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Osama not a terrorist: Ex-ISI chief

It is high time we stopped listening to the ex-chiefs of 1980s- at his time there was neither Taliban nor Osama with Alqaeda! So why should the media ask a very old retired general? There are scores of retired generals in Pakistan. I think there have been more than seven ISI chiefs since he retired, why do the media not go and talk to others? The stories he tells are usually half cooked. What is in Hamid Gul except for some chatpata story/headline? Senseless media! Will ever our government put a full stop to this frenzy of media?
Its time to put General Gul under house arrest and media boycott on him.

He not only makes himself look bad but ISI and Pakistan as well.

He can only have 1 visitor. The Great Zaid Hamid. :D
These are the kinds of statements that make us Pakistanis look ignorant and stupid in the eyes of the world. The ex ISI chief should have kept his mouth shut. Hameed Gul sometimes makes really crazy statements.

We need to eliminate the terrorists and the EX ISI chief making a statement like this in favor of Bin Laden is extremely dumb. Laden was an evil terrorist who was responsible for the murders of thousands of Pakistanis. He could have stopped the daily attacks on our people in one moment with his influence. Instead he enjoyed with his whory wives while all of Pakistan was suffering. Bin Laden was an extremely evil man. We must take severe action against the Taliban and people who maintain a soft spot for them. The ex ISI chief stretching his lungs for the biggest terrorist ever does not bode well. He shouldn't have made such a fool out of himself.
Well it is said that No one had proof that he is a terrorist!
It is high time we stopped listening to the ex-chiefs of 1980s- at his time there was neither Taliban nor Osama with Alqaeda! So why should the media ask a very old retired general? There are scores of retired generals in Pakistan. I think there have been more than seven ISI chiefs since he retired, why do the media not go and talk to others? The stories he tells are usually half cooked. What is in Hamid Gul except for some chatpata story/headline? Senseless media! Will ever our government put a full stop to this frenzy of media?
he wants to be in limelight .. may be he has political ambitions.. may be he wants a career in media..
Well i dont understand the problem here. Not only does he but half of the muslim world believes that Osama Bin Laden was not a terrorist.
And almost all of the muslim world were happy when Al-Qaeda carried out the attack on the World Trade Centre. Now I dont support Al-Qaeda they are nuts, but destroying the WTC was a class act. The next day when I attended my computer class, the teacher had made a power point presentation showing plane hitting the tower and everyone in my class was laughing.
It is the reality we may try to act all noble and all, but in truth most of the muslims were delighted.
And it really depends on one's thinking that a person in a terrorist.
Even George Washington was a terrorist for the British but was the First President of USA. Imagine an American telling that to a British at that time that George Washington was not a terrorist. How would he react?
Similarly, I dont consider any mujahideen fighting in Indian Occupied kashmir a terrorist,to me they are freedom fighters and all the respect to them. But to an Indian he is a terrorist.
Similarly, many muslims still believe Osama was not a terrorist. And our ex-Gen is one of them.
Now it is better to ignore the trolls from across the border then to reply to their one-liner cheap jokes.
Well i dont understand the problem here. Not only does he but half of the muslim world believes that Osama Bin Laden was not a terrorist.
And almost all of the muslim world were happy when Al-Qaeda carried out the attack on the World Trade Centre. Now I dont support Al-Qaeda they are nuts, but destroying the WTC was a class act. The next day when I attended my computer class, the teacher had made a power point presentation showing plane hitting the tower and everyone in my class was laughing.
It is the reality we may try to act all noble and all, but in truth most of the muslims were delighted.
And it really depends on one's thinking that a person in a terrorist.
Even George Washington was a terrorist for the British but was the First President of USA. Imagine an American telling that to a British at that time that George Washington was not a terrorist. How would he react?
Similarly, I dont consider any mujahideen fighting in Indian Occupied kashmir a terrorist,to me they are freedom fighters and all the respect to them. But to an Indian he is a terrorist.
Similarly, many muslims still believe Osama was not a terrorist. And our ex-Gen is one of them.
Now it is better to ignore the trolls from across the border then to reply to their one-liner cheap jokes.
thanks for being so forthcoming... its the tiny liberal elite who make the right noises but my guess is most muslims did feel elated when it happened. 10 years of terror attack on pakistan has not faded the feeling, apparently.
He should stay quiet, for Pakistan sake.

So what's it gonna be...

Conspiracy theories or some crude justification?

Take yer pick.

people like you are a tiny minority. There has always been silent support for obl in muslim world including pakistan. General's fault is telling the obvious.
my Indian friends please calm down
you give Hamid Gul far more importance than he deserves

you are giving so much importance to a cold war era guy who has gone to his slumber after his retirement and didnt wake up to the reality what his and CIA creation turned into.

I doubt if you will get this but I will say it just for record anyway.

this is same Hamid Gul who justifies attacks of taliban on Pakistan army and civilans and event he killings of his former colleagues. at one point Taliban were executing suspected ISI operatives on daily bases at the start of operations against them.

now the guy that justifies the attacks on pakistan army & ISI by the terrorists is a valid proof for you that terrorists have sympathisers among our forces?

beats me

I once got an infraction here for saying ISI supports terrorism.

