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Girls outshine boys again

I like the girls with nerdie looks , rememeber how we most had our first crush on that girl who use to come first in class.
and for strange reason she was good looking too , back then..
I like the girls with nerdie looks , rememeber how we most had our first crush on that girl who use to come first in class.
and for strange reason she was good looking too , back then..

:lol: no actually i never looked at woman's grade b4 i developed a crush :enjoy:
I would not be so sure that women are incapable of understanding practical stuff.
IT sector in India had about 30% women in 2005 and it is increasing (Ratio of women in IT industry rising steadily) . In voice support (call centers) it is above 50%. Considering that these two sectors are the big drivers of "New Indian Economy", I would say that they do have a real role to play and are bringing home the bacon (or aloo parathas) for India.
Or if you take Kerala, a state of India which is 100% literate and more or less liberal, there are more women graduates than men.
I would say that it is a reflection of the social system and a reflection of different expectations on men & women that cause this disparity. In India it is considered OK for a 22 year old man to hang around for a while without jobs, drinking and partying. On the other hand a woman is either married off or is expected to study. Obviously women want the same success in life as men and so they study.

The societal/cultural attitudes in Pakistan are pretty much the same. Know of a super smart girl who got into Oxford but was married off by her parents within a year of her A levels and the next year her brother got into some shitty UK uni for some random course, they packed him off there :disagree:
Girls in Pakistan mostly opt for mass communications, business studies and medicine rather than IT. There is a massive tilt in these sectors. But the most saddening bit is that women are not allowed to work. There are many educated guys who won't allow their sisters/wives/female kin to work --- still consider it beneath them.
Lastly, girls aren't inherently any smarter than boys --- just way more focussed.

To all the members This thread must brought back on line. No more romance, Why Why, sexual fraustration, etc.....:agree:
The thread master has spoken!!!
Nerdie Possibility is a cultural figure of the nerd by analyzing images of nerds in movies, news articles materials, and in schools. This analysis shows that the previously liminal feminin identity of the nerd gets rehabilitated and partially incorporated into hegemonic feminin. In the process, the nerd becomes implicated in a variety of discourses about race and class as well as feminin. Discussions of nerds at work perpetuate stereotypes about computer users. The changing and contested meaning of the term nerd allows for both progressive uses and those which protect the status quo of hegemonic feminin. All of these discursive uses of the nerd identity suggest that our use of computers is deeply connected to identity issues regarding race, class and gender.
What it boils down to is you let her hair down, put on some make-up, and get her to dress nicely. You get yourself Nerdie possibility!!!:D

Thread master, you send out a warning against romance, why, why, sexual frustration and then you come up with this masterpiece (Zob agreed with you on that one), that's not right. isn't the thread about equal opportunities? :azn:

I like the girls with nerdie looks , rememeber how we most had our first crush on that girl who use to come first in class.
and for strange reason she was good looking too , back then..
First the docs make you want to be bedridden, then you like girls with nerdie looks... what's with the report card fetish here? ;)
Lastly, girls aren't inherently any smarter than boys --- just way more focussed.
I don't know about that guys seem to have unreal focusing abilities when they're alone with a girl.. ;)
And yet you have to remind them a thousand times to take out the trash !! :tsk:
Girls in Pakistan mostly opt for mass communications, business studies and medicine rather than IT. There is a massive tilt in these sectors. But the most saddening bit is that women are not allowed to work. There are many educated guys who won't allow their sisters/wives/female kin to work --- still consider it beneath them.
Lastly, girls aren't inherently any smarter than boys --- just way more focussed.

Any idea why there is a focus on Business mgmt / Mass communication in Pakistan ?

I could dig up some studies, but this is what my perspective has been from talking to people around me.
In India IT is considered a safe career because of physical safety (most work is done in the office) and the fact that it is booming and hence high paying. Another similar career track that women take in India (maybe due to social pressures ) is Human resources - again a nice 9-5 job that pays well. Almost all MBA girls I know seem to love HR jobs.Mass communication is popular amongst woman.

