no place in a nation-state that is 60 years old. Only a systematic approach can improve an established country, worshipping thy lords has no place in a progressive nation.

wise words people, take it..!!!
who ever supports muSh4rraf c4n b3 a per$0N ho can s3ll his countries dau9hter$. e.g the case of a4fia s|ddiqi : / mshar4f is d/ck ch3n3y's d|cK

iT wA$ eÃ$Ŷ Tø wRîT€ ìñ sìMpĽ€ ĈĦāČŤƏRŞ tO $aV3 ŸőŰr 8iMe and my time to read your illogical post

Next time use proper english please
As always, I'm returning very soon (even though very soon has taken more than 6 months now)

Musharraf plans return, looks to Army for security

Monday, July 19, 2010
Attacks Nawaz, Zardari policies

By Rauf Klasra

LONDON: Former President General (retd) Pervez Musharraf finally kicked off his campaign to return to Pakistan as he launched an attack on Saturday from Dubai against his political rivals — Nawaz Sharif and Asif Zardari — and their poor governance and said the Army would provide him security on his return within coming months.

Musharraf said if the military was under any constraints not to provide him security, he would raise his own private security on his return to Pakistan in the coming months to face both Nawaz Sahrif and Asif Ali Zardari.

General Musharraf told his top aides in a six-hour-long marathon meeting in Dubai on Saturday that he was willing to face any legal proceedings against him and would even face jail if a fair trial was conducted. “I have many top legal minds assisting me and they will come to my aid if I need them,” he was quoted by sources as saying during the crucial meeting.

Top sources told The News in London that Gen Musharraf had convened a meeting at his flat in downtown Dubai, which was attended by former foreign minister Khurshid Kusuri, Hamid Nasir Chattha, Ishaq Khan Khakwani, Raza Hiraj, Ch Shahbaz, Barrister Saif, Ch Fawwad, Dr Amjad, Lt Gen (retd) Muzaffar, ex-QMG, and Maj Gen (retd) Rashid Quershi. The meeting lasted for over six hours. The deteriorating law and order situation and economic meltdown in Pakistan was discussed in detail.

Sources said General (retd) Musharraf vowed to return to Pakistan in the Dubai meeting aimed at chalking out his return strategy. This was first time he held a serious meeting with his aides to stage a comeback to Pakistan and face his main rival Nawaz Sharif.

During his discourse, Musharraf made it clear whatever he did in curtailing the activities of extremist elements, he did it in his capacity as the president and Army chief. “This is exactly in the same manner as the current set up: the chief executive, the army chief and the corp commanders of Peshawar and Rawalpindi were carrying out their duties,” he told his aides.

One source said that Gen Musharraf actually sent a message to present Pakistani leadership and his key opponents who wanted to put him on trial that even present military leadership was busy in the same activities as it was the call of duty.

Sources said that the timetable for the return of Gen Musharraf to Pakistan and launching of the political party also came under discussion. Many views were exchanged on all the subjects. Musharraf was said to be very confident about his return to Pakistan. During his meeting with his former colleagues he addressed the concerns and questions, which might have been in their minds. Musharraf emphasized that it was the duty of the government, the armed forces and the paramilitary forces to contain the extremists and protect the people.

He said he had served the country well (much and far better than the bad governance and misrule of the last two and a half years rule of the PPP and the PML-N). He said that the people were in far better position than they were in now. He stated that he got hundreds of messages everyday in praise of his years in office. He further deliberated that after serving for nine years and attaining the highest offices in the army and as head of the state, he was not really aspiring for any personal political gain, but wanted to help Pakistan from sliding further down. He said the present political leadership of the country was not capable to serve the people and their repeated coming to office, for the third and fourth time, in the past two decades had shown that they were void of any acumen to provide good governance or even learnt anything from their past mistakes.

The sources said Musharraf appreciated the efforts of the leaders of various factions of the Muslim League uniting against the PML-N and wished them well. He stated that he was not against the Chaudhrys of Gujrat and would be very happy to receive them. He further reiterated that his doors were open for all his former colleagues and called upon them to shun their differences.
As always, I'm returning very soon (even though very soon has taken more than 6 months now)

Musharraf plans return, looks to Army for security

Monday, July 19, 2010
Attacks Nawaz, Zardari policies

By Rauf Klasra

Musharraf said if the military was under any constraints not to provide him security, he would raise his own private security on his return to Pakistan in the coming months to face both Nawaz Sahrif and Asif Ali Zardari.

It is a good idea if he raises his own private security because PA is not a private security firm. I am sure that there are some elements in PA would like to extend helping hands to him but they should do that only after leaving the PA. There are thousands of ex PA officers out there and he is only one of them. Why would PA give him preferential treatment discriminating other ?
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