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Gitmo files call ISI a terrorist affiliated organization

So if that is the case, is it then ISI that is providing the intel which is resulting in increasing numbers of Pakistani civilian deaths.. Hmm... Looks like Mr Imran Khan is barking up the wrong tree.. The folks he should go after are much nearer than he thinks..;)

you need to enlighten yourself by listening to his speech at the end of Dharna. maybe you then wont need to bark at the right tree :)
Yet they still continue to work closely with each other. I think these "leaks" should be treated with a pinch of salt.
US is full of nonsense these days, a very weak argument labelling ISI. Back to 1980, Pakistan should called CIA a terrorist organization in dealing business with Talibans against Soviet Union.

US suspicions over ISI are not new – they in fact date back to the 1980’s
Whatever is happening is certainly not good for Pakistan. More so with the rapid sequence that they are coming.
The EU, the US court, the leaked cables, the open statement by Mullen, all indicting Pakistan and its agency with terror links.
I see this a prelude to more serious things to come.
Certainly the drone strikes will stop, but after this can one imagine what other options of attack will open?
New leak strains U.S., Pakistan relations

Los Angeles Times
Published: April 26, 2011

ISLAMABAD - Authorities at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, regarded Pakistan's national intelligence agency, ISI, as either involved in or supporting terrorism, according to leaked documents made public Monday, a designation that could anger leaders in the nuclear-armed Muslim country and worsen a relationship already marred by deep mutual distrust.

Last week, in a visit to Pakistan, Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, bluntly raised the allegation of a relationship between the ISI and the Haqqani network, an Afghan Taliban wing. Pakistani army chief Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani dismissed such accusations from the United States as "negative propaganda."

The latest disclosure, made in a new round of WikiLeaks documents focusing on U.S. handling of detainees at Guantanamo Bay, comes at a time when relations between Washington and Islamabad are at one of their lowest points.

The September 2007 document, titled "Matrix of Threat Indicators," lists the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate, Pakistan's main intelligence agency, as one of 65 "terrorist and terrorist support entities."

The list was drafted to help interrogators at Guantanamo determine a detainee's linkage with terrorist organizations.

"Through associations with these groups and organizations," the document states, "a detainee may have provided support to al-Qaida or the Taliban, or engaged in hostilities against U.S. or coalition forces."

Pakistani intelligence officials refused to comment Monday. In the past, the country's intelligence community has denied any links to militant groups.

The ISI long has been said to have nurtured longstanding ties with Afghan mujahedeen groups that years ago battled Soviet forces and later evolved into today's insurgents fighting U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan.
US is not world authority to decide so US has to shut with its baby wikileaks up.
US must think human, political, war crimes of its own CIA than blaming over ISI.
Definitely when US found hard wall of ISI against CIA terrorists activities in Pakistan then he when to play these hysteric games.
Surely we can now judge what happened in meeting of CIA-ISI directors and results.

Afghanistan is not our colony but we are directly linked to situations in Afghanistan so to solve security problems first there should be action against political extremists embassies in Afghanistan which are root cause of disturbance in our western border, moreover presence of ISAF is permanent threat to our national and regional security.

This is time when Pakistan should step up more against CIA negative activities in the region to save human rights and human respect which abandon in US policies.

In response if US will not give up its irresponsible behavior toward state department of Pakistan then nothing bad to include CIA in terrorists list & ban over any activities even ban over station chiefs/resident officers in Pakistan. Sometime this is necessary to bring mind on right place. Diplomatic decision doesn't helpful in every situation.
US is not world authority to decide so US has to shut with its baby wikileaks up.
US must think human, political, war crimes of its own CIA than blaming over ISI.
Definitely when US found hard wall of ISI against CIA terrorists activities in Pakistan then he when to play these hysteric games.
Surely we can now judge what happened in meeting of CIA-ISI directors and results.

Afghanistan is not our colony but we are directly linked to situations in Afghanistan so to solve security problems first there should be action against political extremists embassies in Afghanistan which are root cause of disturbance in our western border, moreover presence of ISAF is permanent threat to our national and regional security.

This is time when Pakistan should step up more against CIA negative activities in the region to save human rights and human respect which abandon in US policies.

In response if US will not give up its irresponsible behavior toward state department of Pakistan then nothing bad to include CIA in terrorists list & ban over any activities even ban over station chiefs/resident officers in Pakistan. Sometime this is necessary to bring mind on right place. Diplomatic decision doesn't helpful in every situation.

Its a little funny listening to some members talk about banning this and banning that of USA. Forgetting that for USA, its only an excursion on which Pakistan has some leverage. For Pakistan, its her whole well being and financial existence that depends of USA's good graces (read IMF loans, financial bailouts etc..). Ok for domestic chest thumping bravado but pretty much zero substance. Remember when Mr Sharif was summoned to Washington during Kargil.. Or the immediate aftermath of 9/11 . When Pak couldnt push back then, what makes you think it can do now when its in even worse condition diplomatically and financially
So if that is the case, is it then ISI that is providing the intel which is resulting in increasing numbers of Pakistani civilian deaths.. Hmm... Looks like Mr Imran Khan is barking up the wrong tree.. The folks he should go after are much nearer than he thinks..;)

It's no secret that ISI and CIA share intel. The sharing part is not the problem. The problem is the heavy collateral damage being incurred because of reckless use of UAVs. I can find nothing else in your post that I might rebut, so back to you......
It's no secret that ISI and CIA share intel. The sharing part is not the problem. The problem is the heavy collateral damage being incurred because of reckless use of UAVs. I can find nothing else in your post that I might rebut, so back to you......

Sorry for not being clearer.. What I was trying to imply was that then its much easier to shut out the drone attacks. Just stop sharing intel with CIA..Why have dharnas and protests against USA. As I understand from most of the members here, Pakistani politicians are corrupt, but army and ISI have always worked in Pakistan's interests (though I differ in thought here but thats for another day and thread). So if these civilian deaths are not acceptable by Pakistan, all you need to do to stop the drone attacks is to stop sharing the intel.. Voila.. No drones..

Hence my comment that indirectly, then its the ISI that is facilitating these drone attacks leading to the deaths of Pakistani civilians..
Sorry for not being clearer.. What I was trying to imply was that then its much easier to shut out the drone attacks. Just stop sharing intel with CIA..Why have dharnas and protests against USA. As I understand from most of the members here, Pakistani politicians are corrupt, but army and ISI have always worked in Pakistan's interests (though I differ in thought here but thats for another day and thread). So if these civilian deaths are not acceptable by Pakistan, all you need to do to stop the drone attacks is to stop sharing the intel.. Voila.. No drones..

Hence my comment that indirectly, then its the ISI that is facilitating these drone attacks leading to the deaths of Pakistani civilians..

The drone attacks were first carried out based solely on ground intel. Back then they were very effective and we managed to get some big fish like Baitullah Mehsud and Hakimullah Mehsud along with other important Talibs, the problem now is that America has started using the UAVs on it's own intel since they felt that ISI was giving them intel only about TTP leadership and not the Afghan Taliban. As a result, they are now being met with no success. So you see, ISI is not a party to all these civilian deaths being caused by the drone strikes since the CIA hasn't been consulting them for sometime now. Reuters report you heard about three weeks back was correct.

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