But MBA has a really skewed sex ratio in India ( just like US). Everyone seems to think that a women with kids cannot take a stressful business job with work hours other than 9-5.

A relative of mine recently got married. She had a masters degree but had no plans to work - she wanted to travel with her husband who was a consultant. She was really shocked in the first week at her in-laws place when her mother in-law asked her to find a job and to open a separate bank account for her savings (her mother in law herself was working as an accountant, even though in her 60s). Nicest personal experience I have had about changing social views.
I don't know about that guys seem to have unreal focusing abilities when they're alone with a girl.. ;)
And yet you have to remind them a thousand times to take out the trash !! :tsk:

Things are very different over here in many parts of South Asia compared to Texas. India is improving, but it is no where near Texas.

A texan might say,

Jim Morris, I'm a Texas woman, which means I don't need the help of a man to keep things running. The Rookie (2002/I) - Memorable quotes

But very few South Asian women get to say that - unless of course their husbands move off to Middle East to find work. But even then they only get to run the home, not find work.
But MBA has a really skewed sex ratio in India ( just like US). Everyone seems to think that a women with kids cannot take a stressful business job with work hours other than 9-5.

Who is everyone :angry:? Certainly not anyone I know, you really outta reconsider your social circle.
Any firm that does this here in the US is heading toward chapter 11 via the nearest court house. And that’s how it needs to be everywhere.
Who is everyone :angry:? Certainly not anyone I know, you really outta reconsider your social circle.
Any firm that does this here in the US is heading toward chapter 11 via the nearest court house. And that’s how it needs to be everywhere.

Well, let us see. On an average the percentage of women in B-Schools in US is only 30%. In top 10 schools it is actually lower. This is despite the fact that Med-Schools or Law-schools have a near 50-50 split of men-women.

One of the explanations given was that B-school coincides with the time women decide to have kids. (Average MBA student is about 27-28 years old). This is unlike a med-school or Law-school where the joining age is lower (even if they graduate in their 30s). So there might be an intrinsic pressure to get a nice 9-5 job where they can get back to their kids.

The Executive MBA Council

Do you have another explanation for women not getting into B-schools ? Are we to assume that women are too "soft" for the hard world of business or they are not business savvy ? I would think not!!
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Do you have another explanation for women not getting into B-schools ? Are we to assume that women are too "soft" for the hard world of business or they are not business savvy ? I would think not!!

yes, and your article gives a very clear answer to your question:

“Medicine and law have an accepted and clear career track, and a professional qualification is the only way to get onto it,” says Linden Selby, senior admissions manager for Sloan and Executive MBA Programs at the London Business School. “Women can see that if they work hard and have aptitude, they have a fair chance of getting where they want to be.”

In the business world, one needs to strive harder for the rewards, and it is not a straight path towards ones goals. Majority of women wants a well predictable life, where there planning 10 to 20 years ahead. That is why you see less women approaching the business line.
Majority of women wants a well predictable life, where there planning 10 to 20 years ahead. That is why you see less women approaching the business line.

The explanation in the article is pretty much BS. If MBA does not offer a career track, why do men choose it ? I can't see why women would want a predictable life and men don't - at least in the US. The only difference I can see are the biological differences (kids) and the social pressures/personal views regarding it.

I refuse to believe that there is anything else in woman that makes them intrinsically more risk averse. I can understand that under social pressure or due to constraints they may appear to be risk-averse, but i don't think that is in anyway inborn.
And other reasons why I think the reasons cited in the article are wrong.

1) They say women hate the aggressive culture in B-School or think business goes against work-life balance -- I have a counter-example to this. Indian Investment banks are all headed by women. And I-Banks are the most aggressive, free-time-killing, network oriented jobs there are. If subcontinental women can top that sector, what stops americans?

2) they say women are not confident of their math skills - Again, Indian women are employed in IT sector in India, while it is not true in the US.