I believe @Irfan Baloch was the mod

please accept my oppology on behalf of all the moderation team for giving you infraction for saying something on the basisi of Hamid Gul's statements

let me add here

RAW is an organisation setup to support green peace and the rights of the cross dressers.
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please accept my oppology on behalf of all the moderation team for giving you infraction for saying something on the basisi of Hamid Gul's statements

let me add here

RAW is an organisation setup to support green peace and the rights of the cross dressers.

Your sarcasm is as pathetic as your reasoning. The person who you are talking about is the former head of your "GREAt" ISI and might be your former boss. If you disparage him, you are disparaging your whole intelligence agency, and seeing that you work their yourself, probably disparaging yourself as well.

A few days ago a no one in the mumbai police said that 26/11 was staged by India itself, and all pakistanis started jumping up and down like circus monkeys, including some members of the staff. So when a nobody says some negative about india, it is believable enough, but when the head of the intelligence agency says the same, you discredit him.

Yes he must be an idiot, but seeing that he was capable enough to get one of the top jobs in Pakistan, I can only speculate about the ability of the rest of the pakistanis.
31 August 2013

‘Mullah Omar is Pak’s trump card, Nawaz can’t ignore K-issue’

Islamabad: Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden was not a terrorist, but a sensitive person who cared for the Muslim Umma and what was happening to them in the post-9/11 period, said Pakistan’s former Director-General of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Lt.Gen. (Retired) Hamid Gul.

In an interview given to Dunya News, Lt. Gen. Gul did not admit, but said that if the accusation by the U.S.that Pakistan, and specifically the ISI, had supported Osama bin Laden and his terror activities, which eventually resulted in the launching of the global war on terror in the last few months of 2001, then it is a feather in the ISI’s cap.

“If that was the case, it proves that the ISI is a successful organisation, and we do not see Osama bin Laden as a terrorist,” he said.

Gul also described Taliban leader Mullah Omar as Pakistan’s “trump card”.
“If we (Pakistan) did not have influence with the Afghan Taliban, do you think that the United States would be asking Pakistan to mediate with the Afghan Taliban for the post-2014 scenario. Instead, they would be talking to India, “ he said.

“I am repeatedly telling you that Pakistan is at an important stage in history and we need to use and play to our strengths. India is on the wrong side of geography and history,” he added.

Lt. Gen. Gul further said that fencing along the Line of Control (LoC) that separates Pakistan and India should be torn down immediately, and criticised Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on what he termed his pro-India stance and utterrances.

“Instead, Sharif is keeping quiet, while our (Pakistan) soldiers are being killed,” he said in apparent reference to the recent alleged ceasefire violations by India along the LoC.

He questioned the need for Sharif to say that Pakistan and India have the same culture.
“That is absolute rubbish. India worships the cow and we eat its meat,” he said while pointedly highlighting the differences between the two countries.

When told that Sharif has the mandate of the people of Pakistan to look for ways to establish and enhance peace with India, Lt. Gen. Gul outrightly rejected this by saying, “Who gave him (Nawaz Sharif) this mandate? This is a lie. Pakistan never voted Nawaz Sharif into office for him to put Kashmir on the backburner, and to promote ties with India”.

“He (Nawaz Sharif) cannot ignore the core issue of Kashmir. The Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) has a legitimate right to pick up arms against India. It is their freedom struggle,” he concluded.

Osama not a terrorist: Ex-ISI chief - Rising Kashmir

Haha,Legendary Trash talker.
"Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden was not a terrorist, but a sensitive person

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/strategic-geopolitical-issues/275143-osama-not-terrorist-ex-isi-chief.html#ixzz2diiMERX4"

Had to smile at the "sensitive" comment when its applied to a terrorist :cuckoo:
"Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden was not a terrorist, but a sensitive person

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/strategic-geopolitical-issues/275143-osama-not-terrorist-ex-isi-chief.html#ixzz2diiMERX4"

Had to smile at the "sensitive" comment when its applied to a terrorist :cuckoo:

the likes of Hamid Gul are a shame we have to live with and our Indian friends have full right to have a field day over such comments
but then again its so trivial. we got trains being renamed under the terrorist names, the multiple murderers walking out smiling with flowers being showered on them and our former COAS facing case after case of "murder" charges for conducting operations against the terrorists.

but there is something else I have to point out to the banana party here as well.
had he said the same thing back in 1983 or 1984 then it wont have looked that odd, since the organisation Al Qaeda was named and even funded by CIA and their ISI colleagues always sat together in Islamabad and Peshawar discussing how to fund those former "mojahideen" against the Soviet heretics.

in the end I must say. thank God that this "sensitive" man is no longer with us, his sensitivity has harmed Muslims far more than the "evil" crusaders, he was claiming to fight.
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