I would say that the only difference is the age - Indian Financiers tend to start earlier than the American average of 28.
First the docs make you want to be bedridden, then you like girls with nerdie looks... what's with the report card fetish here? ;)

Well you know doc. gurls are hot becuase may because of their profession they have a upper hand to you. when you visit them :D

they are good looking with their glasses on and in their white coat with stethoscope and those cat eye looks. And they are intelligent too. And they are romantic and not as fussy about most stuff.
lol i dont know of report card fetish , i had my forst gf who was the top student in my class back then and treand carried on ... lol so it helps in havin a good looking gurl on your side makin other guys jeolous and same time you can improve your grades too and let yoru parents be happy too ;)
I don't know about that guys seem to have unreal focusing abilities when they're alone with a girl.. ;)
And yet you have to remind them a thousand times to take out the trash !! :tsk:

They are focussing on everything the girl isn't and of course serves their purpose :lol:

Well you know doc. gurls are hot becuase may because of their profession they have a upper hand to you. when you visit them :D they are good looking with their glasses on and in their white coat with stethoscope and those cat eye looks. And they are intelligent too. And they are romantic and not as fussy about most stuff. ---- lol i dont know of report card fetish , i had my forst gf who was the top student in my class back then and treand carried on ... lol so it helps in havin a good looking gurl on your side makin other guys jeolous and same time you can improve your grades too and let yoru parents be happy too ;)

And you have spoken like a true nerd gone cool over the years! :lol;
So you had doc dates as well? :azn:

By the way you forgot the shorties :lol:

And other reasons why I think the reasons cited in the article are wrong.

1) They say women hate the aggressive culture in B-School or think business goes against work-life balance -- I have a counter-example to this. Indian Investment banks are all headed by women. And I-Banks are the most aggressive, free-time-killing, network oriented jobs there are. If subcontinental women can top that sector, what stops americans?

2) they say women are not confident of their math skills - Again, Indian women are employed in IT sector in India, while it is not true in the US.

I would say that the only difference is the age - Indian Financiers tend to start earlier than the American average of 28.

The explanation in the article is pretty much BS. If MBA does not offer a career track, why do men choose it ? I can't see why women would want a predictable life and men don't - at least in the US. The only difference I can see are the biological differences (kids) and the social pressures/personal views regarding it.

I refuse to believe that there is anything else in woman that makes them intrinsically more risk averse. I can understand that under social pressure or due to constraints they may appear to be risk-averse, but i don't think that is in anyway inborn.

yes, and your article gives a very clear answer to your question:
In the business world, one needs to strive harder for the rewards, and it is not a straight path towards ones goals. Majority of women wants a well predictable life, where there planning 10 to 20 years ahead. That is why you see less women approaching the business line.

I'll agree and disagree with you two. A lot of girls chose competitive professions to study, do well as well but then opt for the "easy life". they once did a survey in a local medical college and found that 75 per cent of its female graduates after five years of graduation were no longer practising. Put this into perspective that more than 80 per cent of medical students are females and you know where the profession is headed. But then that's just one.

Point is women will avoid taking on careers that require hours, because the men want them to focus on the family or at other times they are just too lazy. It can be termed inherent to not take risk or probably pragmatic by the women themselves. It depends.
wait what? we're done discussing sexual frustration?cause I still think that's the root cause here guys. :D

(derailment ends here, sorry!)
Point is women will avoid taking on careers that require hours, because the men want them to focus on the family or at other times they are just too lazy. It can be termed inherent to not take risk or probably pragmatic by the women themselves.

well it depends on the type of woman some are fiercely independant and will prioritize their carrer more than anything else....and no i haven't come across a woman that is lazy....its just that in our society women have been given more tasks that lead them into opting for an easier carrer to balance their lives....

however,having said that the problem is for example when a woman wants to become a doctor and then not practise she is taking away someones seat who wishes to become a doctor and practise.....
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